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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Hell yeah!! Grow baby grow!! Keep us updated on your grow!!!

All the guy growers I know are the nicest and most genuine people I've ever met. Then there's the douches at pot clubs that talk over me or try to be weird. Oh lol or the silly sales people at certain grow stores that objectify or "lil lady" us. I like being respected. Needs to be more respect for each other in any industry.

I've seen plants girls grow. VERY nice, pretty, healthy! And then there's the plants old people grow... y'all don't think they waste all their time on those prize roses, do ya? LOL

It's all about empathy and attention to detail.


Well-known member
lol 6 ounces with a 1000

Yep and it was light as a feather! lol!! Iam sure i can do better, He use to buy all kind of books and would not read them, so i did but of course he knew more about growing than i did!! lol but he was just an ass, so i have grown several plants they all turned out nice, fat and heavy! growing 8 plants with very basic equipment over about 2 years makes me far from an expert but i'm fed up with getting ripped off and i need my meds! I was in a car wreck 6 years ago in San Diego so ive had a MED card while there for 4 years! The pain meds i have to take are destroying my liver!But i am very lucky to have the ability to walk! I moved here 2 years ago and have had to take my meds or get totally ripped off, most of you would be shocked at the ways people have screwed me over! In two years i haven't gotten what I have paid for one way or another not one time! It would either be light at a premium price or total crap full of seeds and stems! I wish i could move back to a med state but thats in no way feasible for the next several years! I know I know! But i simply refuse to make a choice between walking and destroying my liver! I shouldn't have to make that decision!


Pleasantly dissociated
yup aspen, thats why i started growing, tired of getting ripped off for inferior weed . ya dont need books to grow wed, i had all the books and they didnt help . my weed got way better when i went organic soil and left the plants alone and let them starve to right before death. i like the plants to start eating the leaves . trick i learned on tomatoes first, the scraggly old half dead looking plants made superior tomatos , tried it on weed and POW , genius


Well-known member
yup aspen, thats why i started growing, tired of getting ripped off for inferior weed . ya dont need books to grow wed, i had all the books and they didnt help . my weed got way better when i went organic soil and left the plants alone and let them starve to right before death. i like the plants to start eating the leaves . trick i learned on tomatoes first, the scraggly old half dead looking plants made superior tomatos , tried it on weed and POW , genius

Ill be sure to try that! Thanks shawkmon! I just need to get started already! I have just about everything i need but still debating with myself over genetics..... It's worse than picking the perfect pair of shoes!!!:huggg:


Active member
. my weed got way better when i went organic soil and left the plants alone and let them starve to right before death. i like the plants to start eating the leaves

I don't mean to hijack, you ladies rock. I'll shut my big ole yap after this. But I just wanted to emphasize, this has been my experience too. This is one of the biggest differences between home versus commercial growers I think. We all tend to overfeed. But my stressed plants have produced the best weed and biggest harvests. Sometimes it has been best just to let the plant work out its own problems and solutions rather than "over-love" it and try to fix every little thing.

Sometimes it is very hard to sit there and just watch. Kinda like being a parent, you want to help. But it has proven the best course of action (inaction), for me, more than once.

And I also don't buy in to most of what a lot of the what books say is best either. Big things yes, problem solving no.


Well-known member
I don't mean to hijack, you ladies rock. I'll shut my big ole yap after this. But I just wanted to emphasize, this has been my experience too. This is one of the biggest differences between home versus commercial growers I think. We all tend to overfeed. But my stressed plants have produced the best weed and biggest harvests. Sometimes it has been best just to let the plant work out its own problems and solutions rather than "over-love" it and try to fix every little thing.

Sometimes it is very hard to sit there and just watch. Kinda like being a parent, you want to help. But it has proven the best course of action (inaction), for me, more than once.

And I also don't buy in to most of what a lot of the what books say is best either. Big things yes, problem solving no.
Well one post is hardly Hijacking the thread (The Dude) lol love that movie just watch out because i got a Beverage over here Man!:laughing:


Well-known member
LOL. Thanks to all. Oh, yeah definitely a scaffolding for me, I am clumsy anyways. Whoop, closed loop patent filed with upgrades, ready to rock them out here. Uh, guess I gotta get with the admins on advertising huh?

Metal shops asking me questions when I call looking for the metal needs of the clsoed loop.

FKing spider mites hit my entire garden off of a co2 tank exchange. damn steaming MAD that I have to deal with someone's garden std's in my once clean grow, no problems for 3-4 years, now gd spider mites hit me again, an no taking in clones etc, just to be safe, and still got hit hard!!

And with the exceptionally lovely special watermelon hashplant x ak-47 #3 I am so crazy about and in love with that was ready to have several hundred clones taken off of her to pass around to my local family here as a killer short flowering time mostly sativa hybrid of exceptional sweetness, bud sites, plant structure, bushiness, hardiness, faster to start flowering, bigger yielding etc etc, all the things I tend to look for in a keeper. Banging my head against the wall...

So going to do the cold pressed neem oil drench and foliarlar spraying thing to get things under control. I can't spell for crap atm. But that is nothing new to ya'll. Been sick as a dog, busy, and trying to take care of everything.. I need additional helping hands. Too much for just me and a little of DM to help with. I have picts, but they're trapped on my tablet which I can't figure out how to dis-embed the personal info from the images... help?

Going to pick up some more ballasts and hoods/bulbs and a tent or 2 to rock out a high cbd harlequin clone grow and extract those with my closed loop and get it tested at steep hill labs which just opened here in CO, and donate the extract high cbd errl to the cannabis refugees that are on the waiting list for charlotte's web extracts. It's not an instant process, have to frickin' grow them and flower them first, so it'll be a few months before I can do this, but another member on icmag has a high cbd low thc harlequin cut he's willing to donate to me to grow out and donate... which is kinda what I do in general, not in this for the money, but the passion, and it helps me and that's a lot... it's a lot of work and sacrifice, but if we are good stewards to cannabis she will be good back to us.

Trying to dial in the hemp-fu making technique form raw shelled hemp seeds vs sprouted seeds from strains I'm breeding that I don't want to continue with, or that aren't as nice dark brown as I want them to be for growing/giving/etc... afraid my old ninja kitchen blender is about to give out on me, and don't have the finds for one of them vitamix blender things, much less a kitchen aid mixer and an air compressor cooled gelato machine as I have definitely mastered making medicated gelato, and well, I need to find my "fat" clothes that I put away a few years ago soon... holiday over indulgence and all are the culprits. Yep. I didn't even enter the holiday edibles contest, even though I meant to... time being my enemy atm.

I made some torrone and bacon caramel and black hawaiian lava salted caramels, lots of gelato, cheesecakes with fresh raspberry coulis, gluten free oreo cookies, truffles, chocolate ganache steamed puddings/custards... it's no wonder I gained a bit of weight back on. With going gluten free due to being diagnosed celiac has been a challenge, but worth it in how much time I no longer spend hospitalized throwing up.

I feel so stupid, I had to come to icmag to look up my own hard candy recipe to amke it recently over the holidays, when I wanted to make medicated peppermint bark... but I fudged up tempering the white chocolate, so I ended up chopping it all p into bits and adding it to black chocolate sorbet and vanilla bean custard ice cream to medicate them to of course, give out, along with medicated bacon caramel ice cream... DM says yeah, he has such a hard life with having to choose to have one or multiple desserts and a big array of pretty awesome food at any given time to munch on. I have been exceptionally busy in the kitchen lately.. but now to get exceptionally busy with killing these damn mites. And I just popped a tray of seeds too, damn damn. I'm going to wait to pop more tangerine power and blue heron seeds (sin city and dynasty respectfully) until the mites are not an issue any longer.

DM is going to freak out when I erect one or two tents in "his" garage so things are on a separate air supply etc, and I get my equipment new from the store, but like with the hijackers on the co2 tank, what can you do? I mentioned it to the store I get my stuff from as they are part of my "family" and give me the homegirl hook up on house and garden which they don't even carry, but get it because it's what I like to use, so I can't really complain about anything except now fking spider mites.

And my constant needing more equipment and trips to the grow store (thankfully also very close by), along with my bizarre amazon ordering behavior, sucking up to the ups and usps peeps is in my best interest, when dealing with stuff left out in the snow. Crap, need more active carbon, DM used all the stuff I had gotten in when I told him not to use it for his purposes, to let me order a whole separate kind for that, not the cosmetic active carbon...which is more costly (for what I ordered anyways, as there's aquarium active carbon for what he was going to use it for, but used mine instead. Only a $20 a lb price difference..

Meyer lemons and blood oranges are in season so I picked some up to make some goodies with. Need to get my booty moving instead of being on the internet, them spider mites ain't gonna kill themselves. Die spider mites die!!

well Double Kindness my:tiphat: hat is off for you i made some Hard candy Jewels last night because i couldn't sleep I had to medicate and got bored to death! hehe So I had 4 grams of nice amber shatter but i only used .6 and wow!!!! Its been a while since i had medicated candy and i must admit that i made them, well a little strong so i ended up missing work today!! I ended up dusting them with powdered sugar to keep them from sticking together so this is what my Watermelon Bars look like! ok I was going to upload a picture but it wont let me upload!


  • Watermellon.jpg
    39.7 KB · Views: 89


My favorite meds to make are candy. In fact I should make some tonight!!! Bho candy here I come!


Well-known member
My favorite meds to make are candy. In fact I should make some tonight!!! Bho candy here I come!
I know right! totally awesome watermelon bars! I never thought about making hard candy but i had everything on hand so why not? Well now i love them and i can eat them anywhere. And mine are very potent! hehehe...


Well-known member
Hey Maya do you make your own Bho i haven't tried making Bho yet but i already have all the necessary equipment but for some season just haven't ran any yet, if you do run your own do ya have any tips for a rookie?


Well-known member
Ok Girls i have placed an order from Attitude Seeds and one from Original Sensible Seeds From the Attitude Ill have (G13 Labs Pineapple Express) & (Humboldt Seed Organization Lost Coast Hashplant) , i caught the birthday deal so ill also get 20 free seeds and from OSSC ill be getting the (Black Destroyer) & (Chronic Lights) and about 5 free seeds! Ill be running the Black Destroyer and the Chronic Lights First.... Wish Me luck


Well-known member
hey girl hey! looking good on the seeds!!

Thanks Maya i thought you skipped out glad you stopped by look at my journal (Original Sensible's New Range of Cannabis Seeds) I'am about to get started Ill be cracking some seeds in a week or so when i get set up! I am working on it and i can PM now so we can chat in private!