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Smoking weed while pregnant?

my wife smoked wile pregnant. She had a very healthy lifestyle and the idea of pills bothered both of us. We tried to keep her to edibles mainly but smoking sometimes was needed. The child of that pregnancy is now 7 years old. Before kindergarten, he was reading at a 5th-grade level testing in the top 3% in the country. I would recommend it over pain pills of any kind as a first solution but I'm very anti-pharma.


Namekian resident/farmer
Don't smoke anything and/or drink while pregnant. Don't smoke cannabis until your brain has stopped developing. Doing so causes all these kids around who can't think straight. haven't you noticed them?

I hope you're being sarcastic..... Because the imbeciles in society are not the fault of cannabis but modern day technology in conjunction with all the bullshit they pump inside humans from the fluoride to the vaccines and other neurodegenerative bullshit.... Cannabis is the last thing to harm a human unless it's been sprayed on or laced with real poison... Cannabinoids smoked eaten or whatever are highly beneficial a troll or an uneducated individual would disagree with my statement.... I'm just stating facts not attempting to be antagonizing....


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I agree. As the parent of an exceptional child, born of a pregnancy where nausea was controlled with "clean" cannabis, I find cannabis is not the cause of today's 'kid problems.' Today's problems are mainly due to horrible social programming and a seriously messed up education system.


New member
I would not recommend to smoke while pregnant. But I have been with few people who used to smoke during their pregnancy. They too got healthy kids.
I wouldn't do it, even if there hasn't been anything bad that we've found on the surface we don't know everything about brain development and what not, on a spiritual level as well, I started smoking at 16 and have been basically daily since 17 and am thinking have I done any damage to myself?? have I changed my brain?


Well-known member
The mother of my friends child smoked heavily throughout her pregnancy, in fact, she didnt even know she was pregnant for several months. That child was extremely smart as a toddler, and now on track to graduate high school 2 years early....not that this is any evidence for or against using cannabis while pregnant....but it is interesting.

Jonny Lan

Well-known member
I wouldn't do it, even if there hasn't been anything bad that we've found on the surface we don't know everything about brain development and what not, on a spiritual level as well, I started smoking at 16 and have been basically daily since 17 and am thinking have I done any damage to myself?? have I changed my brain?
I question that myself, then I watch the news and realize its not me, but the world that is damaged.


You must be atleast 21 years old before cannabis.

When people is 21 their brain is totally grown up.
After that no matter.


Give breast milk

Both these normal only. No Cannabis.

If you need Cannabis, dont make child.
Normal totally helthy people dont need Cannabis daily.

In the end.
Alcohol is more toxic, way more.
I have seen children grow upp with alcoholistic people ok. There is nice people from them today.
Married, nice home, family, nice life, parents alcoholic or dead.


Some of them go bad. They are like parents today. Losers, alcoholics.

The best way for children is no drugs .
New life. A children is best make clean offcourse.

No drugs or medicine.

Me self got kid 1 son. He is totally normal.

He is also best kid in the young school now.

DNA tested, this is my son. He also looks like me.
This cant be true, but it is.

I didnt want children.

He was made when i was drunk and heavy smoked.
Mother is clean healthy person.

My child is healthy and smart. Totally awsome kid, he is smart in school also the best in class.'

Maybe dad can be drunk and totally smoked. NOT good, in my case it was ok.

Mothers better not do these things if you wish a normal child that grows up to be normal also.
The child is inside you. And after you need give breastmilk also ?
Please dont use alcohold, cannabis, or other drugs at this point.
When you get pregnant. and untill you are finished milking the baby.
All these should be only naturall offcouse ? right ?

If it is legal where you live, talk to with couple different doctors is my advice.
Both cannabis doctors, and normal doctors.

If its illegal, then think atleast twice.
If things goes bad you can loose your child , if its illegal in your place.
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Namekian resident/farmer
Cannabis does not damage the brain anyone who believes this fails to comprehend the science this topic which has already been established

Like the fact that cannabis is a neuroprotective substance due to the cannabinoids and particular terpenoids so please young newbie when commenting to do some homework before embarrassing yourselves with uneducated posts


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Cannabis does not damage the brain anyone who believes this fails to comprehend the science this topic which has already been established

Like the fact that cannabis is a neuroprotective substance due to the cannabinoids and particular terpenoids so please young newbie when commenting to do some homework before embarrassing yourselves with uneducated posts
Well said. :tiphat:


Many people say Cannabis is the best.


iT is the best for our selves.

Is Cannabis good when make/Building family ?

I need use cannabis.
i dont want kids

Anyway i got kids.

Im wery glad my sons mother is normal healthy mother, she never smoke

me self total loser, biggest total loser ever.

i love my son , and cannabis.
My son dont know

i hope i can hide it.

This kid is best and cool, he dont need cannabis !!

trust me


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Try working on getting more sentences into the same paragraphs. It drastically increases readability and helps people continue to read what you're trying to put out there.
Thanks. ;)

As for 'hiding it?' You probably do not realize you're teaching your child how to hide things and be dishonest. This happened with raising my first kid in a prohibition state. My second child has not been exposed to parents hiding and not talking openly about cannabis, and their core values are much stronger because of it.


Active member
I'd say smoking while pregnant is probably safer than eating McDonald's or processed foods.

I agree. Add in caffeine to that too.

So much misinformation on this topic and very little science. My wife just gave birth recently to a healthy baby. The midwife that helped shadily drug tested the wifes urine after the wife admitting to using CBD oil, I realized next time deny everything, medical professionals are too brainwashed...

However I have heard of no cases of social services hassling any parents here for testing positive for cannabis only. This is probably the most cannabis friendly state in the country per capita.


Well-known member
Anything that changes brain chemistry is not good for a growing brain. Smoking daily throughout pregnancy is probably not a good idea. THC and the terpenes that come with it affect brain receptors and you wouldn't want to create an imbalance while they develop.

That said cannabis is one of the safest substances in the world. Using cannabis occasionally as a medicine for things like nausea and hormonal crazy woman stuff probably isn't the worst thing. The body naturally produces small amounts of the chemicals that are in cannabis.

I googled this to see if there was any new info or studies I can quote. There are not and much of the info is bullshit. I saw cannabis being responsible for stillbirth, shrunken head, small birth rate. There are no studies that say this and I would hate for a woman to give birth to a dead or retarded baby and blame themselves for smoking cannabis. I'd be more worried about brain chemical balances, schizophrenia and those type of diseases that show later in life.

Of course worried about doesn't mean there's anything there. In the 50s or 60s there was a study done of pregnant Jamaican women who smoked lots of ganja. Their babies were just as healthy as normal babies.

Which brings up another issue with the stuff I saw when I googled. There's a hippy chick who's pregnant with a bunch of kids running around who said she smokes pot all through her pregnancy and her kids are awesome. I'm sure there's women who smoked who have had stillborn children, or children with all sorts of problems. It happens. That's why science is necessary.

My opinion that it may not be a good idea may be wrong. It may be a very bad idea or it could be excellent for pregnant women. My grandma's friend was told by doctors to smoke throughout her pregnancy, tobacco, so she'd remain calm and not stressed out. Wouldn't it be weird if doctors found out cannabis smoking was good for pregnant women?

Cannabis has been used to ease childbirth for women for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Jews in Palestine around the time of Jesus, nomadic horsemen in the steppes of Asia. There's quite the history there.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
There are only two real issues with cannabis and pregnant women. Mentally debilitating cannabis strains (completely terpene related), and adulterants/contamination in 99% of the world supply.

The first can be avoided with proper strain selection. I'm working on educating the world regarding the second. Prohibition is why many people do not have choice in strain selection, and why they do not have easy access to cleanly grown cannabis. It's definitely a goal worth working toward.


Señor Member
Anecdotal report: When my wife was pregnant with our daughter last year, she suffered from hyperemesis gravitas, which means she had morning sickness that didn't quit, 24 hours a day for almost her entire pregnancy. Her OB/GYN out here in our small town is a part of a doctor group based out of Denver, which made us happy because we had braced ourselves for finding a doctor that was also a cattle veterinarian or something, lol.

But anyway, her doctor was practically trying to convince her to smoke cannabis to combat the nausea! My wife kept saying that she had stopped smoking once she got pregnant, and her doctor was basically saying, "Okay, but you don't have to. Please feel free to smoke some cannabis as I think that will help you."

It pretty much blew my mind. I don't think doctors in Florida would have been so encouraging in that manner. I'm so glad we moved! :biggrin:

(All of this to say that I think the science is changing, and medical professionals, especially in places like CO, are adjusting their methods and recommendations accordingly.)


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
There are only two real issues with cannabis and pregnant women. Mentally debilitating cannabis strains (completely terpene related), and adulterants/contamination in 99% of the world supply.

The first can be avoided with proper strain selection. I'm working on educating the world regarding the second. Prohibition is why many people do not have choice in strain selection, and why they do not have easy access to cleanly grown cannabis. It's definitely a goal worth working toward.

The real issue is lack of verifiable information to support either stance. Where is the repeated peer reviewed research? There is practically nothing.

When I don't know an answer (in this case, from nothing to work with) I tend to keep my mouth shut. Doesn't appear to be an issue for many of ya'll.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The real issue is lack of verifiable information to support either stance. Where is the repeated peer reviewed research? There is practically nothing.
Show me any peer reviewed study showing permanent mental capacity changes from cannabis use. I'll accept anything within the last 100 years. 100% of those proving it will have (what is now known to be) glaring errors in their study. A veritable plethora of unknowns and unaccounted for variables.

On the other hand, we have thousands of years of documented use of medicinal cannabis. History shows an amazing number of references to cannabis use for morning sickness, general nausea and other issues during pregnancy.

When I don't know an answer (in this case, from nothing to work with) I tend to keep my mouth shut. Doesn't appear to be an issue for many of ya'll.
My wife also had hyperemesis gravitas and I doubt I'd even have a child without cannabis.

Do you have a very happy, highly intelligent, extremely healthy kid from a wife who used clean cannabis during pregnancy?

I do. :tiphat:


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
So, not only do you have nothing to support your claim, but I have to disprove it?

I see you are unfamiliar with burden of proof. We've been down this road before. Last time you blocked me (and dozens of others) for presenting information contrary to your beliefs. What next, Ostrich?

If you want to put the future of your childen to a test of faith, go ahead. But don't advocate that others follow your poor example.

I'll say it again.

There is very little information to support any stance on cannabis and pregnancy. Who but a fool would base any claim or action upon such a weak foundation?

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