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Kicking Caffeine


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I quit a little over two years ago, one of the best decisions I ever made. I feel much more level than when I drank caffeine. I also drank coffee for 15 years before I quit. Black coffee, 1 - 4 a day. My sleep is better, I don't grind my teeth, and I don't need heartburn medication anymore. I tried tea also, couldn't get into it. I had no withdrawal other than feeling a bit more tired in the mornings for about a month.
Never could brew green tea strong enough for the caffeine without getting nauseous. It's why I switched to the green tea leaf extract, alkaline and awesome. Yes, too much def does the teeth grinding and sleep issues, but it's massively different without all the coffee chems involved. :)


Around 2014 i drank ~1l energydrink per day. It was my breakfast and i needed the sugar and caffein kick to start moving.
Then i went for 1 month to the caribean and quit cold turkey. It was not a problem at all but after 1 week i got heavy headaches for 3 days. Imo that were my withdrawl symptomes.
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Well-known member
Around 2014 i drank ~1l energydrink per day. It was my breakfast and i needed the sugar and caffein kick to start moving.
Then i went for 1 month to the caribean and quit cold turkey. It was not a problem at all but after 1 week i got heavy headaches for 3 days. Imo that were my withdrawl symptomes.
headaches are common during detox. I had the same problem when I started my AIW. I was terrible but did go away eventually.
I try to limit my intake of acidic food and drink most of the time and consume as much alkaline as I can.


I try to limit my intake of acidic food and drink most of the time and consume as much alkaline as I can.
You have to try cold brew coffee. The acids won't get extracted in the cold. U get a very good coffee without the acid and harsh bitterness. And it is also a nice way of turning down your consumption when u have to wait at least 12h(better 24h) to brew a coffee.


Well-known member
After 15 years of faithful service to the coffee bean industry im thinking of giving the stuff up. It use to be a positive habit that brightened my day and it really helped with ptsd. Now it does little more than make me feel anxious or tired. But its been in my life so long that i feel like it will be a habit that's hard to break so I just wanted some different perspectives. Who here has actually quit caffeine? Was it a positive transition for you? Did you attack your coworker with a chainsaw the first week? Please feel me in on the ups and downs of parting ways with this powerful elixir
You know man every time I did was a forced break but I remember a stent in rehab way back where they always had a staff lounge sized thing of coffee in the “TV Room” lmao.
Well early on I remember,
I Drank the fuck outa that shit thinking it was my only way out ya know.
Wasn’t until a couple weeks later It was my turn to go handle coffee duty in the good ol TV Room.. so I take the things back to the kitchen where they kept the donations, opened up a cabinet full of way outdated Folgers Decaf.
I later asked, you guys been poisoning us with decaf? The Tech said Nah Man, just you junkies, not us staff. He’s all… trust me though… you will either love a real cup when you get out or you might not like it as much.
It never even occurred to me that i was lacking in caffeine all that time bc it wasn’t even a thought. Granted I was going through some other shit but bc I didn’t know, it didn’t impacted me like it could have if I had allowed some crazy manifestations of caffeine wd.
Dude was right. Later on I got myself a big ass cup of coffee and remember getting a quarter of the way into it when I realized how uncomfortable the caffeine was making me.
The absence of caffeine made me feel so much smoother if that makes sense.

Also I feel like coffee is like cannabis in ways that, I’d prob drink more of it if I could grow it myself or find a super reliable No Fuckery bean slinger. Much like shitty weed can poison us Shitty coffee bean can too.
Or help in rare instances lol

So pick your Bean like you pick your Buds!

Best of luck to ya Bud! And enjoi the suffering.


Well-known member
Just the thread title was enough to cause me a bit of panic.

I have about 4-7 strong black coffees a day and I could not imagine life without it. I listened to Michael Pollan interviewed about coffee though; very interesting. Still, not about to give it up.
Oh I know it does a lot of good for a lot of poeple
You know man every time I did was a forced break but I remember a stent in rehab way back where they always had a staff lounge sized thing of coffee in the “TV Room” lmao.
Well early on I remember,
I Drank the fuck outa that shit thinking it was my only way out ya know.
Wasn’t until a couple weeks later It was my turn to go handle coffee duty in the good ol TV Room.. so I take the things back to the kitchen where they kept the donations, opened up a cabinet full of way outdated Folgers Decaf.
I later asked, you guys been poisoning us with decaf? The Tech said Nah Man, just you junkies, not us staff. He’s all… trust me though… you will either love a real cup when you get out or you might not like it as much.
It never even occurred to me that i was lacking in caffeine all that time bc it wasn’t even a thought. Granted I was going through some other shit but bc I didn’t know, it didn’t impacted me like it could have if I had allowed some crazy manifestations of caffeine wd.
Dude was right. Later on I got myself a big ass cup of coffee and remember getting a quarter of the way into it when I realized how uncomfortable the caffeine was making me.
The absence of caffeine made me feel so much smoother if that makes sense.

Also I feel like coffee is like cannabis in ways that, I’d prob drink more of it if I could grow it myself or find a super reliable No Fuckery bean slinger. Much like shitty weed can poison us Shitty coffee bean can too.
Or help in rare instances lol

So pick your Bean like you pick your Buds!

Best of luck to ya Bud! And enjoi the suffering.
Haha thanks man. Im setting my quit date for Aug 15th. Marijuana definitely has never made me feel lousy the way coffee has but i certainly know some folks that cant handle the green. Me i'll be toking until im on life support :smoke:


Well-known member
You have to try cold brew coffee. The acids won't get extracted in the cold. U get a very good coffee without the acid and harsh bitterness. And it is also a nice way of turning down your consumption when u have to wait at least 12h(better 24h) to brew a coffee.
cold brew? this sounds interesting. I have never even considered it before because I assumed that you need hot water to make coffee. How do you prepare this kinda coffee?
I usually just use alkaline water to neutralize the acids when maken my hot coffee.


Well-known member
cold brew? this sounds interesting. I have never even considered it before because I assumed that you need hot water to make coffee. How do you prepare this kinda coffee?
I usually just use alkaline water to neutralize the acids when maken my hot coffee.
You have to try cold brew coffee. The acids won't get extracted in the cold. U get a very good coffee without the acid and harsh bitterness. And it is also a nice way of turning down your consumption when u have to wait at least 12h(better 24h) to brew a coffee.
Oh ive been there. its smoother for sure but man is it strong


Oh ive been there. its smoother for sure but man is it strong
Oh yes it can get very strong i have brewed some nice espresso strenght with that method. I try to use as less coffee as possible so the endproduct is not very strong.
cold brew? this sounds interesting. I have never even considered it before because I assumed that you need hot water to make coffee. How do you prepare this kinda coffee?
I usually just use alkaline water to neutralize the acids when maken my hot coffee.
Coarse ground coffee with some cold water stored in the fridge for min 12h, most of the time i wait 24h. I have a special jug for it but u could use a simple jar with lid. The jar is a little tricky to get most of the liquid out without the coffee ground but it's doable. A small fench press works also fine just mix everything, put the cover on and press the lever the other day.


Well-known member
Oh yes it can get very strong i have brewed some nice espresso strenght with that method. I try to use as less coffee as possible so the endproduct is not very strong.

Coarse ground coffee with some cold water stored in the fridge for min 12h, most of the time i wait 24h. I have a special jug for it but u could use a simple jar with lid. The jar is a little tricky to get most of the liquid out without the coffee ground but it's doable. A small fench press works also fine just mix everything, put the cover on and press the lever the other day.
thanks, I´m gonna try it out soon. 12-24 hours is a looong time to make a coffee though :LOL:

my coffee is usually very diluted. I only use 1 and a bit teaspoon for my 300-350 ml cup. This way I can have 2 instead of 1 cup ;)

this cold brew coffee puts a new spin on `ice coffee´ lol but I can´t have ice cream anymore anyway...

Three Berries

Active member
I drink 3 cup of strong Dark Italian Roast fresh ground with about a 1/4 cup of heavy cream each. That's my breakfast. Around 10 am 1 cup of Decaf. Any later and it keeps me awake after midnight.

To kick an addiction you first have to decide it is not good for you and ask yourself why are you using the substance.


Well-known member
I drink 3 cup of strong Dark Italian Roast fresh ground with about a 1/4 cup of heavy cream each. That's my breakfast. Around 10 am 1 cup of Decaf. Any later and it keeps me awake after midnight.

To kick an addiction you first have to decide it is not good for you and ask yourself why are you using the substance.
I got hooked on it in the service. Very long time ago. And its pretty much a breakfast replacement for me too


Autistic Diplomat in Training
You guys have no idea what yer missing. :) All the downsides discussed I have eliminated... except the headaches when you foolishly use yoo much and then back off. Though nothing like the headaches from synthetic and coffee. ;)


Well-known member
that cold brew coffee is really good! I had a gf that worked at a coffee shop in LA called, The Bourgeois Pig… They made cold brew coffee on the coffee bar in this one off glass piece that was like 5 or 6 feet tall. Shit was strong but so good! They would sell out all the time.
ps. If you guys are ever in LA and want some coffee check that place out, it’s a trip. Has a ”jungle theme” room, vines and all. lol fun place to trip.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Never could brew green tea strong enough for the caffeine without getting nauseous. It's why I switched to the green tea leaf extract, alkaline and awesome. Yes, too much def does the teeth grinding and sleep issues, but it's massively different without all the coffee chems involved. :)
One of the reasons I drink so much coffee is that I'm ADHD and crave the stimulation. I hate green tea but try and force some down as the combination of whatever is in the tea, and coffee combined seem to reduce the jittery effects of the coffee.


Well-known member
One of the reasons I drink so much coffee is that I'm ADHD and crave the stimulation. I hate green tea but try and force some down as the combination of whatever is in the tea, and coffee combined seem to reduce the jittery effects of the coffee.
I have a friend with ADHD that drinks it all day. She coud drink a double shot espresso at 8pm at be off to sleep by 10pm. I mean wow


K+ vibes
Love the topic man..... Now that im in my mids 30s, and abusing caffeine since a kid basically.....because of soda... Once I started drinking coffee I learned what withdrawal was like after running outta the first bag I got.... I had my head planted on my knee all day and waiting to puke.. Not able to open my eyes without pain....
So many variables that can ramp up one day, and drop off the next... If you drink the bottom of a coffee pot, and get the grounds or particles its dramatically stronger in caffeine... So one day you could get all clean cups, next day get few bottom of the pot cups, store cups... and its always inconsistent doses unless you get religious or routine about it.... So one day your zipping, the next you feel like your jugular is gonna explode and you wont realize its caffeine until you gotta chug something and wait for 2 hr before u feel decent... Its pretty harsh at times, maybe im sensitive....

I quit coffee, and now its just soda which is bad enough.... I definitely wanna stop not on caffeine but sugar too.... Its horrible for your organs.....arteries....blood pressure.... All a recipe for fatal results...
I strongly believe caffeine withdrawal and peaks/lows is a cause of tons of stroke/heart attack. Even just with soda, and what sugar does to your arteries and nerves. Some people drink a 12 pack of soda a day then maybe 2-3 the next... that shit with a very obese person could tip them into the dangerzone..
If youve studied diet any you'll see there is tons of studies with opposing conclusions that satisfy a broad spectrum of bias....
These tests, theories, and results are in general always missing many variables in the equation/big picture.... I think theres a level of going from medicine to poison with most things, and you always get more enjoyment when you have no tolerance, and microdose, or enjoy short blasts of enjoyment and not daily abuse.... I think being minimalist as possible with all chemicals and intake will get the most enjoyment from all things...... You of course have to be diverse to not be deficient, but absorption comes into play, many eat tons of things but still absorb so little because of the amount of sugar/salt/carbs/bacteria/fungi people are dealing with.. Feeding the microbiomes negative population moreso than yourself....

So I plan to basically cut most carbs out of my diet, and rely on fat for calories. Going to get as much grass fed butter as i can, and eggs... Start making sauces with yolks+butter w/garlic, and different herbs/veggies for things like sardines/beef/sausage/chicken/herring/turkey/etc...... With lettuce/cilantro/red&yellow&orange pepper salad being my main base carbs with the random veggies like broccoli/carrot/peas and shit i'll stirfry in butter to throw in....Flax/Chia/hemp seed... Occasionally when I feel maybe im low on energy or behind I'll do a mashed sweet potato+cilantro+ketchup for a carb bump.....

Im trying to plan what im gonna drink mainly right now though, the food is easy... I'm gonna try to work on starting kombucha and try a pineapple, and different ferments/flavors of that...... That'll be my lite tea for low dose caffeine..... but I also will make a espresso drink i believe its "cafe mocha"... Fresh roasted ethiopian beans that i ground ... Basically half the cup espresso other half chocolate milk with hershey's chocolate syrup and some whipped cream..... That'll be my high caffeine dose high sugar treat drink... It taste like straight chocolate milk, the coffee taste is super light and non invasive to a super good sweet/creamy chocolate milk.
Also im going to get as many watermelons as possible... That will be my hydration boost..... To conserve ill put chunks in my water instead of eating too much for water.... Also cucumber chunks for water...... Different stuff either blended or just sat in water... Also gonna start doing water blends with salts or minerals and different stuff like cilantro/lemonjuice, or strawberry banana water with sea salt/sugar or honey... Gonna try different stuff either way..... Drinking enough soda to be hydrated is a lost cause your wrecking the same organs your trying to hydrate..... With water/veggie/fruit blends your getting hydrated and some.... So even if they are so weak you gotta drink 2 to feel like u got a sugar fix, you still just blessed your body.. You could drink a coffee or something at that level of hydrated/diluted without being such a strain on your body... Also with a my fat intake i'll absorb far more of the caffeine, etc so I dont have to drink as much to get the desired effect..

I dunno im rambling, but hopefully this gives ya something to think about and potentially send you on a better journey than the simple coffee routine..


Well-known member
Love the topic man..... Now that im in my mids 30s, and abusing caffeine since a kid basically.....because of soda... Once I started drinking coffee I learned what withdrawal was like after running outta the first bag I got.... I had my head planted on my knee all day and waiting to puke.. Not able to open my eyes without pain....
So many variables that can ramp up one day, and drop off the next... If you drink the bottom of a coffee pot, and get the grounds or particles its dramatically stronger in caffeine... So one day you could get all clean cups, next day get few bottom of the pot cups, store cups... and its always inconsistent doses unless you get religious or routine about it.... So one day your zipping, the next you feel like your jugular is gonna explode and you wont realize its caffeine until you gotta chug something and wait for 2 hr before u feel decent... Its pretty harsh at times, maybe im sensitive....

I quit coffee, and now its just soda which is bad enough.... I definitely wanna stop not on caffeine but sugar too.... Its horrible for your organs.....arteries....blood pressure.... All a recipe for fatal results...
I strongly believe caffeine withdrawal and peaks/lows is a cause of tons of stroke/heart attack. Even just with soda, and what sugar does to your arteries and nerves. Some people drink a 12 pack of soda a day then maybe 2-3 the next... that shit with a very obese person could tip them into the dangerzone..
If youve studied diet any you'll see there is tons of studies with opposing conclusions that satisfy a broad spectrum of bias....
These tests, theories, and results are in general always missing many variables in the equation/big picture.... I think theres a level of going from medicine to poison with most things, and you always get more enjoyment when you have no tolerance, and microdose, or enjoy short blasts of enjoyment and not daily abuse.... I think being minimalist as possible with all chemicals and intake will get the most enjoyment from all things...... You of course have to be diverse to not be deficient, but absorption comes into play, many eat tons of things but still absorb so little because of the amount of sugar/salt/carbs/bacteria/fungi people are dealing with.. Feeding the microbiomes negative population moreso than yourself....

So I plan to basically cut most carbs out of my diet, and rely on fat for calories. Going to get as much grass fed butter as i can, and eggs... Start making sauces with yolks+butter w/garlic, and different herbs/veggies for things like sardines/beef/sausage/chicken/herring/turkey/etc...... With lettuce/cilantro/red&yellow&orange pepper salad being my main base carbs with the random veggies like broccoli/carrot/peas and shit i'll stirfry in butter to throw in....Flax/Chia/hemp seed... Occasionally when I feel maybe im low on energy or behind I'll do a mashed sweet potato+cilantro+ketchup for a carb bump.....

Im trying to plan what im gonna drink mainly right now though, the food is easy... I'm gonna try to work on starting kombucha and try a pineapple, and different ferments/flavors of that...... That'll be my lite tea for low dose caffeine..... but I also will make a espresso drink i believe its "cafe mocha"... Fresh roasted ethiopian beans that i ground ... Basically half the cup espresso other half chocolate milk with hershey's chocolate syrup and some whipped cream..... That'll be my high caffeine dose high sugar treat drink... It taste like straight chocolate milk, the coffee taste is super light and non invasive to a super good sweet/creamy chocolate milk.
Also im going to get as many watermelons as possible... That will be my hydration boost..... To conserve ill put chunks in my water instead of eating too much for water.... Also cucumber chunks for water...... Different stuff either blended or just sat in water... Also gonna start doing water blends with salts or minerals and different stuff like cilantro/lemonjuice, or strawberry banana water with sea salt/sugar or honey... Gonna try different stuff either way..... Drinking enough soda to be hydrated is a lost cause your wrecking the same organs your trying to hydrate..... With water/veggie/fruit blends your getting hydrated and some.... So even if they are so weak you gotta drink 2 to feel like u got a sugar fix, you still just blessed your body.. You could drink a coffee or something at that level of hydrated/diluted without being such a strain on your body... Also with a my fat intake i'll absorb far more of the caffeine, etc so I dont have to drink as much to get the desired effect..

I dunno im rambling, but hopefully this gives ya something to think about and potentially send you on a better journey than the simple coffee routine..
I understand your sugar struggle all too well . I had a 4 year addiction to little debbie star crunch. Id probably eat 20 a day at my lowest point. That sugar can take a biteo_O

Three Berries

Active member
I understand your sugar struggle all too well . I had a 4 year addiction to little debbie star crunch. Id probably eat 20 a day at my lowest point. That sugar can take a biteo_O
I knew a guy who would go though a case of pepsi a day! Caffeine and sugar was his diet. A drummer in a rock and roll band and of course obese.

High fat, high fiber, low carbs is the way to go! Complex carbs are much worse than simple sugar. One of my daily 'foods' is dark chocolate morsels.


Active member
I've been using caffeine extracted from green tea leaves, about 50% caffeine by volume, for almost 10 years. Great stuff, but now regulated by the fda.

I created GreenFocus, a zero jitters, zero crash supplement from it 8 months ago and it's awesome. :) Just put it up for sale on etsy this week. I take one or two a day and get so much more done than when drinking coffee.

Coffee is, even when it has low acid levels, an unhealthy brew. Soooo tasty, but a nasty bitch to work with. Over time it really does impact your health and overall productivity.

Damn I loooove coffee with non-work activities. :)

Don't seem to find GreenFocus on etsy right now.. maybe its to early for me without the cuban coffee 🤣