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Gypsy & DG's Visit To Babylon


After much persuasion that everything would be okay, Gypsy decided to join me on a trip to visit my friends and family in America. I had not seen my mother in a few years (3 to be exact)....after all the events happening to me over the past year in Holland well, I longed to see my family and feel the warm Florida sunshine.

Gypsy wasn't sure about going with me....he felt alot of trepidation about entering Babylon (as he calls it:p ) ... after all....would immigration let him enter the country? Would he be turned away at the airport for sending seeds all over Babylon? What might be in store waiting for him at immigration? Yes, nerves were on end!

After a long 8 hours nonstop flight, we started our descent into Miami with my face firmly planted in the window by my seat....ahhh, the blue water and palm trees were almost within reach. I recognized and pointed out to Gypsy the many smaller cities which ran down the coastline....'look...there's W. Palm Beach, and that's Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood, the Hallandale water tower on the beach, N. Miami Beach, Biscayne Bay, the downtown Miami skyscrapers'....then finally the plane touched down. We had landed safely in Miami!:D

But, would Gypsy be able to clear immigration? He looked quite concerned as we headed there with our carryon bags...he would have to queue up in a line for non-US passport holders and me in a short and quickly moving line for US citizens. Our flight landed about the same time as alot of other international flights from South America had, so needless to say the line was long where he had to queue up. Here we would be separated, so our plan was to meet outside after claiming luggage and clearing customs.

I waited and waited and waited....getting very nervous, what was taking him so long!....were they detaining one of the largest suppliers of seeds to Babylon?:eek: My heart raced as I watched frantically as the automatic doors leaving customs opened and closed for any sight of our favorite Gypsy.

After about an hour the big double automatic doors opened and there he was....Gypsy was happily leaving customs and had both feet firmly planted on US soil....hooray!:D

We were now on our way to pick up the rental car and make our way up I-95 to Boca Raton where we were anxious to get settled into our room at the Boca Resort and Spa and chill out with a nice spliff.

A good friend of mine was already waiting for our arrival with some mighty fine Haze and White Widow buds. He had prepared a welcome package which included plenty of sticky buds, papers, scissors (necessary to help cut up the sticky resinous herb!), a small glass pipe, 420 room deodorizing spray and nifty cinnamon breath strips:p Room service had already been to visit our room while we were checking in, leaving 2 buckets of ice that contained their signature champagne and a tray of chocolate dipped strawberries dressed up in tuxedos....:p

Yes, a long awaited vacation and chance to show Gypsy around S. Florida, and later on to my birth state, was finally here!

We have lots of great pics and stories to share with you all, here's one of our first beautiful Florida beach shots.


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Awesome DG

Awesome DG

I bet Gypsy didn't know what to do with all that sunshine:)I can see him now,,slapping that high grade sunscreen on that head of his LOL:) Hope you 2 were able to get some of that moisture out of your bones.

I'm really surprised Jeb didn't string him up at the airport.Although he would of had a hell of a time beating back the stoner brigade coming to the rescue................................CC
Glad you 2 got that needed break!


The Best Is Yet To Come
Too nice!!! Dutchgrown

Florida is a sweet place.
plenty to do all year long.
happy all workout out good for you and Gypsy.
cant wait for more photos.



Glad to hear you made it ok through customs, you two... :p

That beach looks nice and inviting - even better with a nice bong by your side though, eh?

Let's hope you have an uneventful return too!

Have fun!


Can't wait for the pictures, Dutchgrown. I lived in Miami and Homestead for years so it should bring up some good memories. I hope you showed Gypsy the Keys also. Good to know he got in and out of here without event.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gypsy ina Babylon!

Gypsy ina Babylon!

....ahhh....Yes.....this was a true test as to whether it was possible for me to come and go freely in the home of the brave and the land of the free...(or is that back-wards?)......anyway.....thru all adversity I sallied forward on my quest to have a bit of a holiday and I found myself escorting this American lady from the Deep South.....she wanted me to go and meet her folks and eat copious ammounts of turnip greens and grits and cornbred and chow-chow on the black eyed peas too.........
.......and so I went like a lamb to the slaughter in to her midst....geographically speaking.....I was in the wonderfull warm and sunny lands of south Florida and mid-central Arkansas........just hopping thru at Atlanta's super chaotic airport on the way...

In Florida we rested after a long and arduous trip on a Virgin 747......well...it was not sooo bad because I had managed to secure 5 middle section rear seats to spread out on and kick-back since the flight was very lightily booked.......Maybe the reason was that Hurricane Charley had just cut a swath thru south-western Florida?....

We were treated well and managed to aquire a full media kit which enabled us to program and watch a good-sized L.C.D./Plasma screen that was in the seat-back right in front of every seat......We could choose from a small library of 50 or so D.V.D. titles and many popular T.V. shows and music/comedy events....so the delayed flight that had needed to fly against the trade winds all of the way was made to be much more agreeable to us that were passengers......

...anyway.....after many hours of flying south-west ot over 30,000 ft we came upon Miami International Airport......

For me this holiday expedition to what most percieve as Babylon might have seemed like sheer folly....But me being a bit of a clutz and not really caring so much about where I am going....(more like where I have not been)....I found myself going back to a country that I had not visited in many years....mainly because I had a curious notion or two that was drawing me to many places that I had visited or lived in ....way back when.......and I had lived in the U.S.A. for about 5 years during the late 70's and early 80's....

Although I had travelled extensively all those years ago across the great expanse of the North American continent, my travels had not brought me to Florida or Arkansas.....the two states that I would visit on this trip....


Glad you both made it there safe and without problems. Glad, you also had a great time in my home state Gypsy. Wish i would have know you was going to be there. Would have drove down from school to say high. Glad there wasn't any problems for the both of you and you made it back safe. Can't wait to see more pictures of your vacation.
Take care


resident slackass
glad to hear that asscroft didnt have his goons waiting for ya.
looking forward to more pics also.



good to see they let the gypsy in ok ,, if they did there , i think we could even do it here .....
must have been great to see the family dg and some home cookin ... i know the southern gal i used to live with often raved about the chow , hows the folks ??
did you notice how many pink building s there are n miami , ...


New member
:) I bet Gypsy was chillin on that beach with that sunscreen on and wondering what it would take to make a " Coconut ": Flavored strain hehe..

Sounds like you had fun..


think i could fall in love with a place like that

beats old england any day :wave:


Tranquil Setting

Tranquil Setting

A very peaceful and tranquil setting, the Boca Resort is a very big and spread out place, part of it is on one side of the itracoastal and the Ocean Club on the other side (beach side). They have transportation down though, if you are going from the ocean side (where we were staying) to the spa and other facilities, there is a private shuttle bus to whisk you there.

Here's some pics of our tranquil oasis found within the very busy SE Florida coastline.





Having tasted the nice haze buds from our Florida welcome package, a computer connection and glass of fizzy, this is the makings of a nice peaceful and somewhat private vacation in the sun.




Sunset Time

Sunset Time

The time really flew by and before you knew it the sun was ready to hide below the horizon until the next morning.



I would highly recommend to anyone in search of much needed R&R to visit the Boca Resort. The spa there (Spa Palazzo) is exceptional. I booked Gypsy in for their 'Spa Trilogy' where he was scrubbed and wrapped with chamomile, massaged with aromatherapy oils, steamed, deluged in showers....LOL...he got the works!:p My visit to the spa was most relaxing and makes one never want to leave the 'Ritual Bath', a unique experience with herbal sea salts and muds. Ahhh, that was great!



Active member
Nice shots DG,looks like a tropical paradise.

Next time you guys should try California.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...Dutchgrown used to be a travel agent in Florida......and so I trusted her guidance in securing a decent place to stay in.....Since I would be entertaining various associates we thought it best to stay at this Boca Raton hotel complex....

...As always.....when I am in the twilight zone of transit.....(flying long-haul)....I need to have a good place to relax in when I arrive.......because I'm all jet-lagged and flipped out...

But first after nearly 11 hours sitting on the same plane.....I had to try and run the gauntlet that is U.S. customs and immigra3ion...
With my new passport in hand I had to queue up with all of the other non-U.S. residents that were trying to get into the country....for it seemed like those with U.S. passports just glided thru immigration whilst I had to wait a minute or two just to be able to shunt my wheely-hand-luggage-laptop bag a couple of inches nearer to the immigration official that might just grant me a visa into these United States....sheesh!

...Oh well.....after a small eternity I found myself (after much shunting of luggage).....in the close vicinity of a U.S. immigration official who motioned at me to aproach him....I did this with a little trepidation knowing that perhaps these guys might want to interview me for something or other......Anyway.....when all is said and done....this process was rather swift and rudimentary and before you could say 'Blind Lemon Jefferson' I was free and wandering around looking for my checked in luggage with a 6 month U.S.A. visa in my passport.......Baad-a-bing-baaa-da-bang!

...Next up was the luggage carousel....I checked to see what carousel our luggage was going to arrive upon...and after identifying this I preceeded in hanging around this electric shiney converyor belt with a hopefull look on my face checking to see if I could get thru the crowds of luggage rubber-neckers and actually retrieve the samsonite and the delsey......

I needed to have a toke.....all of this luggage watching was tripping me out......round and round........red luggage....green luggage..and I was just thinking that it would sure be groovy if I could just fire a fatty up in the bathroom.....Wake up!

......But no.....I still had to get thru the American customs guys/ladies....and ...amazingly enough.....I had filled out my customs declaration on the plane....and this I presented to the customs official ...a big tall American fella...He asked me what I was doing coming to America......and I said....'hopefully to have a good time'...and that I was a tourist.........He chuckled a little.....then asked me what was my business/profession.......and I told him that I had a tattoo shop in England.......Suddenly this customs dude asked to see my tattoo's.....and so I showed him my sleaved left forearm......He ask'ed who the artist was and when I told him that it was 'Bugg's' he smiled and showed me this dragon on his left shoulder under his shirt....
..Well.....seemed like a cool customs department to me...I thought to myself as I claimed my luggage for the umpteenth time.......so many x-rays......so many checks.....my luggage must have been totally irradiated by the end of this 'Checking In to America' ritual....


Good Call on the Boca Spa ! Also glad to hear Gypsy made it through our Nazi-like customs inspectors.

I lived in Boca for 2 years and that place is beautiful, well except for all that damn humidity. Luckily you guys made it there before all those hurricanes started blowing through.

Next trip make the roadie out to Southern California.....I'm sure us So Cal IC members would see to it that you two have a great time !


Yes, I've visited California before, several times....nice too. But myself, I love the extra degrees south....its got that just right tropical feeling in South Florida. :D Funny thing SP, I didn't feel the humidity at all....but it was plenty hot. :p Seeing how you lived in Boca you know exactly where we stayed, a beautiful place to say the least.


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