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SICKO: Commenting on Commentaries


miss nycdf said:
Wow... harbor resentment much?

its not like i hate the guy, but in bowling for columbine there were quite a few shaky/out-right untrue parts in it. But it was really watching him badger charlton heston that irked me. Hey, lets go pick on an old guy and try to make him look like a moron without any chance to defend his side. I will agree that he has made some well thought out points in his day, but when half are truths and half are twisted stories, instead of trying to take the time to find the truth for myself, i just chose to ignore him altogether.

for those who want a pretty good moore film, watch roger and me, now that was actually a pretty decent film...but bowling for columbine just hit me in a personal spot.... :joint:
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KingRalph said:
canadian bacon is a brilliant classic. one of the greats without a doubt and maybe candy's best. miss his jolly smile.

sicko was good, pretty good, maybe even really good. except for when it turned into a hardcore subliminal hillary campaign ad. that was despicable. just say no to hillary. hell, why not just go back to emperors and kings! two fuckin decades of bush-clinton crime family delegates. gotta be kidding me. he practically sucked on her bosom for a few minutes.

other than that, movie was good at relaying some common sense the ordinary ignorant uninformed american needs to see.

I'm pretty sure in the movie he was showing how she flipped sides (paid off) and stopped supporting nationalized healthcare.


Active member
stizzle, he was praising her as a savior and portrayed her as being stifled and not allowed to speak about it again, but ohh if given the chance as president she'd save us!

in reality, what you assumed is the truth. she was paid off, in a simple way, the friends of their crime syndicate simply just had to tell her to change that or they wouldn't fund with their dollars anymore. this is indicative of hillary through and through... a shill for the highest bidder or her rich criminal friends' wishes.

just say no to hillary in 08. unless of course you want this new world order agenda to continue. yay 20 years of bush-clinton mafiosos! remember, they are just shills for the real powers that be, who are infinitely worse than these people appear, when they are carrying out their masters' bidding. may jah have mercy on us all in election year. burn many offerings of peace



I saw "Sicko" yesterday...my word ,what a movie.That movie made me want to move out of America immediatly.Like him or not Michel Moore has hit a direct bulls-eye with this latest endevour. I liked this movie especially because it wasn't something based on theory or conjecture, this was based on something that is happening in America everyday.My wife wept during the movie, as I sat stoney-faced unbelieving what I was watching. "Sicko" made me change my attitude about alot of things, and made a believer out of me that America needs national heathcare worse than ever, this country is so broken, it makes me sad to even be a citizen here.


I wear my bias against Moore on my sleeve. I disliked the way he twisted, warped and outright lied about things in Bowling For Columbine and F911. As far as I was concerned, he is the flip side to all that he protests. He used the same tactics as the government, mis-information at it's best.
There, I feel better.

I've seen Sicko. Best movie he ever did in my opinion. Regardless of my feelings for his past work, I would highly recommend everyone go see this one.


what to say. i saw sicko and cried like a baby. i know toomamy folks that could have been on that movie. including myself. i was told wed of this week that when my ins kicks in the PAC will send me to a pain clinic to help w/my pains. i have 1 leg an my scrip ran out. this Dik told me to come back in a MONTH. they wouldnt even see me until i gave them 85bucks. them i didnt even see a dr. they played the PAC as dr burt. he couldnt refill my meds. PAC is limited to what schedule. so he gave me MOTRIN!!! ftw


I'm still undecided on this issue. I can't figure out what would make more sense...for the US to provide free healthcare to all those who need it, or if the private industry should just be controlled better so that people can afford it. What a freakin mess...


agreed. i dont mind paying, but i want what i pay for aye. i am still in pain and now pissed out of my 85 bucks. w/the money in say cuba i could have my meds and not have payed 3 grand in the last 2 months at the dentist.

nixon on sicko was a worthless sperm gone loopy. i am now living this movie. i have 1 leg. where the hell am i to get ins to kick in from? one legged ins agency?

i could go to prison? hu, rob a bank. hide the cash. turn self in w/o cash. do 5 to the door and establish ssi dis. better!

Floro Joe

After seeing Bowling for Columbine and Moore's portrayal of Canada.I could never trust his view on anything.I Moved to Canada from the states recently. I trip over junkies and homeless people every day,last week the corner store was robbed,and the clerk slashed;and you bet your ass we lock our doors.


Moore isnt me. im getting the "he will die soon" treatment. it sux that we as us citizens think pain is a way of life and are as a whole terrified of prison which the Gov runs, so their scared of their gov. that is tyranny. plain and simple. 1% of humans own 90% of the world. are you part of the 1? or 99? im exempt...lol

the above is the opinion of a old one legged king of wheelchair land, and i am living the nightmare of no health care in the usa. it sux ass bubbles. i wish it on no other human.


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
imo while other countries health care isnt necessarly all peaches & cream, at least they are not denying care to boost their profits. they just seem to be lacking resources. when did the hypocratic (sp?) oath go away? it's pathetic they'll take your money then send ya on ya way still in pain!


Well-known member
In my humble opinion, any developed country is sophisticated and rich enough to provide free health care for all. Somehow America is of the opinion that they are at war and as such the funds that would heal all the sick people are being diverted to the military.

Any country more concerned with killing than healing is a danger to everyone. They cannot call themselves developed or civilized.
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I'm so glad to live in a country where free healthcare is for all people
I'm so glad to pay for people in need cause perhaps one day, I will need

vive la France (at least for that , the fromage and wine :D)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
b8man said:
Haps - contact Michael Moore - he loves spinning things like that out for the media.

Sicko is a good film. I'm a Brit, but still found it fascinating. They painted the NHS a little too rosily, but the points were clear.

Good film - made very simple so anyone will understand.


you got that right.....

all the austrailian backpackers who come here and work a bar job for a month so they gan get their travel jabs free...****ers like that and ppl visitinbg from other countries where theyd have to pay to give birth, they arrange a v"Visit" to coincide when theyre gonna drop and get it here for nowt (and i dont mean ppl who come from third world countries and are desperately poor-i mean ppl from western well off countries)...
fat bastards who wont stop eating pies are getting anti-fat pills instead of ****ing padlocks on the fridge.... The government makes the nhs pay fpr methadone treatment-when they should be funding it seperately.... -pharmacies providing the methadone are adding markups of up to 5000% percent plus chargin g a "dispensing fee"-and if you are someone who oing well and is trusted to get urs weekly-they still charge the dispensing fee like youd opicked up every day..... Dirty little frauds and scams in all sorts of sectros of the health industry.
if it wasnt for cigarrette taxes things would be a bwhole lot worse too
and then ppl who get pissed up and kick the shit out of each other block up the accident and emergency deparytments of our hospitals every night between thrusday and sunday....
The fact is the buisness, companies exist to make money for their shareholders above all other concerns
Healthcare is supposed to be about the wellbeing of the patient above all other concerns, the problemn is that these 2 objectives are mutually exclusive and each one is absoloutely incompatible with the other.
Until Doctyors and medical groups go back to the most basic tenet of the health professional "Do no harm" things are going to get worse.
All this and id still rather be in the NHS than americas health system.
I really feel for you guys... i mean i fear serious illness, but to fear illness and have to fear wether some accountant thinks your life is worth their bottom line must be horrendus.

ansd the thing is.... thesedaft ****ers in charge are actually wanting us to go down a roud more toewards private health....

On the flip side we all want the best treatemnt but no1 wants to pay higher taxes for it..
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+rep when i can harry. i knew better than to think cuba, canada, uk...ect, had no problems. hell, big ass problems. i would still rather have your hms as opposed to my money oriented med folks here in the usa.

the hipocratic ?sp? oath got bought by blue cross? at least here it was.

im still pissed about my ordeal last week. i also am still in pain and dr (pac) burt knew i would be in pain. but, i had no insurance and was stupid enough to pay them before i was seen. my bad. i gues
I.M. Boggled said:
Been away so long I hardly knew the place
Gee, it's good to be back home
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Honey disconnect the phone
I'm back in the USSR
You don't know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the US
Back in the US
Back in the USSR

-Da Beatles-

Off on a slight tangent a movie of his called Canadian Bacon was/is a 1995 comedy/satire written, directed and produced by Michael Moore.
It was the last film released to star John Candy. (I loved that man John, he died much to soon :(, what a shame, his movies certainly made me laugh. :)

A U.S. president faced with falling public opinion ratings, decides to go to war to distract voters from domestic troubles and invigorate the economy,
The problem with this plan is that with the demise of the Soviet Union, there's no one left to go to war with.
But some brainstorming leads to an attempt to start a cold war with Canada ("everyone hates Canadians"), using media manipulation as the main tool to stoke the passions of the US public.
Unfortunately, a local sheriff, Bud B. Boomer (John Candy, a Canadian in real life), in a town along the US/Canada border, takes it quite a bit further.
One of the taglines from the movie was:
"You surrender pronto, or we'll level Toronto."
The end credits state that no Canadians were harmed during the making of the movie.

George the Lesser did much the same thing, but he chose Iraq to go to war with. Thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis were harmed in that episode.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Anyone who believes any of Moore's "fims" are true documentaries should have their IQ checked out.

The right has Bill O'Reilly. The left has Michael Moore.


MM has done some good things. For one he took the documentary genre and made it popular in the mainstream. An honorable accomplishment.

But...most of his film-making and editing techniques are scrupulous to say the least. This guy WILL DO ANYTHING to get his view across. Remember MM films are his, and only his commentary (FOX news for lefties)...take everything you see of his with a grain of salt.

I really can't make up my mind about him, some things I agree with, other times the guy makes me want to puke...but IMO he has done far more good than bad. Just don't hold this guy up as a messiah for the trodden and working class. He has his own agenda.

Seen Roger and Me?...you wouldn't believe it but much of that movie and Moore's statements are bullshit.

1. Michael Moore did get to speak to Roger Smith (CEO of GM) before shooting Roger and Me. But I guess MM did not think that would make a good film.

2. At the GM investors meeting where Moore attempted to get up on stage and try to speak, only to have his microphone cut-off. Guess what? His microphone was not cut-off. He just pretended it was cut-off and walked off stage for dramatic effect.

...And he needs to put down the f***ing fork....seriously....dude!

I dunno...maybe he's retaining water? :wave:

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