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Party with Tommy Chong and help California's patients keep safe access


Benefit party at Ed Rosenthal's house with Tommy Chong will benefit the Ed Rosenthal legal defense fund and help Ed to fight the vicious attack on medical cannabis by the vindictive feds. The feds have said that if they succeed in convicting Ed at trial (Coming up on March 19th, 2007) they plan to use the same tactics to shut all the clubs down in California! Of the 11 new charges against Ed, 14 total felony counts, they are basically tax evasion and money laundering charges alleging that 1854$ in money orders was laundered or some bullshit!! I mean they have spent over $6,000,000 on this prosecution, and because the prosecutor was basically humiliated last time when Ed fought and won the appeal on his bogus conviction. But now they are going after Ed saying that he should have paid his taxes on some transactions he should never of had to pay taxes on in the first place, so it is soo stupid and transparent. Anyway, the prosecutor said that the same tactics, like going after club owners to make them pay taxes on all sales, not taking into account for the cost of goods sold, they will try to get %40 of every sale for the gross amount of all sales! NOT NET BUT GROSS SALES!! This is huge and is very illegal but the feds think they can do this anyway. So I hope you all can see how important this case is to protect the dispensaries and make sure they can continue to operate to supply the sick dying and needy of their precious cannabis...Please help now by making a financial contribution or by attending the party on March 4th.


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If I hadn't just paid a deposit and rent on a new house I would be there no questions asked, hopefully an ICmagger will have some pics to share.


Canna Coco grower
Hopefully BUSH will leave office in a little less than 2yrs.... and not declare himself KING!

This is Bullshit, whats happening to Ed... hopefully Californians on the jury, will tell the gov. to FUCK OFF! be a damn republican, and HONOR STATES RIGHTS... oh yeah.. forgot... republicans are so full of shit... I'm a uniter not a devider..LOL and "Compassionate Conservatisim" FUCK!


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Farmer John said:
"they plan to use the same tactics to shut all the clubs down in California!" :eek:

In fact, they're not after the clubs, they're looking for weapons of mass destruction.


This where voiceing our opinions matter so much.The feds do shit like this thinking the whole country supports it. The problem is no one in America has any compassion for anyone else. The attitude is; if you don't smoke pot , you don't have anything to worry about.This is the same attitude I've heard out of people about drug testing. If you don't do drugs you have nothing to worry about.Except I don't do drugs I smoke weed in the privacy of my own home(and that's a crime)I guess...If they were to shut down the compassion clubs , it would be a backstep in the evolution of this country,Of course we haven't had any forward motion in this country since the sixties.My dad who is almost sixty years old needs med. MJ to ease his chronic pain and to help his perscription meds to work properly, and to think people would think of him as a criminal or me for providing it to him, just doesn't make any sense to me at all.The government has become our Frankenstien monster out of control, and now it's too late to stop it.We can spend years, hell probably decades trying to fix it, but I think we just need a clean break from the oppresive government we have created. Heads will eventually have to do what the pilgrams did, find somewhere in the world where we are free from persecution due to our lifestyles.I feel it is the only way to be free.Hopefully the people of Ca. and other places being threatened will stand up and show why the west is so diffrent from the rest of this country.


West Coast ICer
This goes out to the FEDS

To the new flag of the USofA Think we can get Betsy Ross to do one up?


Active member
Hi all

I dressed up as Tommy Chong(in his cheech and chong days) for a fancy dress party my wife had a few weeks back*smiles*

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