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U.K cheese brightside cut ?


Well-known member
The throne that cheese deserves roots right through 🤣


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Well-known member
@bimblebrains_1 thank you bro! Yes heavy feeder indeed... did a few light feedings and she started quick with the N and calmag deficiencies...
I just did a heavy trim she branches a lot and in many directions!

Yer mines a complete nitrogen and magnesium whore too,and damn have you got prune and cut back as flowering starts,can't wait to see your progress bro


Well-known member
I can't see any clear signs..but cheese is tolerant so I mean I can look at my old pics going back years and in most I can't see it, but in some, in lowers I can..though the bud is stellar? Viroid I am talking about. But..It had it all along over a decade..I see it clearly in the first few grows I had of it in late 2000s early 2010s..and years later more recently when others were f'king out and I was starting testing..there wasn't available testing here yet, we had to import reagents and find an interested professor at local uni..Look from that point almost everything we tested from most sources were infected, but the cheese even though I'd just grow some on the side for myself, and it'd seemingly be fine, when we tested it, it was well infected, high load actually..A big clear fat line would develop.

So, actually, thats why I am asking...but not because I see anything, because I don't. But there is that description of the heavy branching, and not to say cheese doesn't but with the viroid the first effects in lower loads that I see across strains, is the inhibition of the IAA and IBA production. They are linked as one gets metabolized into the other and then metabolised back into its original molecule as it goes up and down the plant...its a cycle of hormone, losses occur from conversion, but either is being produced all the time so the pool should increase in time. Viroid saps that pool of hormone in my observation, far less being produced and so amounts just hover on the lower side affecting rooting and shooting. So with a tolerant cut like cheese you wouldnt necessarily see it but you might see it in subtle things like rooting rate and shooting and branching structure. Though I was rooting cheese clones like a mofo during that time while others were struggling so ..theres that tolerance..its wierd, can be so subtle with tolerant cuts..I mean I was getting g/w or just better with single ender lights long ago with it in flood drain recirculating..LOL the perfect system for viroid, reusing my medium etc...yet for a few years planting on 2 week cycles harvesting on 2 week cycles, 5 zones 10 week veg and flower and like clockwork g/w...LOL though..it was probably because i realized I had to have fresh moms always and never take bottoms for cuts only fat think tops, and run high density a 5 day veg and flip and 2 day harvest and reset of zone....think kept moms viroid load down through fresh moms replace on a cycle every 3 months, and veg for so short and I'd use bleach to clean the flood drain..must have had the tolerance saving my ass for years...

Anyway I go off on tangents...I was just curious, as I can't see viroid but curious as to the heavy branching structure whether...If the dude is in the states..fuck what a viroid test would be worth off some older roots to see actually if the cut you've got has it..as you actually wouldn't see it most likely, and I think our cut that came to this country 2004/5 I'd guess arrived infected as I got it straight from the source here, though via a round about way, it didnt share space with others before I got it, and the guys who ran it monocropped it, they didnt keep other moms with it.. and from the bat there was occasional dud plants but most be not, and I'd not understand it..Id get though different shaped top colas, with plants right next to each other so not heat etc..either the foxtailer, or the spear fist...be random distribution...

So I'm just curious..in the states its 25 bucks a test..silly not to test your moms..other places bit harder or pricier, or a lot harder to impossible and pricier to test.


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Theres the foxtailers, or the spears...and lowers the way the leaf tips turn away from each other, or towards each other in that lower bud...thats the effects of viroid..though the buds frosty and terpy, not dudded at all.. But if you know the cut its tips don't do that and you'd not see it in upper leaf. It's the little viroid load in the lower. You will see in Alatrist's pictures, the tips are not doing that at all...though I can't see the lowers...with a tolerant strain and low load it's hard to see, but if you know the cut well you can spot it sometimes in none dudded plants, but not easily. Looking at more recent pictures I have from last few years I can't spot it either but it was infected.

Actually looking back...That wierd clawing at the tips, and the leaf tip pointing towards or away from each other (which is not a sure sign of viroid, not on its own and one would need to know the cut) but in the pictures of the more spear buds above compared to the foxtails, I see more of the subtle signs in the leaf tips on upper leaves..Wierd I'd not noticed that before, these pics are from a grow years back..So maybe in hindsight the more spear buds on the cut were the slightly higher viral load? But then again maybe I'm seeing things...I was told I got viroid ptsd..I think he's right...LOL
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Well-known member
Thanks man your knowledge on this intrigues me , so clearing the bottoms like alatrist has done keeps it cleaner ? Did your cut come from a..deadly ?


Well-known member
Thanks man your knowledge on this intrigues me , so clearing the bottoms like alatrist has done keeps it cleaner ? Did your cut come from a..deadly ?
No, I wouldn't say it keeps it clearer...Maybe it does? You'll only know through testing.. No I got my cut maybe same time as chainsaw got his but separate sources, dunno small circles so could be my first source he got from same source. Me and him go way back, we been through plenty together... As far as I know his cut is clean in personal conversations I've had with him, he has the same cut, its the exo cut that got here mid 2000's.
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Well-known member
That looks like her, and thats her frost when the viral shit is not affecting her. Though she is tolerant so with her its not to say she's clean. But that looks like her when she is doing her thing properly, normally. She likes calcium and nitrogen for most of the flowering, only taper off later for her.. Just FYI.. High iron and high K, decent P. She like a nice balanced diet through her flowering with elevated K and only later drop in N, Ca.