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A Plan For Forgiveness



"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

Hope to catch some of these upcoming drops. Welcome back. For reals.

Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
My walk hasn't been easy, and has been my experience; every time we forget or don't put Him first, He bends our knee... I think I realized what was going on, after my injuries but it was probably 2 months ago when I knew appologies were needed. And not only for them, but for myself...

OrganicB, my belief is you gotta pray on it, ask God what is right, for YOU. Many times I have had to pray on a decision I needed to make, right or wrong... After reading in my Bible, I could hear His words. I believe it is a personal relationship and like no other. His mercy is what helps me understand Him and me. I.e. about 5-7 yrs ago, I had issues with all middle easterners (since the gulf, really) and gay rights. I have sice changed my outlook, believing, as Jesus taught us, to love. That really IS the greatest thing we can do... That is something we all want...

Peace be with you all,


Active member
ICMag Donor
Nothing like pain and suffering in life, but it ain't over till it's over.
Hope you make a full recovery....

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
Matthew 25. 40-45. seems you're still lost, repentence start at the bottom, not with all the princes, and elites.

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Seems to me you still have much to learn

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Good to see you still doing your thing Steele...
We all make mistakes,,Ive always said theres nothing wrong with mistakes as long as you learn from them....We all make em'(capt. raises hand) just have to learn from them....
Take care...........CC


ruger 500
hey steel ,i too had extream bac pain ,there is an old saying when your flat on your back everything has to look up,and its true cant get much lower than that ,glad to see your looking for forgivness,but it comes from christ first ,just do your best to let others see your change ,but dont be foolish about it either ,you know to go to extreams to prove it ,now about may back ,dude i could not sit on a toilet or get by my self ,i could notbend the slighest at the kitchen sink,nerve pain was tremoundus,like mt everet,well short of it i went to a bone cracker he said this is going to hurt alot ,he grabbed me by my ankle anf jerked it like setting a broen leg ,he dragged me 8 to 10 inches on the table ,i went in drunk on 151 to losen me up and high to ease the pain,i could not move for two days the pain was horrible ,on the third day it started to sub side ,once the muscle pain left in a week or so i was pain freethat slipped disc whent right back where it was to be ,i am now a new man,i seen many bone crackers none would touch me ,pm me and i will tell you where to find this guy


Hey steele, with your new found love for GOD, and following his way, where does this leave you with cannabis? This is something I struggle with time to time.

"Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.
Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." -Proverbs 31:6-7

I'm no theologian, but I can find no place in the Bible that says drunkeness is a sin, but I have seen in a few places where it is more akin to foolishness. To me, it stands to reason that it is one's peace of mind that matters and, by extension, that cannabis helps to attain it for those who are troubled of heart and weakened of body.

Peace, to our hurting (physically and spiritually) brothers and sisters.

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