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New Pentagon UFO Video Footage Due For June 2021 Release


Well-known member
I've never seen a ghost, but I have seen 1 ufo
the ufo was a black sphere, another person saw it with me
not moving fast but clearly under power of some sort
the black sphere is a thing, they've been seen before

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
From the batch the official military sightings on photo … the only UFO That could be ultimately identified was a falling high altitude balloon which was deflated and descending …


Well-known member
From the batch the official military sightings on photo … the only UFO That could be ultimately identified was a falling high altitude balloon which was deflated and descending …

yes, an airtight case against any alien intruders
good metaphor for this report, I read that it was 2 people that were the authors
very impressive resources deployed there

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
yes, an airtight case against any alien intruders
good metaphor for this report, I read that it was 2 people that were the authors
very impressive resources deployed there

Apparently, there were 144 unexplained flying critters, of which only one, the deflating weather balloon, was positively identified, meaning that the remaining 143 beasties were of unknown origin.


Boreal Curing
The government is laughing at everyone for believing in UFOs. It's just another tool used to distract people from what they are doing.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Dude, if there's an advanced alien race out there that has been visiting us for thousands of years..
They've figured out how to travel between galaxies and beat gravity and atmospheric changes and thing.
Their spacecraft won't show up on any radar or scanner or god damn night vision shit we have that's top of the line military stuff. Unless they want to. Or their systems malfunction or something.

But then yea, if they have been visiting us for thousands of years, they aren't that hostile. I'll turn the other cheek on some on crop circles, cattle mutilation or abducting rednecks here and there, no problem!

And if they turn hostile and start bombing shit up, start with the Pentagon. Who's gonna miss em?
I mean obviously they have families and thing, but if you work at the Pentagon.. You might have some skeletons in your closet, so live by the sword..


Or Justin Bieber's house. No one will miss him,
Or that guy who owns facebook. I will take to the streets and party if that happens.

Any day now.. C'MON ALIENS!!


St. Phatty

Active member
Remember that episode of Star Trek where they go back in time to help (?) the inventor of Warp Drive ?

Knowing that something is possible - without knowing how it works - helps the inventing process.

If you read the "UFO literature" the description of the propulsion tech is right in front of you.

(Referring to Tim Goode's book, based entirely on reports from uniformed service personnel.)

The UFO's have a tendency to sit above bodies of water. It may not be obvious to you but it's obvious to me - they are re-filling.

How does Ion Propulsion work ?

What happens if you fire Oxygen ions out the ass end of a space craft at 1/10 or 1/5 or 1/2 the speed of light ? You get some AWESOME propulsion.

You just need a lightweight near infinite energy source. Like a small nuclear reactor.

What does the US gov do in their "Above Top Secret" facilities ? They work out the little details !

Perhaps that might seem strange to some. But there are plane-loads of scientists engineers etc. that fly out of Las Vegas everyday. They don't disappear - they go to the air force base called "area 51".

When I worked at Northrop Grumman, there was an entire basement that was mostly off limits. They worked on drones for Israel & other misc. communications tech.


Well-known member
Now there's an unsettling thought. If the green men marched out of their craft wearing white coats that would certainly be cause for great concern. The only thing worse than qualifying for a stint at the Happy Farm, would be finding oneself being securely trussed up for a walk up the ramp of a waiting giant Tic Tac.

dark Storm I'm scouring Youtube for the Turkey UFO footage, while hoping of course that the name refers to the country where that sighting took place, and not to the shape of the UFO itself. Considering the turkey genocide that takes place every Thanksgiving day, sighting a massive turkey-shaped UFO would be a bad omen for sure.

Yes definitely not a giant turkey of unknown origins flying in the air...we'd definitely be in trouble then...imagine the giant splaters of turkey do-do...the pigeons are bad enough to deal with...

Nah it was a sighting in Turkey the country....here you go I've got the stills for you. I believe this same craft/object was seen in 07/08 and 09...all in Turkey by numerous witnesses. I will try and get some pictures of the most recent space map they've made of all the actual planets they've discovered that are similar to earth ..those are just the earth like ones capable of having life as we know it...never mind other forms...their discovering more and more each day...its
Click image for larger version  Name:	328c1b4cfccc3dc1ea7243e59d96326d.jpg Views:	0 Size:	43.1 KB ID:	17888648
Click image for larger version  Name:	328c1b4cfccc3dc1ea7243e59d96326d.jpg Views:	0 Size:	43.1 KB ID:	17888648
quite shocking to see...and makes you realise its almost impossible there isn't other intelligent life forms out there.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
These are phenomenal pictures, DarkStorm. On reading your mention of that incident, I quickly found a few videos about the 2007 sighting on a Turkish beach, but couldn't find the still photographs showing the zoomed-in images of the aliens until you posted them here. That must have been a life-changing event for the group of observers on that beach for sure. Element 115 must be one phenomenally powerful substance, to overcome Earth's gravitational force and allow such a massive stadium-sized mothership to just park itself in the sky like that.

I'm not sure if the rash of UFO videos being published on youtube is simply because pretty much everyone on the planet now has a camera phone these days, or if in fact, the aliens are drastically stepping up the frequency of their visits to Earth for a reason yet to be known. All the same, this is an exciting time to be alive and gazing up at the heavens in search of strange visitors aboard flying chariots.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Remember that episode of Star Trek where they go back in time to help (?) the inventor of Warp Drive ?

Knowing that something is possible - without knowing how it works - helps the inventing process.

If you read the "UFO literature" the description of the propulsion tech is right in front of you.

(Referring to Tim Goode's book, based entirely on reports from uniformed service personnel.)

The UFO's have a tendency to sit above bodies of water. It may not be obvious to you but it's obvious to me - they are re-filling.

How does Ion Propulsion work ?

What happens if you fire Oxygen ions out the ass end of a space craft at 1/10 or 1/5 or 1/2 the speed of light ? You get some AWESOME propulsion.

You just need a lightweight near infinite energy source. Like a small nuclear reactor.

What does the US gov do in their "Above Top Secret" facilities ? They work out the little details !

Perhaps that might seem strange to some. But there are plane-loads of scientists engineers etc. that fly out of Las Vegas everyday. They don't disappear - they go to the air force base called "area 51".

When I worked at Northrop Grumman, there was an entire basement that was mostly off-limits. They worked on drones for Israel & other misc. communications tech.

Looking up Tim Goode's book right now. UFO reports credited to military personnel certainly do carry a lot more weight than those from Joe Average describing what he saw after his first six-pack of the evening.

The "Janet" flights to which you refer convey Area 51 employees aboard unmarked Boeing 737-400 airliners from 'Vegas Macarran Airport to Groom Lake regular as clockwork daily, and truly show just how many people work in that ultra-top secret facility in the Nevada desert. Given the large number of employees there, it is surprising that there haven't been more of Area 51's scientists who decided to break the Omerta Code of Silence and spill the beans as did the legendary Bob Lazar.


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Well-known member
I'll put up some thoughts on just what we see when UFOs are bouncing around
not ETs or any pathetic earthling operation
inter-dimensional or other universe? maybe but I think it goes further than that
I get the feel of a different order of reality, many strange things happen around UFOs
this is why the military hates UFOs, they represent something that is just not understandable
they don't need that kind of shit, they've got real jobs to do
take the UFO sightings that occurred in the Canary Islands years ago
1000's of people witnessed some very strange events
there were ETs visible if you want to call them that
they were around 10 feet tall and witnesses described them as looking like Swedish tourists

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I'll put up some thoughts on just what we see when UFOs are bouncing around
not ETs or any pathetic earthling operation
inter-dimensional or other universe? maybe but I think it goes further than that
I get the feel of a different order of reality, many strange things happen around UFOs
this is why the military hates UFOs, they represent something that is just not understandable
they don't need that kind of shit, they've got real jobs to do
take the UFO sightings that occurred in the Canary Islands years ago
1000's of people witnessed some very strange events
there were ETs visible if you want to call them that
they were around 10 feet tall and witnesses described them as looking like Swedish tourists

Wow. I'll never look at unusually tall Swedish tourists quite the same way again. On a serious note, it is mind-boggling to contemplate that a fair number of alien life forms might be capable of simply making themselves and their rides invisible to radar, or to the human eye, at will. Hell, there might be one checking me out through the window right now, and my blunderbuss wouldn't be any good because I can't see him. Dang!

St. Phatty

Active member
The "Janet" flights to which you refer convey Area 51 employees aboard unmarked Boeing 737-400 airliners from 'Vegas Macarran Airport to Groom Lake regular as clockwork daily, and truly show just how many people work in that ultra-top secret facility in the Nevada desert.

To get there, you need a technical degree for starters.

A job at Northrop Grumman might be a good next step. They have a lot of maintenance contracts for places like Yucca Mountain (which was going to be a nuclear waste storage facility).


Well-known member
what i find interesting is that a satellite can look down from space and take a clear picture of me giving it the finger , yet every picture i see of ufo's is grainy... certainly not clear ... maybe the ufo's are so far advanced that they block out our camera's from taking clear pic's... and i do think that we are not the only intelligent ( are we??) life out there...

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
what i find interesting is that a satellite can look down from space and take a clear picture of me giving it the finger, yet every picture i see of ufo's is grainy... certainly not clear ... maybe the ufo's are so far advanced that they block out our camera's from taking clear pic's... and i do think that we are not the only intelligent ( are we??) life out there...

I've been frustrated by the shaky images of UFOs in virtually all the youtube videos posted on the subject. But then one needs to bear in mind that most of that all such footage is shot by cameras zooming in on very distant objects, without a tripod being used to steady the shot.

Everyone has a camera phone these days, but hardly anyone carries a tripod around. All the same, I am certain that it is only a matter of time before a UFO is captured on film with a high-resolution camera sitting rock-steady on a tripod positioned close enough to erase all doubts held by even the most skeptical of viewers.


Well-known member
I've been frustrated by the shaky images of UFOs in virtually all the youtube videos posted on the subject. But then one needs to bear in mind that most of that all such footage is shot by cameras zooming in on very distant objects, without a tripod being used to steady the shot.

Everyone has a camera phone these days, but hardly anyone carries a tripod around. All the same, I am certain that it is only a matter of time before a UFO is captured on film with a high-resolution camera sitting rock-steady on a tripod positioned close enough to erase all doubts held by even the most skeptical of viewers.

well the satellite that just photo'd me giving it the finger is moving at .... i don't know the speed, but its fast, and the pic is as clear as if i was standing rite next to it... we go to the zoo to vu the animals, they come to earth to see the 'less-intelliegent '

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