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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


In my empire of dirt

I saw you'd made some additions.

I think you're bragging about you being handsome re. the LGBTQ folks admiring you, pop.

I met several folks of different sexual identities on the road who propositioned me over time, and I found a simple, "Thanks, but that's not my interest" or similar statement, to be more than adequate.

I had a peer in lower Michigan in the mid-70s who came back from a hitching trip and bragged about a gay person asking him if he was interested, and him stabbing the fellow in the hand with a knife.. over being asked a question.

Like I stated earlier, whether male or female making the proposal, when/if there was cause to decline, I always found a simple, "No thanks", sufficed. No knives or insecurity-born violence necessary, though I carried a large scuba knife on my pack, a shotgun in a hard case, and a smaller pocketknife.

I turned down sex with a woman three times on the road, one of them because she was married and she told me (I was 18) that she had an 'arrangement' with her husband. It was roadside in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, west of Marquette. I told her that I had an arrangement with myself, too; "I don't fuck married women."

We've got 2 German shepherds here at the moment. An adult female who is about 2-3/4 years old now, and a female puppy that's about 7-2/3-months old.

If the pup starts listening to Lou Reed on a loop, or maybe Millie Vanillie, and dressing in flamboyant colors, I'll let you know. :)
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ive been exposed! and no one is checking me out!
those are nice looking dogs man, but thats some weird looking beach sand?
I grew up in a family where nudity was considered natural, nothing sexual about it. Maybe it was the era but it was common for friends to come over and swim in our dam nude. It was not remotely traumatising for me as a kid, or for my sister and all the other kids. People weren't exposing their dicks to kids, they were simply taking off their clothes to swim.

If you see something sexual about someone nude, then that is your problem and twisted interpretation.

nothing gay about the post so far, so im just going to walk in naked

moose eater

Well-known member
ive been exposed! and no one is checking me out!
those are nice looking dogs man, but thats some weird looking beach sand?
That's snow, pop. :)

Though I suspect you knew that.

The pic of the more mature German shepherd was taken this last winter at about -20 f. She has a red Kong ball habit that won't quit. wants to play ball no matter the temps.

The one of the puppy was taken just a couple months ago, near the end of winter.

Thanks for the compliments. I'll put a good word in for you with them.


In my empire of dirt
That's snow, pop. :)

Though I suspect you knew that.

The pic of the more mature German shepherd was taken this last winter at about -20 f. She has a red Kong ball habit that won't quit. wants to play ball no matter the temps.

The one of the puppy was taken just a couple months ago, near the end of winter.

Thanks for the compliments. I'll put a good word in for you with them.
right on man, the key words are pops= treats!


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
right, or is this some kind of free range changing room with no walls/ doors on their stalls?
back in dem 50s mi ma usta take me to de swimmin pool an she tuke me inna lady-gurls changin room - no stalls there - one of my favorite childhood memories cept fer the occasional giant bush.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The excessive and inaccurate use of the term 'predator' has been a built-in part of this whole goat rope from the beginning. The tendency of many to see 'predator' in anything not like themselves.

Not a lot of evolution in our species in thousands of years.

Edit: As a senior, I can assure you that my instincts toward survival and self-preservation are quite intact. Better than the average, even.... by a bunch. But I don't quake or quiver in expression of neurotic fears when someone who I've decided should be in jeans puts on a dress instead.

moose eater

Well-known member
right on man, the key words are pops= treats!

Treats have been a primary training tool. And they're easily bribed. All the GSDs and other dogs we've had thought any veggies we ate must be special; baby spinach leaves, even sweet onion.

Bring along some cheese or some steak fat trimmed from a grilled piece of beef, and they'll probably give you the tour and tell you what you can take without its absence being noticed.

And when I have a toke now, the puppy seems uncannily interested in the smell of the smoke. I had a Norwegian elkhound that I acquired 50-some years ago that went through several phases with cannabis smoke. But I doubt that'll get the same tour as cheese and beef,... or fish.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
.....And by the time a person is in their 'golden years' they've often been handled, naked and otherwise, by enough male and female nurses, med techs, or doctors, and been around enough, that the puritan-born inhibitions about the human body and dysfunctional conditioning about such, holds less and less water, so to speak.

Been there and done that. Still doing that more often than I'd care to.

Also, I previously worked with sexual offenders as a MH clinician, both pedophiles and random sexual assault type folks... And victims of various ages, as well...
I also worked in this arena; working with police to track down, charge or exclude pedophiles or reject unfounded accusations. I interviewed many sexually abused and falsely stated victims/cases. I helped reinstate kids with moms who had fucked up boyfriends/husbands - kicked out [I kicked some out]. I cleared many falsely accused moms/dads. I am appalled at the outlandish branding of people now as pedos and predators; it reminds me of the 80s (I think) of the daycare dumscare.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Parts of Europe and some other cultures/regions are far less hung up on human anatomy than the prudish US.

Perhaps having ended the Pilgrims' and Puritans' presence here at Plymouth Rock would've been better for everyone.
bravo - old boy


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
In my world, under-cooked omelets are bad, pop...

And neighbors who have double-standards where self-determination and one's property boundaries are concerned....

And incessant political ads for obvious derelict candidates running night and day every so many years. Those are bad.

Blueberry yogurt -can- be bad... especially in excess...

Unintentionally pollinated female cannabis plants are bad.. in my world.

So are bananas when they are apart from nut bread.... even on a sundae. (I know, weird, right?)

Bigots. They're bad too. Seems every generation has a group of people bent on telling us how afraid we ought to be, and routinely misdiagnosing the core issues. They're pretty bad as well.

And people who let sharp objects fall out of their pick-up truck beds at the dump, allowing others to acquire expensive flat tires. They're REALLY bad.

And pedophiles, they're bad in the active expression of their disorders too.

And double standards in the courts for those with exceptional legal representation via wealth, versus what the rest of the Country's commoners receive.

And people who drive in front of me on the highway who should've done a rebuild on their motor 50,000 miles ago, thus filling my passenger compartment with horrible smoke from half-burned oil.

And people who borrow tools, but never offer to return them, causing the owner to track them down.

And people who collect money for doing a job, but don't properly do the job.

Shit, I could write a novella about all the things that are truly bad. :)

But having been a long-distance hitchhiker for a good part of my wayward youth, and not having been raped by any gay, transvestite or bi-sexual people (despite encountering many of them), I'm not sure that some fellow in a nice chiffon skirt would make my list of 'bad shit.' Or even register inherently as a threat.

I think we have a society where lots of people want their neuroses to be guarded by the punitive arm of the law so we can all live in fear of non-issues. Gives us something to talk about when there's no good soap operas on the tube, and we're tired of typing to strangers in forums.

Hope you're having a glorious day, pop... :)
Another glorious post old friend

moose eater

Well-known member
I also worked in this arena; working with police to track down, charge or exclude pedophiles or reject unfounded accusations. I interviewed many sexually abused and falsely stated victims/cases. I helped reinstate kids with moms who had fucked up boyfriends/husbands - kicked out [I kicked some out]. I cleared many falsely accused moms/dads. I am appalled at the outlandish branding of people now as pedos and predators; it reminds me of the 80s (I think) of the daycare dumscare.
And the rare attention paid to women who molest children, including their own. I worked with a 15-year-old adolescent male in my internship who was molested by his mother. Mommy Dearest. Rarely reported, and far less often prosecuted.

I also did community liaison work for the State for paroled sex offenders, including those with pedophilia.

The frequency of parents who bought into the Mr. Nice Guy routine and refused to accept the crimes committed against their children even after the perpetrator had copped to the crimes, was staggering. Some saying they'd let the person babysit their kids again, and others saying in defiance that they'd let their children play in the perpetrator's yard anytime if it wasn't for the State threatening the offender if they had unsupervised contact with underaged people..

One of those persons the parents said they'd let babysit their kids again had over 1,000 offenses behind him involving about 12 children. Charismatic Catholic upbringing. Mild and meek demeanor.

By the time our kids were old enough to stay over at other peoples' homes, if I didn't know the parents or household -really- well, I ran them through CourtView (free online access in Alaska) to check their legal history.

And the vast majority of persons with pedophilia I ever worked with clinically presented as the most polite, soft-spoken, helpful people you'd ever meet.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I grew up in a family where nudity was considered natural, nothing sexual about it. Maybe it was the era but it was common for friends to come over and swim in our dam nude. It was not remotely traumatising for me as a kid, or for my sister and all the other kids. People weren't exposing their dicks to kids, they were simply taking off their clothes to swim.

If you see something sexual about someone nude, then that is your problem and twisted interpretation.


In my empire of dirt
what? no
this guy is obviously mentally ill

but yes, EU=all the weirdos because of this guys video
/or maybe its a trans girl?


Well-known member
just tell us where you have buried the bodies microbean ... while you are on the run from interpol in mexico , did you visit your mate in austrailia?at yew-chi s residence , rolfs son? are the bodies near the dam? the place chi family strips naked for all the locals and encourages them to do the same ? did you study science at the same school?