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Nevada Delivery Services Illegal?

Barn Owl

Active member
Honestly, I did not know! I got a doctor's rec in August, they still have not sent me everything. But interestingly, the Doctors told me there are several delivery services in Las Vegas that are now legal to distribute medical marijuana. My doctor even said that people are getting deliveries in their parking lot! So if you go on Weedmaps, you see there are about 25 or so delivery services. So I have used two of them for 3 months now. They all state they comply with Nevada state law.

So I called the state today to find out what's holding up my paperwork. They end up telling me that all the delivery services are illegal. You can "only grow" in Nevada until the first dispensaries are approved.

But if you use those delivery services listed on weedmaps, you are breaking the law.

Nevada is kind of goofy this way. Can anyone tell me: Are the delivery services in Nevada illegal now? Why is the state telling me that and why are there about 25 of these on weedmaps now?



ICMag Donor
Probably....but evidently the State is not tracking them down. Plus, rec MMJ Drs. mentioned it....not those flyer throwing guys on the strip trying to hawk 'adult shows'....nuisances!!

And nice to know there's services out there to help MMJ patients in need.

Years ago while on vacation in Phoenix (before craigslist), ordered some herb, not wanting to fly with it.....had it delivered to resort via Fed Ex.

Great stuff....Durban and something else, 7 gr ea. Forgot how we even found the resource, but it was on the 'net. Mailed the remnants and made it safely back to home residence.

Be safe.

Barn Owl

Active member
Probably is illegal, but the state is so money hungry they just look the other way? How crazy is that?

Sure would hate to run into trouble over such incompetence.


Rubbing my glands together
The delivery services are illegal and do not comply with state law. BUT you are not breaking the law by buying from them. The way it has been a patient can and has had to either grow their own or get it where ever they can. The person selling to you is breaking the law you you buying it is not.
Also, the state constitution says we have a right to use and possess the PLANT, Not just pieces and parts of it. The No Grow language in the bill is unconstitutional under Nevada law and they know it. It's something that will have to eventually be decided in a court case. The language used was used because leo wanted it in there according to the asshole Mark Hutchinson who helped write the law for leo and big business. Not the patient.


Rubbing my glands together
One final note about delivery services-
If they are giving away the bud that is allowed as long as the person giving it away is a nv mmj patient. If they set a price or take a "donation" it's illegal.


<In the background, playing softly, barely heard above the howls of laughing cops, lobbyists, congressmen,and their Big Cannabiz partners/masters while they swill celebratory champagne like the swine they are....is Randy Newman's song..."It's Money That Matters....>

Patients? This isn't about patients. It's about $$$$$$$$$$$$ and wringing the last f'n dime out of sick people while Big Pharma tortures them even more with their latest "miracle" drug for yet MORE $$$$$$$$...it's a humbug.....FIE!!!

Grow your own...it's the best you'll ever get. Don't give your money to those beasts.

Sorry RR...you already know all that


Barn Owl

Active member
Thanks, FYI, I am growing, but it needs another month. I totally agree on that!

That makes sense. I guess nobody ever checks on them. They have been around for a while now and it makes me wonder why they have not been shut down, but the money must be too good and the politics of busing MM providers will not go over well in Nevada now.

Thanks everybody. I appreciate it.:biggrin:


Active member
A few years ago they were shouting them down. Then the cost cases got tossed cuz the law here had no way for patients to buy stuff. Then leguslature passes dispensary bill do fix mess. As soon as store one opens those delivery boys will be shut down promptly. Its a giant pug fuck here. Grow your own for the win


Rubbing my glands together
<In the background, playing softly, barely heard above the howls of laughing cops, lobbyists, congressmen,and their Big Cannabiz partners/masters while they swill celebratory champagne like the swine they are....is Randy Newman's song..."It's Money That Matters....>

Patients? This isn't about patients. It's about $$$$$$$$$$$$ and wringing the last f'n dime out of sick people while Big Pharma tortures them even more with their latest "miracle" drug for yet MORE $$$$$$$$...it's a humbug.....FIE!!!

Grow your own...it's the best you'll ever get. Don't give your money to those beasts.

Sorry RR...you already know all that


I agree 100%. All about the $$$$$$ not about the patients. Total for profit setup so there will be no cost controls for the patient whatsoever. As always in Nevada, the state motto should be= "Nevada, Fuckem When You Can!!"

Barn Owl

Active member
I agree 100%. All about the $$$$$$ not about the patients. Total for profit setup so there will be no cost controls for the patient whatsoever. As always in Nevada, the state motto should be= "Nevada, Fuckem When You Can!!"

Now that really sounds like the Nevada I know.


Are deliveries still gray area in NV? In Az, everyone is brainwashed by the dispensaries into believing caretakers are illegal.. Here's the deal. You cant pay them, because they don't collect a tax. You can donate to the monthly A/C nill though zand recieve a gift in exchange.

Any caretaker who opens a brick and mortar location is raided. They want them driving into my neighborhood and popping the trunk in front of little kids i guess.

Nothing about legal weed is for the people...