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Need a grow manager for a 30 light perpetual spot, NorCal

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Well-known member
Hey Lazyman I have been a long time lurker of the forums here and never had posted anything. I am the man for the position PM me and we can facetime or skype.

Lazyman has stated the position has been filled :)


New member
Oh okay. I am in Maine and with the laws about to change for the worst I am just trying to keep my options open.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
VagP is your man. Ran 1100 lights with a 4 man team at one point, but sadly im a Canadian eh


Overkill is under-rated.
I am not smart i am retired. :woohoo:

"Standart" its not blumats for sure :biggrin:

Sorry if i come out as a dick =(

What i just question is that u want some 1 to bring in his own way of doing things, just seam risky.

I would keep things "simple" coco-chowmix, drip feed, run to waste, using a simple fertiliser plan

I stopped using blumats years ago, we use coco/perlite, hand water (450 emitters is just too much) and we are using Greenleaf Nutrients to sub for H&G.

Never stated I wanted someone to come in and change things, in fact quite the opposite. We do pretty well considering the strains we run, no changes are warranted.


Lazyman has stated the position has been filled :)

Position is filled? Therefore the position will be available in a few months haha.... just wait for failure:)

Funny how many people hire big talkers and dont actually test these peoples knowledge. Fact is if your lead grower doesnt know the proper terminology.... calls phenos fenos haha lmfao.... tells me hes read so much but doesnt know fuck all haha.... cant follow simple ratio instructions on the back of bottles. Blames all his shitty product on fake diseases haha lmfao... cannot manage a canopy if there was so.eone there telling him how to do it haha.... this business is full of big talkers.... product speaks for itself.... i e seen big talkers take a 7 8 week strain and take it to 9 10 weeks and wonder why it tasetes like ass and has no head buzz pure single a crap..... ill take viet schwag over his claims of quad a garbage.... wonder why those shot bananas... if i could temeber what his claims of cause for bananas yall would be dying laughing.... and the guy runs a 80 000 kw grow hahahahahahaha.... hes got his co2 at 1500 and wonders why he sucks at growing.... thats 1 of many mistakes this lead grower consultant is making... he has no airflow and doeant think its a problem... umm wonder why you got pm last run genius haha... fuck em....


Here a good sign your growers a dumbass... the facility is equipped with water filtration but the guy doesnt bother to change the filters... says no big deal... haha.... so the water runs thru the filters but comes out the same ppm as tap. Genius...


Overkill is under-rated.
Position is filled? Therefore the position will be available in a few months haha.... just wait for failure:)

Funny how many people hire big talkers and dont actually test these peoples knowledge. Fact is if your lead grower doesnt know the proper terminology.... calls phenos fenos haha lmfao.... tells me hes read so much but doesnt know fuck all haha.... cant follow simple ratio instructions on the back of bottles. Blames all his shitty product on fake diseases haha lmfao... cannot manage a canopy if there was so.eone there telling him how to do it haha.... this business is full of big talkers.... product speaks for itself.... i e seen big talkers take a 7 8 week strain and take it to 9 10 weeks and wonder why it tasetes like ass and has no head buzz pure single a crap..... ill take viet schwag over his claims of quad a garbage.... wonder why those shot bananas... if i could temeber what his claims of cause for bananas yall would be dying laughing.... and the guy runs a 80 000 kw grow hahahahahahaha.... hes got his co2 at 1500 and wonders why he sucks at growing.... thats 1 of many mistakes this lead grower consultant is making... he has no airflow and doeant think its a problem... umm wonder why you got pm last run genius haha... fuck em....

Wow are you presumptuous. I spent hours grilling the guy I hired, and I'm a very tough guy to fake out. Sorry to hear you've had so many troubles hiring your own employees. I had good results from ganjapreneur dot com.


Sorry wasnt talking about you. Just see some interesting people who shouldnt be in the job they do. Cause they r not qualified. I hope you found a good candidate. Im not saying im the best or even close to being as good as i want to be but id expect a lead grower to have better knowledge than me.


Active member
It's been my experience that personality and drive has a lot more to do with success than experience per se.... you could teach someone 95% of growing in a couple weeks of training, but you can't give them the innate patience and attention to detail required to excel at our trade.....


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Honestly, 30 lights is nothing to run.

The growers strength should be organization, time management during work and passion.

In each 65 day flowering period he/she will have 7 days of heavy labour. Transplanting, deleafing, staking. The rest is fuck all. Watering? That takes a hour to 2 max each room.

I hope it works out for you Lazy. Having a good employee can be a god send. Having a tweaker can be a nightmare.


I stopped using blumats years ago, we use coco/perlite, hand water (450 emitters is just too much) and we are using Greenleaf Nutrients to sub for H&G.

Never stated I wanted someone to come in and change things, in fact quite the opposite. We do pretty well considering the strains we run, no changes are warranted.

Cool, i really wish every thing work out for ya.

Dont hope your master grower is going to master hand water all your plants :tiphat:

Ganja baba

Active member
Cool, i really wish every thing work out for ya.

Dont hope your master grower is going to master hand water all your plants :tiphat:

450 emitters is nothing , poor guy having to water all those plants when you could save on human error , oh well , I got offered 100,000 to run an op in Cali and 200,000 in Washington.i prefer soon my own thing but to be honest 75,000 don't seem fair enough to me but wtf do I know I live in Spain now days

Ganja baba

Active member
Just thought a little deeper , I bet it's a real problem getting good staff in this industry , I would assume training some one from scratch is the best opinion because if they were good growers and can hit big yields why would they work for some one else when they can do it them selves , and if this experienced grower does decide to work for some one else I can only imagine it's because he hasn't got the money to what ever reason to do it him self , it's then only a matter of time till he moves on or starts to tell the boss what to do ,


Active member
75k is still double the average income in america so wouldn't think it'd be too hard to find a straight laced person. I would get an ambitious young botany PHD fresh out of school and show them the routine.... they clearly have the science background and anyone who can get through 6-8 years of school prob has enough time management for a grow op


It's a fricken 30 bulber, maybe he should say possible room for expansion but do the math, even at 2 per, 5 cuts a year, which is about the best you could hope for average is 300lbs...

Cost to produce 300-800 per is pretty fair depending... Still a good margins but for walking in bringing nothing 75k is pretty good for a job that as vagpuncher pointed out is only 7 hard days and a bunch of every day few hrs and clean ups...

But yeah, too small for salary IMO I'd just stop in and do myself and say fuck those people with their hands out.... But that just me, faster to get done than tell people what I want and try n make me do it, lol.... Way faster... Cheaper and always turns out better... Funny that.


just turned down 104k for big op in Colorado,18 huge flower rooms not even enough.75 is not enough for a 30 k ...sorry that's my opinion I just toured a cultivation facilty in Las Vegas and the man in charge was complaining about not making any money and only getting 1 lb per 1000 watt and paying his guy 60 k but I saw things that could have doubled his yield and the place is big,so it pays to have the right guy and paying him properly,if he knows his shit you will make a lot a REAL master grower on a 30000 watt pull should be making 144 a year.hearing your medium and watering practices and ferts I can tell you unequivocally that I could improve your system ....alot
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