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I found this weird fungus yesterday now my dog is sick.


I'm sitting at the vets office trying to figure out what's wrong.
They asked me if she could have eaten something toxic or poisonous.
The only weird thing I can think of is this weird stuff growing on my melon plant leaves.

I posted in a gardening group and someone said it looked like stemonitis or chocolate tube slime mold. I googled that and it says that it only grows on dead/rotting wood or piles of dead leaves. But this was growing on a live leaf of a melon plant that's alive. It's even growing on live grass that's growing in between the leaves of the melon plant.
I don't know that my puppy even got anywhere near the melon plant , but it's the only new thing in the yard that I can think of.
I really hope that she just ate some cannabis somehow but there's nothing missing, and she's never done so before. But our older dog ate some cannabutter years ago, and she didn't drool all over like the puppy is doing
Trying to pinpoint the species of this shit to help the vet figure out what is wrong.
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Well-known member
Looks exactly like

Stemonitis Sporangia... although uncommon they can grow on turfgrass after a rain or humid and shaded areas..
"However, in tropical areas they are also common on inflorescences, fruits and in aerial situations (e.g., in the canopy of trees) and also grow in air conditioners, especially when the drain is blocked."

Of note, they bloom lightning quick:

"This slime mold fungus requires about 20 hours to finish making its fruit bodies. Of this, eight hours are needed for induction of the sporangia and the development of the stalk and the columella, six hours more for the sporocarps to produce pigment and mature, and an additional six until the spores are discharged."


Stemonitis sp. is a Myxomycete ( a class of fungus) that is not listed in our MILD ATLAS AND PARTICLES INDEX

nor in the authoritative ATLAS OF CLINICAL FUNGI, DeHoog et als. as a known toxic mold, though it is commonly described in mushroom field guides such as the National Audobon Society's Field Guide to Mushrooms.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Maybe unrelated - but kinda cool - I found this fungus on a tree in Home Park - next to Hampton Court yesterday - no idea what sort of mushroom/fungus it is - but it is kinda pretty - best wishes for your dog to recover ASAP -


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Well-known member
I just saw on the news this morning there is a new highly contagious strain of Parvo Virus in Michigan and it could be elsewhere.

Dogs get very sick and very fast. It is mostly spread through contact with other dogs.19 dogs have died.

Did your dog have contact with other dogs?


...como el Son...
I just saw on the news this morning there is a new highly contagious strain of Parvo Virus in Michigan and it could be elsewhere.

Dogs get very sick and very fast. It is mostly spread through contact with other dogs.19 dogs have died.

Did your dog have contact with other dogs?

Hell yes!
Let them check quickly that it's not Parvo, if it wasn't vaccinated!


I just saw on the news this morning there is a new highly contagious strain of Parvo Virus in Michigan and it could be elsewhere.

Dogs get very sick and very fast. It is mostly spread through contact with other dogs.19 dogs have died.

Did your dog have contact with other dogs?
We have 2 dogs, but they rarely have contact with other dogs, and it's been months ago.


Mary Jane woke up yesterday at 730 and was normal again. We have no idea what happened. The safest, best case scenario is she found a bud laying somewhere and ate it. I just don't know where she would have found it.
I haven't been smoking downstairs since in months, and she doesn't go upstairs where my buds and plants are.
Vet said that it could be a fungus or something that isn't necessarily toxic or poisonous but one that she had an allergic type reaction to. She said if that was the case then she should be better in 5-6 hours, but MJ didn't come back to life till 15-16 hours later.
Vet said symptoms were similar to dogs that had contact with a pesticide that used to be sprayed on plants over 20 years ago, that is no longer made in the US. She asked if I had used any old pesticides lately. The last time I used a toxic spray was an herbicide back in March, and I purchased it new at the farmers co-op, to spray on stump of the Tree of Heaven (Alanthus) they call it tree of heaven because there's no way in hell to get rid of it.
It's scary, because if it wasn't weed that she got ahold of, then there is probably more of whatever it was in the yard somewhere.
I do have a small Angels Trumpet Datura, but I don't see any leaves missing or damage. Putting it on n other side of fence, just to be sure.
Another reason I don't think it was cannabis was she was jerking or twitching. At first I thought she was having some kind of seizure, but vet said that wasn't a seizure.
I want to thank everyone who responded while I was in panic mode! And thank you for your kind words.
@Mithridate Thanks so much for finding the exact species of stemonitis, I greatly appreciate it!


Glad to hear your dog is better now. What a relief!

Some friends have had issues with their dogs eating from the compost heap before. Some of the moulds from food recycling in the heap caused dogs to shivver and go lame for a day.
She does do that!! That's a possibility, thanks for bringing that to my attention.


Well-known member
good to hear little baby is doing better.
The reason she got so sick is probably because she is still a puppy. They´re not fully grown and developed yet and so more vulnerable.

Strange mystery this whole thing though...