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Well-known member
yeah... dreams & reality, right ?
pls, don't laugh but here they are :D



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Schecter Hellraiser C-1 unmodified.

Epiphone SG unmodified.

Ibanez S670FM with an SD Dimebucker in rear.

Now the only thing that's missing is a thinline Telecaster and a quality acoustic. Time to start saving money! :)


This thread makes me so jelly, you all have some fucking rad guitars!!!

Right now I'm jamming on a tacoma olympia acoustic I got from a garage sale for $3 haha take what you can when you need to play i guess? :p It actually plays surprisingly well after I dialed it in. Once I have a little more funds saved up in the next couple months I'm looking to get a tele or hollowbody(or tele hollowbody, love the sound of those) and a taylor or vintage acoustic(or whatever I can get a deal on at the time).

I'll definitely be checking back to see some more stoner guitar porn :)

Thomas Paine

I have an older BC Rich Revenge - all white.

And I ordered and paid for - but still waiting on - a new 2013 Jackson Warrior - all black.

White will be tuned normally, the black one will be tuned a half step down.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I'm eyeing an Epi V at the local "Crack converters" at the moment...

Pissed the family right off today playing No more Mr nice guy..


Well-known member
I owned a few guitars here and there. My #1 is a 67RI Flying V with Anderson pickups, 500k pots, Switchcraft switch and jack, and a bone nut.

Next is a custom dealie made by Jon Hill. Superstrat with Bareknuckle War Pig, Floyd, and one volume pot. The perfect drinking mans axe!

A Hamer USA Californian Custom. A shredding machine that i find myself playing stuff at ridiculous tempos.

A Takamine classical for those quiet times.

Amps are Marshall, VHT, and Peavey.

A myriad aassortment of stompboxes but i like my Tim OD, Java Boost, Tube Vibe, and whatever wah fancies me at the moment.

Keep rockin it!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I'm building a "Black strat" at the moment.
Right now I'm waiting on this http://www.stratcat.biz/4031p.shtml to come from the states.
There seems to be some interest in this so I'll give some more details.
I've got a great body..struck really lucky with a custom Alder body, built to the right shape and contours, but which had been routed for a Kahler, and then filled and re-routed for a regular Fender trem again....just like the real thing. Obviously that doesn't matter but I thought it was destiny. It is red right now but there is a guy in Manchester who sells rattle-can nitro so I'll be doing that soon.
I'll be using the Seymour Duncan SSL-5 bridge pickup, which is the production version of the custom wind Seymour made for David all those years ago, but I'll be using the coil tap version so i can lower the output to go for more 60's strat sounds too.
I'm having a neck made. My mate has a Tele and the neck is bloody lovely in my hand, like it was made for me, so my chum has very kindly agreed that we can take it to a fella who has a copy carver. I might stray a bit from the real guitar, because I like the big 70s Fender headstock, which it does not have.


One each of a PRS Cu-24 one-off, P24 (limited), Std-24 and '88 Special (different from the current special). Each one has different pickups - HFS/VB, 58/08. 53/10 and SP-T/SP-B and I tend to prefer the 5-way knobs over the 5-way sliders but I don't mind the way PRS places and angles them, and with a more ergonomic oval shape over the typical round.

I've also got an Ovation Celebrity, a nameless Fender acoustic and an Ibanez BTB for a bass. These are just cheap acoustics that I traded for and was left with me respectively. I have recorded with them as those are all I have, but to give you an idea of the priority they both have electric strings on them right now.

You could probably call me a PRS snob as that's all I've got for electrics, the P-24 also has a nice piezo system on it while the Ovation has a much, much cheaper one.

I did used to have a '73 or '77 (been a while) Gibson Melody Maker with two single coils of all things. One of the rounded SG or DC styles as opposed to Les Paul. I sold it at a gig one night which is sort of a story in itself :)

Aside from that I've got a Carvin X100-B amp with EL-34s but use a BOSS GT-8 for preamp, effects and direct recording.

Finally there's Acid for recording software as it let's me arrange drums easily and perform the edits I need.

That's *software* guys. :laughing:

The Hummus Monk

Active member
I've got a piece of shit acoustic guitar that someone gave me as it saved them a trip to the dump. 4 of the tuning pegs have snapped so i have to use a pair of pliers to tune. It rattles, slaps around and makes odd noises at the 'wrong' moment.

But I love it.

AND if you have a joint and a beer then sometimes you can get those rattles and slaps to form some kind of delay effect beat that's quite mesmerising.

Embrace shit gear.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I am currently looking for a tubescreamer pedal and a fender twin. Proving to be difficult to find. May go with a reissue tubescreamer. I found a 64 fender twin, guy wants some hefty coin for it though. Hoping cash will help him come down on price a little.

I recently had a custom Tele made for me, it is the best guitar I have ever played. I wish I could post a pic but it is a one of a kind and is elsewhere on the net.

Next guitar for me will be a Strat specifically designed to get that SRV Texas blues sound.

I love guitars!

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
i got a shit noname korean classical been with me 30 years and never let her go
i picked up a rodriguez bros ( i think) classical from spain as a bday prez for myself on the beach in a pawnshop bout 2-3 years ago
an old sigma flatop gifted to me years ago by an old friend
a samick jazz box thats pretty damn sweet for the cool tones

and my baby

a 74-5 amber 3 bolt strat hardtail

i play an old ss marlboro g20b and a peavy (vyperr 20 watt - rarely played)
got some vintage stompers too but im rambling

anyways , im a drummer so i dont know music anyways right ?

oh and i picked up an old vox hofner knockoff at a yardsale recently - but shes got some issues i havent got the will to dive into; but shes great for learning some bob marley basslines when im bored
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