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Government/FBI watchers


Active member
One time I got a phone call at my house, it ringed twice, I answered and asked "who's there," and then heard a click. It was MY home phone number on the caller-id, and the rings were regular - not the ones you hear when you call your house and hang-up.
A person who knows telephone systems on yahoo answers told me my line notifies someone when I'm using it and told me a technical term that describes it. I looked it up on wiki and it's called the one-ring something or another.
BUT anyway, has this happened to you? Cuz this happened right after I was talking about ways to kill Bush and how the people of the US have no power. I would never kill the president, or anyone, but who has this happened to, tell me your being watched stories, so I can gain evidence on these patriot act, "we make the laws so we can do what we want" bastards. :deadhorse << THIS IS A DONKEY....it stands for democracy and what's happenin with it, but i guess they havent interfered with my life that badly. :wave:


one time i made a post about how i was opening up a donut shop in my house, and next thing i know there's a ton of pigs outside my window


Active member
UnerSame said:
one time i made a post about how i was opening up a donut shop in my house, and next thing i know there's a ton of pigs outside my window



sunshine in a bag
UnerSame said:
one time i made a post about how i was opening up a donut shop in my house, and next thing i know there's a ton of pigs outside my window

I knew a guy in junior high whose mom swore she was being watched by the FBI. They apparently confiscated her computer because she had "secrets" about the govt, and they want to keep her from telling everyone else.

I never went over to the kids house, but I've heard from many reputable sources that the dudes mom used to walk around the house naked because she was so fat that her fupa hid her pussy and she didn't give a shit about her sons seeing her fat titties.
I had something strange over the phone happen to me a few days back.It rung and when I got it some guy said this is the ..... Police department.They also called me by my last name they said they wanted donations for some cops that died.My ass it was probably some scam but sure did gice me a scare the first few seconds.


Active member
Nope, they control your brain through something Nikola Tesla invented...lol...it goes through the ground, so your tinfoil wont help...try making a salt (crytalline) layer in the bottom of your shoes to dissipate the signal. I would just get baked to they get a signal that cant be read (too confusing)


u should be very carefull about what u say on the internet now days. aparently they think freedom of speech doesnt exist any more. And ohh yeah these boards are being watched by all kinds of authorities, not just fbi


joking around about that stuff is pretty risky unless you want the CIA on your ass, they take those things really seriously


journies said:
joking around about that stuff is pretty risky unless you want the CIA on your ass, they take those things really seriously
nah.. still maybe a tinfoil hat? :confused:


certainly not worth doing, to me.....we don't live in america anymore, we live in a police state that is willing to detain its own citizens indefinitely for no specific reason. definitely not the stuff of tinfoil hats...but rather, reality.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
devilgoob said:
One time I got a phone call at my house, it ringed twice, I answered and asked "who's there," and then heard a click. It was MY home phone number on the caller-id, and the rings were regular - not the ones you hear when you call your house and hang-up.
A person who knows telephone systems on yahoo answers told me my line notifies someone when I'm using it and told me a technical term that describes it. I looked it up on wiki and it's called the one-ring something or another.
BUT anyway, has this happened to you? Cuz this happened right after I was talking about ways to kill Bush and how the people of the US have no power. I would never kill the president, or anyone, but who has this happened to, tell me your being watched stories, so I can gain evidence on these patriot act, "we make the laws so we can do what we want" bastards. :deadhorse << THIS IS A DONKEY....it stands for democracy and what's happenin with it, but i guess they havent interfered with my life that badly. :wave:

You got answers from someone at Yahoo answers, and that is your proof?

Well let me tell you, that if your line was tapped, you would not know. I do quite a bit of telco work, and am quite familiar with wire tapping, how they work, what is involved in it, I seriously doubt that anyone was tapping your line after you made a few harmless threats on a weed website, about teh current administration.
There are far worse people tahn you in teh country for LEO to worry about.


Active member
They're advertisement agencies. If you trace the call, it would likely lead you to some company out of the country. But just to make sure, I will say this and see if I get a phone call:

"I'm a cop killa. I grow 500 pounds of weed a day. I smoke lots of crack and rape pigs."

Should be expecting one any minute now...

Edit: Nevermind. I just took off my tinfoil hat and realized cops can't trace keyboard signals, nor can they trace encrypted digital signals over the land line.
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Mr. M. Yass

New member
Actually, newbgrow, they can trace keyboard signals -- when you press a key it generates an electrical impulse that you better believe can be picked up (It's been done before)

Second, they can trace any encrypted data stream they want, land line or not. What they may not be able to do is decipher it, but they'll be able to trace it.


Active member
First, a keyboard signal is a low-level event in terms of programming and can't be picked up unless the event was interrupted via a keylogger/trojan-type program. The only way to pick up one of these that can be tracked by LEOs is to download it from a LEO website, which is unlikely, or to have them come to your house 007-style and physically install it, which is even more unlikely. Whatever physical electrical impulse a keyboard may generate is so minute, the walljack it's connected to would drown it out. Regardless, how do you propose the FBI differentiate between different keys, if they were to just "pick up" electrical impulses?

Secondly, you may be inclined to play around with the wording, but do you think it's feasible for the FBI to track any random comment you make on an online forum, and then call you immediately after to confirm your location? That would imply you think an FBI agent is hiding in everyone with an internet connection's trashcan waiting for them to post messages, or that they have real-time cooperation with the forum host and access to server logs. A correctly encrypted 128-bit file would take months to years to decrypt without the key, defeating the purpose of "tracing" it...

In order for the original poster's scenario to work, something like this would have to happen:
1. The LEO anticipated your message via precog technolology from Minority Report, and intercepted when you posted it, or LEO hacked into the forum server's encrypted access logs and...
2. LEO traced the message to your IP address.
3. LEO contacted your Internet Service Provider, and got your personal info.
4. LEO prank calls your house... then hangs up, for no good reason but to scare the crap out of you.

And keep in mind, all this happened within minutes...


Feyd said:

I knew a guy in junior high whose mom swore she was being watched by the FBI. They apparently confiscated her computer because she had "secrets" about the govt, and they want to keep her from telling everyone else.

I never went over to the kids house, but I've heard from many reputable sources that the dudes mom used to walk around the house naked because she was so fat that her fupa hid her pussy and she didn't give a shit about her sons seeing her fat titties.


Do you have diabeetas?


newbgrow said:
First, a keyboard signal is a low-level event in terms of programming and can't be picked up unless the event was interrupted via a keylogger/trojan-type program. The only way to pick up one of these that can be tracked by LEOs is to download it from a LEO website, which is unlikely, or to have them come to your house 007-style and physically install it, which is even more unlikely. Whatever physical electrical impulse a keyboard may generate is so minute, the walljack it's connected to would drown it out. Regardless, how do you propose the FBI differentiate between different keys, if they were to just "pick up" electrical impulses?

Secondly, you may be inclined to play around with the wording, but do you think it's feasible for the FBI to track any random comment you make on an online forum, and then call you immediately after to confirm your location? That would imply you think an FBI agent is hiding in everyone with an internet connection's trashcan waiting for them to post messages, or that they have real-time cooperation with the forum host and access to server logs. A correctly encrypted 128-bit file would take months to years to decrypt without the key, defeating the purpose of "tracing" it...

In order for the original poster's scenario to work, something like this would have to happen:
1. The LEO anticipated your message via precog technolology from Minority Report, and intercepted when you posted it, or LEO hacked into the forum server's encrypted access logs and...
2. LEO traced the message to your IP address.
3. LEO contacted your Internet Service Provider, and got your personal info.
4. LEO prank calls your house... then hangs up, for no good reason but to scare the crap out of you.

And keep in mind, all this happened within minutes...

lol if they can pick up electrical impulses as small as keystrokes on a keyboard then maybe they can pick up the impulses firing in our brains, and read our minds!? time to put the tinfoil hats on


There are only 3 billion people in the world. The other so called 3.5 billion "people" are actually government employs who track the "realies" and report to there leaders our thoughts actions etc. etc. Your watcher may have just been ****ing with you on a slow day.

I took my tin hat off once :puppydoge ..... no really I did I swear :joint: .
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