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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


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and there is quite the move being done in Congress to keep their UFO secrets secret
after all, if there's nothing to hide why are they hiding "nothing"


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an article on a captured UFO from area 51
once upon a time I didn't give these stories much credence
now, however, I'm not so sure
actual names of real people that could be telling the truth



Well-known member
and for a very wild video, this one could be at the top of the heap
supposedly taken in Quebec, if real it's a mind blower

Im not even able to watch the video as there are ads constantly interrupting the vid.


Well-known member
The big bang theory starts everything 13.8 billion years ago.
That is when the Milky Way was formed.
Most galaxies are between 10 and 13.6 billion years old
Some are as new as 500 million years.

What this says, is our galaxy is in a small percentile, which makes up the oldest galaxies.
Now consider where life is likely to come from. I would be very surprised if our visitors were from a galaxy formed 500 million years ago. When we were a rock.

We may find it unlikely that we are the apex of evolution, but why would anywhere of got ahead of us. Ahead by a meaningful margin. We got a head start.

I think a species that were forced to work together instead of having endless wars is ahead. Perhaps a creature that had more reliance on others, than our male+female=babies. Or a planet with a small well of life, that all must share. Who knows, but something that makes sharing a primary survival trait. Which would make us look like a planet of locust. We don't really know the cost of war, but can see what working together brings.


The big bang theory starts everything 13.8 billion years ago.
Thats the current thesis. There are new findings from the james webb that suggest that the universe is older. Some galaxys a little younger than the 13.8b years(13.5 iirc) are too heavy to be formed at this time. Prof. Gupta calculated an age of 27b years.



Well-known member
Thats the current thesis. There are new findings from the james webb that suggest that the universe is older. Some galaxys a little younger than the 13.8b years(13.5 iirc) are too heavy to be formed at this time. Prof. Gupta calculated an age of 27b years.

I'm not prescribed to the idea, but the bang is what we have

I deleted a bit of my post before publishing, that encompasses the weight thing. Though it wasn't on my mind.
We see the bang as dust flying out, but what if there were lumps. Lumps of metal, perhaps with some magnetism. That would be an advancement timeline that's something else. While some matter starts more like radio waves, that magnetic lump is already a rock with great gravitational potential. It's existence at a time when everything else was near atoms with no interest in each other, might of made it's harvesting of fresh matter that formed, almost certain. I'm talking of something like a sky of water vapour, just looking for any dust to collect upon. Only on a galactic scale. That very first bit of something, would be everything, and so it's mass would grow beyond anything else.
Our knowledge of black holes is so little, that I would not be surprised to find they are huge gravitational wells, that won't even let their TV signals propergate out into space. The warping we see, could have them on a very different time schedule. While the matter in there, much denser and unlike what we know of. So life in there would be very different, but that's not to say impossible.
Or in a different theory, our solar generation might one day advance to attracting the light, not just waiting for it. So we to will be a black hole to the outside observer.
We have certainly had a lot of time to get something done, and suns can't last forever. Our chances are as good as any we know of. Perhaps one day we will have to leave and become a space race. Answering the question of why do they come here. They are nomadic, with nothing better to do?


Well-known member
all neat theories with no (humanly) possible way to prove any of them correct. it's like asking "what time is it?" when the clock has never worked... time cannot start, nor stop. it just is...


Well-known member
better video(maybe)

Thanks for the new video. To me it looks like a balloon too. What i am criticizing is, that the so called TV "experts" should have far more sophisticated tools to stabilize the video using tracking methods. I have seen way better tracking of unstable videos already 15 years ago and when they said "we've stabilized it" and then showed the same shaky sequence I knew instantly they had no interest in showing a real stabilized version because then it probably would have become obvious that they only want to generate view counts.


Well-known member
Thanks for the new video. To me it looks like a balloon too. What i am criticizing is, that the so called TV "experts" should have far more sophisticated tools to stabilize the video using tracking methods. I have seen way better tracking of unstable videos already 15 years ago and when they said "we've stabilized it" and then showed the same shaky sequence I knew instantly they had no interest in showing a real stabilized version because then it probably would have become obvious that they only want to generate view counts.
I would also like a stabilized for a better feel of its motion
it does look like 2 objects intermittently which makes it perhaps something other than a balloon


I also think that the big bang was the beginning but was it the first beginning? The big bounce theory seems logic but our observations are different. Something is pulling so expansions is getting faster. What @igrowone said is more likely for me, when everything got diluted to nothing a new bang can happen.

Maybe what you wrote about metal and dust is a good interpration of what happens, look up the baryon acoustic oscillations. There were differences in density that caused matter to stick together. What i like about the theory is that the visible matter is distributed in this way because of soundwaves bouncing through the hot mess after the bang. Someone could say in the beginning was the word.