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Strains that don't smell like weed

Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
thank you! I´m gonna make a note of all this :) It says on their website that killer a5 haze is trippy. Can you (or anybody else) confirm this. Because I don´t actually want to go on a trip to be honest.
PS Is the yield really as high as they claim?

I didn't find Killer A5 Haze to be super trippy, personally. Some people clearly do. Malawi and Golden Tiger were much more trippy and confronting for me. I found KA5H very strong but quite kind. I wouldn't say it is a low scent strain but the aroma is unusual enough that it might not be perceived as a weed smell.

The yields really are enormous.

What sort of effects are you after and what strains have given you those effects in the past?


Well-known member
I had a neighbor at the front door last night and as he was leaving he asked if i just washed my floors...i said no and he said he smelled lemon and assumed....i told him it was a fabric softener...
So i guess i passed the doesnt smell like weed test.


Active member
I google search came up with a number of recommended strains which are meant to be low or very low odour.
I´ve been considering Frisian Duck lately. It certainly doesn´t look that much like weed but the main reason I may try it out is because it´s suppose to be very low odour.

I´m also looking at non-weed plants to help mask the weed smell a little. There´s a few plants which have strong scents :)

I grew Frisian Duck many years ago. It had a very light smell, not overwhelming at all. However the potency is very low and the yield was on the low side.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
If you don't want it to smell like dank weed just grow it with high heat and humidity like the kids do these days. That results in smell-less, flavorless, low potency herbs.


Well-known member
I didn't find Killer A5 Haze to be super trippy, personally. Some people clearly do. Malawi and Golden Tiger were much more trippy and confronting for me. I found KA5H very strong but quite kind. I wouldn't say it is a low scent strain but the aroma is unusual enough that it might not be perceived as a weed smell.

The yields really are enormous.

What sort of effects are you after and what strains have given you those effects in the past?
sounds like a great strain if you´re also growing for others or making oil exctracts or butter :)

I like a daytime smoke which is calming, anti- anxiety and / or energizing and uplifting. I need to function, work and get things done - no just laying about doing bugger all. I can do that without weed too,lol.

At night time I need something which relaxes me, my mind and my muscles ( I´m always having some sort of pains) and helps me to go to sleep.

My first whhere i knew what I was buying ever was orange bud and believe it or not OB as well as skunk helped me go to sleep.
Although I may have gotten hold of too much skunk once and started giggling but that was fun ;)

I´m not a big time toker and a little goes a long way for me. I never smoke neat, it´s spliffs only for. A short one is or sould be sufficient for me when I´m alone.


Well-known member
LOL, but the grow will reek to high heavens.
well, this is why so many of us growers look for strains which are low odour innit?
I don´t care too much if the neighbours can get a whiff of weed being smoked occasionaly. You can keep the windows closed, open them all to get it out of the flat again etc.
But when they know that you´re growing - well this is a different story entirely.

Besides, even legal growers are asked (by law even) to reduce the smell of growing cannabis, right? So even if I were legal, I don´t want to bother anyone.
This btw, is why I´m checking out nice smelling flowers to keep in my flat and balcony ;)


Well-known member
I grew Frisian Duck many years ago. It had a very light smell, not overwhelming at all. However the potency is very low and the yield was on the low side.
thanks, do you agree or disagree with DPs description of the strain? Obviously not the yield, lol, but what about growing her and the smoke effect .

I copied and pasted it in case others are also interested:

Product info​

Why should I get Frisian Duck feminised cannabis seeds?​

  • Stealthy variety that is ideal for growing in populated areas

  • Very tough and easy to grow, ideal for greenhouse and outdoor growing

  • Grows like a Christmas tree with large flowers and a huge yield

  • Beautiful purple flowers with a spicy, piney and fruity aroma

Frisian Duck has a subtle yet spicy aroma and flavour profile​

Frisian Duck is a hybrid cannabis strain that is bred for its distinctive leaf shape which looks like a ducks footprint. She grows without being recognisable as cannabis for much of her life. Her compact buds have quite a subtle spicy aroma with hints of fresh forest, pine and citrus. The aroma isn’t that pungent, helping her to maintain a low smell profile even when the big purple flowers have matured and dominated its looks.

What does Frisian Duck taste like?​

Frisian Duck has a slightly fruity, piney taste that can have hints of berries and fresh forest. Some phenotypes express a more citrus dominated flavour profile. Being slightly citrus and piney, her aroma profile definitely wakes you up! Perfect for a morning or daytime smoke.

Frisian Duck is an outdoor champion​

Frisian Duck has purple buds with a hybrid bud structure which leans slightly to the Sativa side. She can be prone to foxtailing, making her buds a bit more open yet very resistant to prolonged periods of bad outdoor weather.

Being the product of a hybridisation of Ducksfoot x Frisian Dew, Frisian Duck has the potential to yield quite heavily. Her Frisian Dew parent genetics ensures healthy and strong offspring which are tough enough to take a punch or two. Besides thriving in an outdoor environment, Frisian Duck will also do well indoors. She stays fairly compact and doesn’t need much height management in order to yield well. Note that her purple tones can be a little less vivid indoors, compared to outdoor grown bud.

A top-choice for the outdoor urban home grower​

Frisian Duck grows with unusually shaped leaves making it difficult to identify as traditional cannabis but making it ideal for outdoor and greenhouse growing in populated areas. The ‘Duck’ name refers to the distinctive leaf shape which looks like a duck’s footprint, especially during the first two-thirds of her life. During bloom, some upper leaves may show the more traditional cannabis shape.
What was first seen as a freaky cannabis plant about 5 years ago has now become a household name and bestseller in the Dutch Passion seed collection. The special stealthy looks make this plant a great choice for the urban outdoor cannabis grower. It is a unique cannabis plant in disguise. She is also tough and easy to grow, perfect for less experienced growers.
Frisian Duck is ready to harvest after around 8-9 weeks of bloom indoors. Outdoors she can reach maximum heights of 2-3m and is harvested around the start/middle of Autumn.
The genetics used to create Frisian Duck ensure the following characteristics:
  • A reliable stealthy variety. Easy to grow and suitable for all growing conditions
  • A Christmas-tree style plant with strong stems and huge yields
  • Purple buds with an amazing fresh, fruity and spicy aroma
  • Frisian Duck is a true outdoor champion, highly suited for outdoor and greenhouse growing even at more northern and southern latitudes where other varieties would struggle to survive.

Frisian Duck effects​

Frisian Duck produces fresh, piney and fruity/citrus leaning, tasty buds. The effects of the purple sativa flowers are quite mellow and uplifting. This variety is not the most intense and suits the grower who doesn't want the strongest psycho active experience. She gives the user a pleasurably smooth and well-balanced high, during which they will still be able to function and take care of things. Outdoor activities will become more enjoyable after smoking Frisian Duck. The high is of medium strength and duration.

The growth and flowering time of Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck doesn’t stretch or grow as tall as more Sativa dominant varieties. She is a medium to large sized plant which will almost double in size during bloom. Indoors she is quite easily controlled. Outdoors she can become a real monster, often growing into a huge Christmas tree shaped cannabis plant. Indoors, a veg period of 4-6 weeks would be sufficient to get large yielding plants.

Growing her indoors in a SOG set-up is possible and recommended for higher yields. Although she can thrive indoors, we recommend growing her outdoors as the real power lies in her outdoor potential. She really flourishes in any outdoor grow and is the perfect fit for the outdoor grower looking for a stable cannabis variety which is able to cope with long periods of bad weather.
There is no need to train or crop the plants. She grows easily into a big Christmas-tree with tough stems that can hold quite some weight. The flowering time is about 8-9 weeks. In combination with the recommended veg phase it will take around 12-15 weeks from seed to harvest.

The yield of Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck produces XXL harvests of amazing purple flowers; between 400 and 500 grams per m2 is possible. The plant will carry heavy buds that will smell like you stepped into a fresh forest!

Our expert advice​

Frisian Duck is the go-to variety if you are looking for a strain that will blend in well with your outdoor garden plot or guerrilla spot. This is the stealthiest cannabis cup winning variety available anywhere in the world. If you need an outdoor cannabis strain that camouflages itself then Frisian Duck is the strain for you.

For the bulk of her life, Frisian Duck is difficult to identify as cannabis. Without the distinctive cannabis leaf shape people simply walk right past without giving her a second glance. This stealthy self-hiding cannabis strain is the product of many years of careful breeding and has been optimised for growing in tough northern European outdoor conditions.

Because the unusual leaf shape doesn't attract second glances you can consider grow locations which you may not have considered before. Perhaps you could hide a plant in the corner of your garden or a polytunnel?

Experienced guerrilla growers find that Frisian Duck blends into the background vegetation very easily. Grow this variety outdoors with a few bushes and nettles around her and watch the unique Frisian Duck genetics do a remarkable job of natural self-camouflage. She is only really identifiable as cannabis just before harvest when the buds are ready.
There is no need to tuck or pluck the leaves on Frisian Duck. The growth pattern is perfect for natural growing. If you want a bushier plant, we recommend topping her once. When growing her outdoors be sure to give her sufficient soil and space since she can grow into a real monster in good quality outdoor conditions.
Greenhouse growers also need to give her enough space to grow because she can really thrive in such an environment. It’s not uncommon to see greenhouse grown Frisian Ducks reach 3m tall, and just as wide.

More info about Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck is one of the most unusual feminized cannabis varieties available today. It’s the only cannabis cup winning, stealth cannabis strain which is ideally suited to outdoor cultivation in tough northern European conditions.

Frisian Duck grows with a stabilised natural leaf deformity. This produces a natural ‘webbing’ between the individual leaflet ‘fingers’ on the cannabis leaves. This makes her difficult to recognise as cannabis. Most people expect to see the normal leaf shape and wouldn’t give her a second look. The unusual leaf shape, especially during early growth, delivers natural cannabis camouflage which the outdoor grower can use to great advantage.

Besides being a stealthy variety for any outdoor cannabis grower Frisian Duck is a tough and durable outdoor cannabis strain which can give abundant yields to both beginner and expert growers.



Well-known member
thanks, do you agree or disagree with DPs description of the strain? Obviously not the yield, lol, but what about growing her and the smoke effect .

I copied and pasted it in case others are also interested:

Product info​

Why should I get Frisian Duck feminised cannabis seeds?​

  • Stealthy variety that is ideal for growing in populated areas

  • Very tough and easy to grow, ideal for greenhouse and outdoor growing

  • Grows like a Christmas tree with large flowers and a huge yield

  • Beautiful purple flowers with a spicy, piney and fruity aroma

Frisian Duck has a subtle yet spicy aroma and flavour profile​

Frisian Duck is a hybrid cannabis strain that is bred for its distinctive leaf shape which looks like a ducks footprint. She grows without being recognisable as cannabis for much of her life. Her compact buds have quite a subtle spicy aroma with hints of fresh forest, pine and citrus. The aroma isn’t that pungent, helping her to maintain a low smell profile even when the big purple flowers have matured and dominated its looks.

What does Frisian Duck taste like?​

Frisian Duck has a slightly fruity, piney taste that can have hints of berries and fresh forest. Some phenotypes express a more citrus dominated flavour profile. Being slightly citrus and piney, her aroma profile definitely wakes you up! Perfect for a morning or daytime smoke.

Frisian Duck is an outdoor champion​

Frisian Duck has purple buds with a hybrid bud structure which leans slightly to the Sativa side. She can be prone to foxtailing, making her buds a bit more open yet very resistant to prolonged periods of bad outdoor weather.

Being the product of a hybridisation of Ducksfoot x Frisian Dew, Frisian Duck has the potential to yield quite heavily. Her Frisian Dew parent genetics ensures healthy and strong offspring which are tough enough to take a punch or two. Besides thriving in an outdoor environment, Frisian Duck will also do well indoors. She stays fairly compact and doesn’t need much height management in order to yield well. Note that her purple tones can be a little less vivid indoors, compared to outdoor grown bud.

A top-choice for the outdoor urban home grower​

Frisian Duck grows with unusually shaped leaves making it difficult to identify as traditional cannabis but making it ideal for outdoor and greenhouse growing in populated areas. The ‘Duck’ name refers to the distinctive leaf shape which looks like a duck’s footprint, especially during the first two-thirds of her life. During bloom, some upper leaves may show the more traditional cannabis shape.
What was first seen as a freaky cannabis plant about 5 years ago has now become a household name and bestseller in the Dutch Passion seed collection. The special stealthy looks make this plant a great choice for the urban outdoor cannabis grower. It is a unique cannabis plant in disguise. She is also tough and easy to grow, perfect for less experienced growers.
Frisian Duck is ready to harvest after around 8-9 weeks of bloom indoors. Outdoors she can reach maximum heights of 2-3m and is harvested around the start/middle of Autumn.
The genetics used to create Frisian Duck ensure the following characteristics:
  • A reliable stealthy variety. Easy to grow and suitable for all growing conditions
  • A Christmas-tree style plant with strong stems and huge yields
  • Purple buds with an amazing fresh, fruity and spicy aroma
  • Frisian Duck is a true outdoor champion, highly suited for outdoor and greenhouse growing even at more northern and southern latitudes where other varieties would struggle to survive.

Frisian Duck effects​

Frisian Duck produces fresh, piney and fruity/citrus leaning, tasty buds. The effects of the purple sativa flowers are quite mellow and uplifting. This variety is not the most intense and suits the grower who doesn't want the strongest psycho active experience. She gives the user a pleasurably smooth and well-balanced high, during which they will still be able to function and take care of things. Outdoor activities will become more enjoyable after smoking Frisian Duck. The high is of medium strength and duration.

The growth and flowering time of Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck doesn’t stretch or grow as tall as more Sativa dominant varieties. She is a medium to large sized plant which will almost double in size during bloom. Indoors she is quite easily controlled. Outdoors she can become a real monster, often growing into a huge Christmas tree shaped cannabis plant. Indoors, a veg period of 4-6 weeks would be sufficient to get large yielding plants.

Growing her indoors in a SOG set-up is possible and recommended for higher yields. Although she can thrive indoors, we recommend growing her outdoors as the real power lies in her outdoor potential. She really flourishes in any outdoor grow and is the perfect fit for the outdoor grower looking for a stable cannabis variety which is able to cope with long periods of bad weather.
There is no need to train or crop the plants. She grows easily into a big Christmas-tree with tough stems that can hold quite some weight. The flowering time is about 8-9 weeks. In combination with the recommended veg phase it will take around 12-15 weeks from seed to harvest.

The yield of Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck produces XXL harvests of amazing purple flowers; between 400 and 500 grams per m2 is possible. The plant will carry heavy buds that will smell like you stepped into a fresh forest!

Our expert advice​

Frisian Duck is the go-to variety if you are looking for a strain that will blend in well with your outdoor garden plot or guerrilla spot. This is the stealthiest cannabis cup winning variety available anywhere in the world. If you need an outdoor cannabis strain that camouflages itself then Frisian Duck is the strain for you.

For the bulk of her life, Frisian Duck is difficult to identify as cannabis. Without the distinctive cannabis leaf shape people simply walk right past without giving her a second glance. This stealthy self-hiding cannabis strain is the product of many years of careful breeding and has been optimised for growing in tough northern European outdoor conditions.

Because the unusual leaf shape doesn't attract second glances you can consider grow locations which you may not have considered before. Perhaps you could hide a plant in the corner of your garden or a polytunnel?

Experienced guerrilla growers find that Frisian Duck blends into the background vegetation very easily. Grow this variety outdoors with a few bushes and nettles around her and watch the unique Frisian Duck genetics do a remarkable job of natural self-camouflage. She is only really identifiable as cannabis just before harvest when the buds are ready.
There is no need to tuck or pluck the leaves on Frisian Duck. The growth pattern is perfect for natural growing. If you want a bushier plant, we recommend topping her once. When growing her outdoors be sure to give her sufficient soil and space since she can grow into a real monster in good quality outdoor conditions.
Greenhouse growers also need to give her enough space to grow because she can really thrive in such an environment. It’s not uncommon to see greenhouse grown Frisian Ducks reach 3m tall, and just as wide.

More info about Frisian Duck​

Frisian Duck is one of the most unusual feminized cannabis varieties available today. It’s the only cannabis cup winning, stealth cannabis strain which is ideally suited to outdoor cultivation in tough northern European conditions.

Frisian Duck grows with a stabilised natural leaf deformity. This produces a natural ‘webbing’ between the individual leaflet ‘fingers’ on the cannabis leaves. This makes her difficult to recognise as cannabis. Most people expect to see the normal leaf shape and wouldn’t give her a second look. The unusual leaf shape, especially during early growth, delivers natural cannabis camouflage which the outdoor grower can use to great advantage.

Besides being a stealthy variety for any outdoor cannabis grower Frisian Duck is a tough and durable outdoor cannabis strain which can give abundant yields to both beginner and expert growers.

Auto Duck from Dutch Passion is more potent than Frisian Duck (according to DP Themselves). It's something I could recommend to you, uplifting and reasonable on the odor front. Another uplifting strain that is not really weed smelling is Zamaldelica fem from ACE. Both can get a bit trippy if you take too much. Take less, problem solved..


Well-known member
sounds wonderful! I´ve been curious about lemon strains for ages. where can I get them for how much? :D
I´m EU so I prefer ordering from a EU seedbank.
Csi humboldt is in california,i order from canada with no problems,i send cash in a tracked emvelope.he gives inctedible freebies,i just ordered and received vhemdog d s1 and got chemdog d x lemon party,obama kush x bubba kush,bubba kush s1,panama red,chemdod d x chem91skva and one more i cant remember.i got $500 in seeds for $130usd.
The guy is awesome.


Well-known member
Sorry 6 packs...lol


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Modern Northern Lights has very little smell (as already pointed out by luposolitario). Some say it was bred to be close to odourless during the 80-90s to lessen the risk of being busted. After a good cure, an aroma of pine with a little lemon comes through. Some good northern lights can smell strongly though. A friend of mine says he has had NL that had a strong aroma of parma violets.

When it comes to individual plants thats stink, but have little ‘cannabis’ smell, the closest I’ve personally experienced is mango and pineapple. They were almost indistinguishable from the fruit smell, but a lot more pungent. After drying the canna smell came through
I have a Northern Lights auto, it does not smell anything like week and it's about 4 days from harvest.

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