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a self pollinated F1, what might pop out?


Well-known member
so as may be guessed, i had a hermie that i grew out to maturity
fair amount of bud, and plenty of seed
the effect from the bud got my attention, very even keel
definitely good with my anxiety issues, so there are some keeper genetics in there
the strain was brainwreck, which is supposedly an arcata trainwreck x white widow cross
it seems to me there might be some trainwreck dominant offspring in the mix
just my naive genetics question, curious if anybody has had a selfed F1, and tried the seed


Well-known member
You'll get some like the F1, some like the mom, some like the dad and some anywhere in between the two. Kinda like an F2. You didn't specify if it was a stress hermie, or if it just hermed for no apparent reason, so watch for nanners.

I've grown out some seeds from hermie weed that turned out pretty nice, but your mileage may vary...


Well-known member
^^^ thanks for that experience, just what i was looking for
not much stress, so likely hermie by genetics
your experiences seem to be what i've gathered from the other posts on this topic
might be some good seeds, maybe not, but i'm prepared for the risk, 1 plant grows don't have quite the downside with a hermie that a 100 plant grow does


Well-known member
Free seeds are free seeds. One never knows what will result from random selection.

Best of luck with your efforts.


Active member
You'll get some like the F1, some like the mom, some like the dad and some anywhere in between the two. Kinda like an F2.

Thats not true. What you get, will depend on the F1's genetic traits. Genes are either Dominate hetero Aa, Dominate homo AA or Recessive aa. If the plants skunky smell was dom homo(AA) your plant will have 100% skunky smell. If the plants skunky smell was dom hetero(Aa) your plant will have 25% skunky smell, 50% kinda skunky and 25% something else. The dom hetero(Aa) is where you will have variance.


Well-known member
^^^ interesting, adds a bit to my modest genetic knowledge, still sounds like a crap shoot
since you mentioned smell, the smell was quite different, about 7 weeks of cure
generally smells like some kind of perfume, really incredible smell
which makes the taste all the stranger, which is bad, has a bitter flavor
all my cures have come out with excellent flavor, except for this one, never had MJ with a bitter flavor


Active member
chemdd herm seed

chemdd herm seed

grew it and it was an exact copy of the mom...late herm and all !!



Well-known member
that sounds like the most likely outcome whodair
well, the seeds will keep for a longtime, i did hit a side bud with some male pollen i had freeze dried, might tame the hermi trait


Active member
right on homie, the late herm is a beloved trait of the DD, i only get a couple seeds per pound..and having such a nice strain backed up in seed form can be quite valuable !!

peace NY playa !!


Well-known member
i have done a bit of practice on this topic, so an update seems good
i've popped 2 seeds of this F1 hermie
the 1st seed show a nice and very sativa looking seedling
said seedling was gang raped by spider mites that i had accidentally reintroduced into my grow chamber
all parties died when i enthusiastically sprayed the proceedings with too large a dose of mite(and seedling) killer
a second seedling is up, even more sativa dominant looking than the 1st


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Well-known member
a side by side comparison

a side by side comparison

now i finally have a comparison for a selfed F1, parent and child
looked completely different at their starts, but nearly identical at 23 days
leaf texture is even alike, a rough/dry kind of feel
1st pic is parent, 2nd is offspring
not bad, provided the hermie trait is the 1 thing that is different, i'll hold that thought


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Well-known member
at 2 1/2 weeks of flower of this 'bastard' child
no hermie trait visible(knock wood) - the parent had shown the hermie trait at this point
and the parent had hermie flowers all over the place, in the buds, at the node junctions - so kind of interesting(to a pollen chucker anyways)


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Active member
been there done that, several times LOL . still great potential to find a new mom but not so good for a profit run . as you prob will be culling some herms. my opinion now is i only keep the seeds if it was just from a few late nanners and there are very few seeds . if there are lots of balls then alot of seeds my bird gets it all


Well-known member
nice pic of bird in the grass :)
i'm taking my chances here, needed femme this grow
1 plant can get the tweezer treatment - just checked, still ball-less, so it's a good evening


Well-known member
3 1/2 weeks of flower - comparison time again
1st pic is the parent, 2nd pic is the offspring, both at same flower time
the parent did flower quicker, i think the child is a little more sativa in the bud
on the whole, pretty close in appearance, but child has no balls, and that is beautiful indeed


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Well-known member
4 1/2 weeks of flower, and no male parts - slight smile is beginning
but a ways to go, still, this is way different from the hermie traits of the single parent
yet very similar in overall appearance, another minor genetic mystery
the offspring is showing some yellowing lower fans, but looks to be normal maturing


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That's pretty cool that she's not showing balls all over the place! :) Interesting read. Good luck on the rest of the grow!!

p.s. Are you growing down inside a bucket?


Active member
i have a 150watt flowering closet hidden in the corner of my growroom....i use it to grow out potential hermies...

i had a bunch of hermie beans from an OG kush cross that i was growing....found some awesome phenos but they all hermed and it was viable pollen because they got seeded tough.

so i have those f2 seeds of the hermie as well as the f1 seeds i popped...i have no idea what to do with these because im only growing clone genetics right now..

im tempted to pop a few more and keep hitting her with reverse every week in flower or something...