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San Diego Fascism....



sucks that a lot of stoners live in la la land and probably not hard working that have replied to this thread. your 795 posts mean less and less to me drawoh. You probably don't have kids either. Once you have either of what I just mentioned maybe you will understand the working class of weed smokers. Not bla bla bla, If I was like you nothing would get accomplished. I got much more to worry about than trichrome production and how many lights is going to be in next room. I lead a relatively normal family life along with work aquaintences and non smoking (weed) friends as well. Sucks that most stoners aren't willing to try and make change themselves, and the one that do just want money. I really don't care about your opinion either drawoh. Yeah lets open up illlegal clubs that will shut down, if thats your only solution great work. I thought you might be smarter.

To you live your life as a fly on the wall, means you must eat shit from time to time!

^^^^ your the fly right?
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Active member
DrawoH said:
:deadhorse all i hear now is bla bla bla...clubs must pay taxes or the irs will have them raided and thrown in jail... also tax revenue must be paid by all drug dealers.......... money makes the world go round,, so the more tax revenue made the better...... i may not even return to this :deadhorse thread...

yea fuck the clubs...they charge a arm and a leg....why wouldnt ppl just pay for pills.,..they work longer and are the same price.....its like there trying to make money off the sick...charging extreme amounts for diff kinds of weed...(all get u high)so depending ont he strain u cant get what u need if u dont have the money..and most the people opening these clubs arent from SANDIEGO they come from norcal and other places tryin to make money off us...opening there shops in the "wrongggg area...!!!!" every shop ive seen here is in a area of high crime,hookers track,cracksellers track,, next to skate shops??? if u want to be low key....thats not where u open ur shop....im a native for all my life..and if i opened a shop i can bet i wont get shut down..
espically if u got robbed......at gun point ...
and...cops cant do shit....they aint goin after the robber...
the robbers are sittin at home...smokein there 1-2lbs they got off them...laughing... sayin ...wtf were u thinking opening a shop around here...
theives arnt stupid.....they know they are gonna get away with it..cause there robbing a illigal store...so it dont make it double illiegal
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i agree kali - they clubs closest to me all have armed guards,,, but i never seen armed guards in the SD area... i think ppl can and should just grow like the rest of us who don't wanna pay for herb.... i am a legit med patient , not a fraud like the ppl christian was talikin about,,, just the ability to go some where and beable to pick and find a good med strain is worth the money ( its worth the cost of 60 per 1/8),, and the pills i take if not using pot,, gives me really bad side affects that pot does not.... i see everyones point, prices are too high,, but i stick to my guns and say that the clubs do not hold 100% of the responsibily.. the growers hold more responibilty,,, its all in the economics of the plant.... i think everyone should have pot in their garden.


Active member
exactly ..my cousin lives in bakersfield..and he coulnt believe how the med clubs were ran here...he never even went into the ones in bakersfield cause of the many armed 6'5 ballhead white suppremist outside the door..

as of dec 15 at 4:00 i walked by and it was still open..and i just caught 2 guys gettin out of a truck..and goin in... doors are open but the gaurds are gone now..
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
you know i agree with most everything said here.....except when someone says they are glad that someone go busted. It then puts you in the same categorie as the cops ,prohibitionist and snitches.


Also utopia and the purple cocoanut. I think the ob Dispensary was one of the legit ones!


Active member
lmaooo i forgot about the purple coconut...lmaoooooo i always seen that place when i go to the gas station...i didnt know it was a med club ..lmao..its looks soo ghetto and in the wrong place..


th Utopia was up and running 1/2 hour later, and was only cited,, well thats what the owner says anyways


Utopia is up after getting raided and cited by the DEA? Cited for what? Posession of how much?


they took all the herb he says 24000.000 worth and all his files,,,,, he says now that he was not cited, and he is sueing to replace the meds and damage to the property.... so now im thinkg was he or wasn't he cited i thought he first said he was 'but when i saked for more details he said says he wasn't cited,, so i guess i misheard him,,, btw this guy is one of th0s guys that talks for 20minutes before he takes a breathe...