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Sea Solids make plants EXPLODE in hydro!!


Active member
yea i use small amounts in veg and go heavy in flower, then flush for 1 week... i like the the final product with it more than without it, there is a noticeable difference...


Thanks for sharing this osirica! I saw this thread a while ago and had to try it. When I started using sea solids I was dealing with some stubborn spider mites. The plants became so healthy that the mites left in a month without using pesticides. I've been able to lower N-P-K by 66% percent which makes it burn much cleaner, yield has improved 50%, partly because of faster veg times, and potency has increased greatly as well as flavor complexity and smell.

I've mentioned this in some nutrient threads, but most people seem to be stuck on the hydroponic marketing hype or think putting salt on your plants will hurt them.

There are a few sea mineral videos on YouTube that are very informative. Particularly the interview with Don Jansen, someone who worked directly with Dr. Murray.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2tamdF1dkk: Sea Fertilizer - An Amazing Organic Fertilizer From The Ocean
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gl4t08zNP0: Almost no insect damage to my garden by using sea mineral nutrients
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQRH7niUIjU: Ocean Grown Vegetables Don Jansen Sea Energy Agriculture
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExHovwamDMo: Integrated Seawater Agricultural Systems ISAS Mexico
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiSmZI4-Aqg: Late season Hydroponic Tomatoes on Sea Salt Steroids


Here are some pics that demonstrate how well the sea salt has been working. These plants are on 1/3 strenth Jacks Professional and 1 ml per gallon Protekt silica, with 1 tsp per gallon of Sea 90. Keep in mind it's been -25 degrees outside and they've been getting hardly any air exchange, so they'll do even better when it warms up.

C99 x Purple Sativa (day 34/70)

Sour Diesel x Flo (day 34/63)

Sour Diesel grown with sea salt


Active member
I have been researching ormus for the past month.
Fuion YES you can use grey moist salt to make a ormus.
From ALL the research i have done, ormus IS beneficial to plants.
Most people on these and other forums read the YEARS OLD info and take it for truth.
Will putting a gallon of ormus on your plants be good?? Yep. If ya like crispy plants.
Will putting a gallon of organic nutrients be good?? Probably not also.
And YES dumping a pound of salt on your plants will kill them.
Using the proper ratio, ormus can be VERY beneficial for your plants.
Wasn't too long ago people were screaming how hempy buckets would lead to root rot. didn't happen or screaming how you CAN'T get good yields off a CFL. (you can).
Do your due diligence. Do the research.
It wont be long till the rest of the community see's just how good this stuff can be, and CHEAP to make.
Heck its easy to make yourself.
YES there is a lot of MUMBOJUMBO surrounding ormus. (just like there is for marijuana)
Dig through the B.S. to the facts. GOOD GROW!!


I have been researching ormus for the past month.
Fuion YES you can use grey moist salt to make a ormus.
From ALL the research i have done, ormus IS beneficial to plants.
Most people on these and other forums read the YEARS OLD info and take it for truth.
Will putting a gallon of ormus on your plants be good?? Yep. If ya like crispy plants.
Will putting a gallon of organic nutrients be good?? Probably not also.
And YES dumping a pound of salt on your plants will kill them.
Using the proper ratio, ormus can be VERY beneficial for your plants.
Wasn't too long ago people were screaming how hempy buckets would lead to root rot. didn't happen or screaming how you CAN'T get good yields off a CFL. (you can).
Do your due diligence. Do the research.
It wont be long till the rest of the community see's just how good this stuff can be, and CHEAP to make.
Heck its easy to make yourself.
YES there is a lot of MUMBOJUMBO surrounding ormus. (just like there is for marijuana)
Dig through the B.S. to the facts. GOOD GROW!!
Digging through the BS is what always discourages me. I'll have to see definition of ormus, as I have no idea what that is.

Last year I began incorporating Sea-90 to my foliar 'regimen' and stopped blossom end rot in my tomatoes and squashes. Now I'm reading other stuff about using seawater, but one writer conveys an observable difference between plants grown using natural seawater and one of the mineral mixes (can't recall which one he mentioned).

And so, being a sea-thing, I am intrigued by the possibilities, as well as what differences exist between salt mixes, seawater, sea mineral extractions, and so on.


It's technically called ORMEs, for orbitally rearranged mono-atomic elements. Something to do with superconductors and the ORMEs being in a quantom state allows them the ability to exist in different dimensions. There is a recording on YouTube of the guy who discovered it (David Hudson) and he starts out being quite scientific, but towards the end he gets really out there.

Check it out if you have time.
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54OEjpojSE4&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR2qfhd87Sk&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6huPqMmfJRA&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGl-Gf5nm0c&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqiZ0EcE764&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htCWnA7Lwnc&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jNpQ8-Y6O4&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2qPD5X4F_k&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 9 (here it starts to get crazy): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWe4pbreZ4&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILrQOXdAq7M&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGQgtmToOTY&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBGC9xRuKvY&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
Part 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0SDvHkeXso&list=UUm_6iz-wvP8IUujFUvYpDGQ
something i figured out worth noting is when orsica said 1500ppm of himalayan salt that is only 30ppm of minerals... the same ppm of minerals can be obtained from 200ppm sea90. thats hell of a lot less sodium chloride as i must admit i have been struggling to make himalayan salt work as a fert base... Sea90 advocate 2-3times as much macro nutrients as sea 90. i'm just about to set my bubblers to 350ppm grow nutes and 250ppm sea 90.... as 250ppm sea90 has more minerals than 1500ppm himalayan salt.


I stumbled across this website last week.

They sell, among other things, a 3 part nutrient that is a copy of GH flora series, but it has other "biodynamic" stuff added.


If you check out the page, the 3 part nute is called All American Mineral. It has micro, bloom, and grow.

The cool thing is the price. 3 gallons, shipped to your door, for $58 total.

I tried to start a thread about it in the hydro forums, but no one was interested.


I guess they went out of business, here some of my early results a few years back. I bought 3 gallon deal. Better late than never........:biggrin:



I wish I bought more......


Active member
It would be awesome to see a full grow done by Osirica. Just one well laid out grow diary with stats and pics. This is one of those threads that caught my attention and had me coming back to read through the whole thing when I had spare time. Doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it drives my girlfriend crazy.


aka "Doc"
Bump & Tip.

To increase the effectiveness and dissolving capabilities of Sea90--GRIND IT first; like with a coffee grinder.



I've been using Sea-90 for over the last two years now .....never ran CO2 but my peeps swear I am my plants/nugs are so huge!! Simply one of the best products I ever brought into my grow, I've been spreading the word to all that will listen!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wow, this is still going. Kewl

I was an early contributor, but left it behind mostly out of fear.

But, it stuck with me. I started using Himalayan salt + CaMg+ during flush @ ~ 200ppms

Plants love it, but new pistils forming, so I need to cut it in half

Also using it further diluted as foliar spray

Also, CaMg+ is overkill. All that is needed is CaMg
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If you are still around, I got lost when you wrote " Sea90 advocate 2-3times as much macro nutrients as sea 90." Please clarify


something i figured out worth noting is when orsica said 1500ppm of himalayan salt that is only 30ppm of minerals... the same ppm of minerals can be obtained from 200ppm sea90. thats hell of a lot less sodium chloride as i must admit i have been struggling to make himalayan salt work as a fert base... Sea90 advocate 2-3times as much macro nutrients as sea 90. i'm just about to set my bubblers to 350ppm grow nutes and 250ppm sea 90.... as 250ppm sea90 has more minerals than 1500ppm himalayan salt.
If you are still around, I got lost when you wrote " Sea90 advocate 2-3times as much macro nutrients as sea 90." Please clarify


Hi mate sorry about the late reply... if you look at what sea90 (the company) suggest as a nutrient formula to go alongside their sea90(sea salt) the sea salt isn't half as dominant as how much orsica is using in this thread. they basically put it upon a complete fert line up with about 25-33% of that being their sea salt... So whoever said they were using it at a rate of 100-200ppms supplementally would be around those ratios in DWC.
i personally use the sea salt as foliar occasionally but not in the tank as i have a high background ppm. i frequently add the odd splash of 'sea salt extract' tho which i make from the same stuff, really brings out the shine.:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I did look through Sea90 www, but far from clear.

So, Sea 90 is to be used as an amendment.

Hi mate sorry about the late reply... if you look at what sea90 (the company) suggest as a nutrient formula to go alongside their sea90(sea salt) the sea salt isn't half as dominant as how much orsica is using in this thread. they basically put it upon a complete fert line up with about 25-33% of that being their sea salt... So whoever said they were using it at a rate of 100-200ppms supplementally would be around those ratios in DWC.
i personally use the sea salt as foliar occasionally but not in the tank as i have a high background ppm. i frequently add the odd splash of 'sea salt extract' tho which i make from the same stuff, really brings out the shine.:)