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RGS outdoor comp - auto amnesia and pink cherry pie


Well-known member
Look at the thrichome coverage! You won't even need to trim those buds since the leaves are so covered with them. šŸ˜Ž
They are looking sparkly, should be able to make some nice Gumby hash from those leaves - they also look like quite compact little buds, so maybe not too much effort to trim with any luck.

Bit of rain last night, but itā€™s been breezy and the sun is out today- nights have been unseasonably mild which looks set to continue
They look very big, Iā€™ll try and get the tape measure on them but the tallest point is around 6 inches off the top of a 6ft 6ā€ fence


Well-known member
Just gave them about 4 gallons of water- nuggets still building.
Very mild weather for October here still (24Ā°c/75Ā°f) they are forecasting a couple of days of cooler temperatures, then back up to mild again for the next couple of weeks


Well-known member
Had a check on them earlier, the big branch that has the break has been having droopy leaves the last few days. It went away after watering, but has returnedā€¦. So after a closer look it seems that the buds on these parts have gone completely orange haired and are not growing anymore.
I think I will harvest this branch tomorrow, and Iā€™ll get some pictures as theyā€™re not too far off now


Well-known member
Day 154
I cut off a couple of side branches that donā€™t seem to be growing anymore white hair but the main branch on the break still seems to be ok aside from a few big droopy leaves, which I removed so with any luck I can leave it a little longer.
Theyā€™re not far off thoughā€¦. Pics from after trim up.








Well-known member
Thanks mate :tiphat:
Found a few tiny bits of mould forming on the lady to the right, so I decided it was time to take her down.
Cut the branches back and removed all the big fans before I remembered to take any pictures, but I have left the base of the plant in place, with a few small lower buds on, just in case they want to fill out any more.
Girl number 2 is still standing, hopefully for another week but Iā€™ll keep checking




Trim time šŸ•°ļø


Well-known member
Got it done and hung eventually, had to stop a few times but all up šŸ‘
This one has the Friesland smell about it, with a dankness in the background - the girl still standing is the one with the stinkā€¦. Almost meaty, thick weed smell
Sheā€™s not far off

Edit: this grow has had me wondering what the PCPs would be like hit with some auto amnesia pollen šŸ¤”ā€¦..


Well-known member
First one dry, came in at around 70g - not too bad, all solid little nuggets and tastes/Smells like sweet pine and very effective- I feel nicely stoned :kos:
Iā€™ll get a dry pic or two later.

Number two is still standing, very nearly doneā€¦. Heavy rain for next few days followed by a temperature drop, so she may come down in between showers, or if not next week


Well-known member
Pouring down with rain šŸŒ§ļø Iā€™m sat in my shed doorway smoking some outdoor pcp and thought I should take a moment to appreciate how nice it is to smoke a plant that has spent itā€™s life in the fresh air under the sun, plugged into the ground.

Yep Iā€™m that kind of stoned :tiphat: :kos:


Well-known member
Sheā€™s definitely getting there, and I havenā€™t seen any signs of mould on this one.
Rain stopped last night, nice and sunny today but much colder- the daytime temperatures for the next week are lower than the night temps last week.
4Ā°c next three nights, hopefully sheā€™ll be ok until mon/tue


Well-known member
That sounds good šŸ‘ extra resin is always good in my book šŸ¤£
I was getting concerned that the rain would continue, but itā€™s blue skies and windy today- Iā€™ve got a hoodie on for the first time of the season so itā€™s pretty chilly
Must go and check on her in a momentā€¦.


Well-known member
Just found a small piece of mould- I am intending to dismantle her tomorrow. Couldnā€™t see any other bits, but she looks pretty cooked :tiphat:

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