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New Pic of the Week or Month Sponsorship?

New Pic of the Week or Month Sponsorship?

  • BOG Seeds will do for the prize but BOG shouldn't judge it.

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Make it front page not in BOG's Forum cause it is too good.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Let all the sponsors who offer seeds participate too.

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • Let's just work it all out and everyone will benefit. :)

    Votes: 23 60.5%

  • Total voters


Bubblegum Specialist
I have decided to offer BOG Seeds as the provider of prize seeds for a new contest similar to the one we had for so long at OG. I gave away many packs of BOG Seeds for good pics there until that was taken from me. It was seen as too good a deal to give just to me so I understood.

But, I would love to do it. Whatcha think guys? I could just do it in my forum or we could make it a big site contest. BOG :)





If you are the provider of the prizes, do it your way.

If others want to get in on it, work it out, your idea, your call. IMHO

POTW, great eye candy.



Sounds amazing Bushy!!

Sounds amazing Bushy!!

What an incredibly generous offer BOG :) I'm sure all the winners will appreciate their prizes very much so. Makes me wanna go get a nice new camera for a shot at them beans!:D

I don't know if you should be the one to judge it tho...just because you're the one giving out the beans and some people might have an issue with that. Personally I think you'd judge fairly but who knows the shit that could stir up. What if the moderators as a colective group were the judging panel? That would be great!! All of the MODS are incredible growers and cannabis enthusiasts so who better?

I'm stoked to see how this unfolds.

peace 'n love


Justforfun does bring up a good point though...it's your contest, your beans, and you should be allowed to give them away to who you think is the winner.

However it happens it's still gonna be pretty damn cool :)


Bubblegum Specialist
We can do it...

We can do it...

I like all the answers I offerred. ;)

You see how it's all in the way you frame a question? :)

I have no preferences but I will tell you that we are going to rock the world and do it together. Who cares how we do it as long as it's fun and gets some free beans to growers.

Photography is much of what this site is about and it is about time we thought about this. Believe me when I say that this is not intended to be a BOG Seeds promotion. I want our site to prosper and be full of life. The seed contest was one of the best things we ever had going my friends but now I cannot tell you when OG last offerred a pack of BOG seeds. :(

People get sick of winning a bottle of ferts as a prize...but I bet they would love some of REZdogs seeds too. I invite any breeder to share in this chance to give. BOG :)


The Best Is Yet To Come
Ooo this is too good

great idea BOG

love to get my hands on your seeds

when is it gonna happen?




i voted for all the options :)

i think we should do it similar to og, moderator of budshots forum (or someone else) picks 10 candidates, then it gets put to the vote.

i think picture of the month would be better than one every week too, especially if we are voting.

i think other sponsors should offer prizes too & it should be a front page thing :)


I love the idea..! I think you are more than qualified to be the judge BOG. Your kindness and generosity are showing again BOG.... :)
Not to mention the fantastic Pic's of a contest like this that all of us will enjoy.
There will always be those that find a flaw with everything, You can't please all the people all the time... That's a fact !!
It is sometimes hard as a new grower to compete or even compare with some of the fine growers out there. So the good growers win most of the time.. But, I find that ( for me ) it's just inspiration to do better..... I have come a long way as a indoor gardener, and I think It was the fine Pic's that got me interested.
I don't own a camera , but soon I hope a few harvest's will help me aquire one.
I think this is a fine idea BOG, rock on with your bad self, and ignore the hater's that always seem to pop up.
I hope to participate soon.


-Great grows to all !!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Sounds like a great idea...

Sounds like a great idea...

As always BOG you are constantly thinking. What will you come up with next? I think the competition would be really fun. Even for those that don't have any pictures. I can't tell at times what I like more, watching my babies grow or smoking them. Some of your crystally buds just make me drool. This should be a fun competition for all. Will you be having categories to judge from or one all encompassing competition? I can't wait to see what everyone's growing.

GreatLakes THC
Last edited:


Thats so good of you to offer some of your beans as a prize, just particiapting is good enough ;)
I voted option 1 meaning a pack of BOG beans is a cool enough prize, however i think u judging the final 10 should be fine and maybe put them 10 down to a poll, like Ken just said :), im sure u can remain impartial even if some of your net/real friends post pics, chances are your net/real friends have your beans anyway and are just paticipating for fun :)
watever happens, pic of the week/month here is a great idea and with a prize for the winner, well it makes it that bit more special ;)
good on ya BOG


a great idea bog , im sure a lot of people like myself didnt really get into taking pics till digital photography and budshots , kinda makes a reward for taking a great pic .. im goin to enter the local show this year in the photo department , have been assured of coming up with something ... recognition means a lot when youve taken time to present something to its best and shown its finest attributes ... im sure youll get some fine entries for us all to view .... cheers mate ...


Bubblegum Specialist
Once every 2 weeks?

Once every 2 weeks?

I think every week is too often but once a month is not often enuf. :) This can also get to be a burden to those judging so we gotta make it a simple thread where people end up voting the winner. Perhaps only 6 should qualify every 2 weeks.

Wally, if you will offer up a few packs of your DuckFoot I will offer some of my best too. Can you imagine the finest genetics in the world for free?

I know Rezdog is a good egg and he has shown willingness to help the community too. His best would be incredibly good to win for free don't you think? Have you seen his plants?

I don't mean to brag but how would you like a pack of these BMR seeds. This will be the very first prize when we have the first contest. You could just buy a pack for a reasonable price but isn't always more fun to get something free? I think free food even tastes better to me but that's cause I'm so cheap. :p Here are some of the finest seeds on the planet and here is a plant grown from one of these seeds at 16 days flowering untopped or trained. BOG :cool:





:) great idea :)

:) great idea :)


I like very much to take pics of my plants & buds...
Is really interesting to look the buds & trichs in my pics.

I like to take & post pics of my plants & buds.

Bog, Your buds look incredible in your pics... ;)



New member
i was sitting here in a daze thinking it would be kewl if you had certain classes of pictures like, Budshots (of course) preflower shots, specific types of sick plant shots (low ph high ph root bound mold shots) Hash and Hash oil shots, Cured Budshots and growing budshot and then use those for constructing an ICgrowFAQ.

just an idea.


fr0g :frog:


I been wankin about this for a bit now:D

I been wankin about this for a bit now:D

hey bog, pic of the week, every two weeks, once a month is indeed whats needed here. beans as the prize would be the best. sponsers donatin beans each week would be awesome and maybe a burden, but then again ive seen gypsys fridge picks so i guess you, rez and wally have plenty:D

one other thing that would be sweet is growers puttin up beans too:D i have a nice collection and would be happy to gift tough to get strains for the pic of the week. diff strains all the time would really liven it up.

seems a post with a poll pretty much like OG would do, and seems easy. the community judges the pics.

Who better to judge contest of pics of quality MJ? The ones that have shown there skills know what good photos, and buds look like after a while it becomes an art and develops an eye for quality pics and bud. I say whoever offers seeds should have a good part in the judging. Anyway I need to get a digi camera soom. Just things come up, house payment insurance, tires the list never seems to end, will make a point at end of next grow to get what is needed to show and develop my photo skills. Later




So what's the word on the contest? I can't wait to submit! I've been a member at another website for a while, but they've made some changes I didn't really like and I stumbled upon this one about a week ago, and I'm glad I did! I've been reading and reading about how great your genetics are BOG! Can't wait to get some! And after seeing you start this thread on a POTW contest I had no choice but to join up.