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Sam_Skunkman's dry sift method


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If this makes any sense.... It's true but it's not his fault.

In another life I was a pretty proficient computer hacker. Back in the 90's myself and some friends reverse engineered the encryption for DirecTV's satellite TV cards.

Long story short... people begin to abuse you when you have something they want. We created an entire industry of providing hacked DTV cards to (as the lawsuit stated) millions of illegal receivers.

At first it was totally fun. We gave it out free to everyone. Then, the greed entered in and we had to hold back certain things.

Again, long story short, people began to feel that we OWED it to them to give them the hack. ESPECIALLY those who were SELLING our hack and making a business out of it.

And, for me, to be honest, it didn't really hurt until the people that I thought were my friends began stealing and feeling ENTITLED to the information that I had.

You don't know what it's like until you're there but once you've been there, you totally understand.

When I came here years ago, I contacted one of the big shots with a couple questions. I didn't know who or what he was but his posts were knowledgeable and I needed some help. His reply was rude and condescending. Total asshole. I don't think it was Skunkman. Maybe Gray Wolf or one of the others. I don't really remember now because it's been a long time. But, after I realized who he was and how beat down he must be, I totally disregarded his rudeness and being directed at me and accepted the fact that this poor guy had simply been beat to death. A feeling that I was very familiar with. LOL Sad, but it happens more often than it doesn't.

So, are some of these guys pricks?.... Absolutely. Were they born like that? Absolutely not. Is it the same type of people who made them like that still pounding on them? Absolutely. LOL I didn't know much about many here but I did read up on Skunkman's past and... wow dude, pretty cool history.

Hello Chris Tarnovsky... wherever you are. LOL



Active member
folks are reaching 35% flowers no need for 50% hash ;) simple keif tumbler can do 50% with 25% THC flower. world has changed since this initial post.. hemp extracting has been a thing for a minute since then aswell...

bubbleman is consulting on a industrial water hash company here in canada..

I assume it would be strictly for outdoor feild production plants where extracting every last bit of THC isnt as important. as the problem is not producing 70-80% heads its getting 85-95% of the heads off the plant without degrading quality! esp


The Mad Monk
When I came here years ago, I contacted one of the big shots with a couple questions. I didn't know who or what he was but his posts were knowledgeable and I needed some help. His reply was rude and condescending. Total asshole. I don't think it was Skunkman. Maybe Gray Wolf or one of the others. I don't really remember now because it's been a long time.

You can't remember who it was yet you're comfortable throwing a random name out there? Poor form, Ringo.


Well-known member
Premium user
Yeah, maybe so. Sorry. Certainly no offense to GW. His name just popped into my head because of my recent reading of his stuff in the Viscosity thread. Again, certainly no offense.


Long story short... people begin to abuse you when you have something they want.

People don't like when others play the system, when it puts them at a disadvantage. I'm sure you play Call of Duty. When the opponents start flying around the map like superman, and you're froze in place getting pumped full of lead, it sucks. It is kinda fun when everyone on the map benefits from the hacker, and can run at the speed of light and has unlimited rocket ammo.

Gw/hortapharm wasn't a damned video game tho. Or a tv channel.


passing the gas
The big secret is a piece of parchment paper wrapped around a DVD case. Super advanced stuff. I wonder if he got his patent on the process, lol.

Sam actually shared his secret in an obscure publication decades ago and it was electrostatic separation using plastic containers.

someone republished it online a couple years ago might have saw it on IG.

DVD cases and silkscreen is a slight improvement over the TEK he described...:biggrin:

mack 10

Well-known member
@chunky, I remember that add.
Thought it was a metal tin ?
Put an Oz in and shake.
Allow to settle, remove lid and scrape off your headies.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I hope they share it, I always wanted to try his tech. ever since reading about it couple years back.


To be honest both the below methods do work but they are not how I make now my 99.9% Trichome dry sift, my secret method, for the last 25 years is much faster and will clean up cleaner and purer and a better yield.
BTW the method I published jn an obscure publication was in a tin cookie container. No plastic involved, I used tin, I think aluminum also worked. Azoobidies the Original Astounder sold the containers to use, in 1974 I bought one by mail. The purity was not as high and the yield was not as high as my secret method. But it was the first method I used that could be better than ordinary dry sifting through silk. The first pass was quite clean the longer you banged the buds in the cookie container the lower the purity. That is also true with silk screen dry sifting.


Sam actually shared his secret in an obscure publication decades ago and it was electrostatic separation using plastic containers.

someone republished it online a couple years ago might have saw it on IG.

DVD cases and silkscreen is a slight improvement over the TEK he described...:biggrin:


... is there a monetary reason for you not disclosing your methods to the general public after all this time?

hell, i remember you talking about dry sift 12 years ago

i'd imagine you’re young at heart but older in age, is this a secret you want to take with you when you’re gone?

there’s a whole world of innovation out there, but it was all only made possible by folks researching and sharing data with one another...

To be honest both the below methods do work but they are not how I make now my 99.9% Trichome dry sift, my secret method, for the last 25 years is much faster and will clean up cleaner and purer and a better yield.
BTW the method I published jn an obscure publication was in a tin cookie container. No plastic involved, I used tin, I think aluminum also worked. Azoobidies the Original Astounder sold the containers to use, in 1974 I bought one by mail. The purity was not as high and the yield was not as high as my secret method. But it was the first method I used that could be better than ordinary dry sifting through silk. The first pass was quite clean the longer you banged the buds in the cookie container the lower the purity. That is also true with silk screen dry sifting.



I have one of these,


  • large.5c4f87f8af464_DSC00177(2).JPG.d9c596060cf657bb759193d626fca50a.jpg
    36.8 KB · Views: 62


... is there a monetary reason for you not disclosing your methods to the general public after all this time?

hell, i remember you talking about dry sift 12 years ago

35 years ago...

i'd imagine you’re young at heart but older in age, is this a secret you want to take with you when you’re gone?

I revealed my secret to several folks I trust and said when I die they are free to share the info, up until now they have not told anyone.

there’s a whole world of innovation out there, but it was all only made possible by folks researching and sharing data with one another...

Maybe, but I have yet to see any method that can make as clean of dry sift as my method, or has as good a yield, maybe to many cooks spoiled the broth? Many cutting edge science methods were created by a single person. The proof is in the pudding.


Well-known member
Beyond neat, thank and bless you Sam.
Followed the subject for years and sure enjoyed it.
Neat to see Sam address it again.
Thought it was a plastic container myself.
Must have a viable container somewhere in here...
Hope you have many good years left Sam.