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Womens health?



Is it normal for women to get lumps on their neck?
Im confused..... i found a few small lumps on the back side of my wife's head just under her ears on that muscle that runs down to your shoulder along the side of your neck...

I know i should make her see a doctor and as soon as the working day swings around again i will drive her there myself...

As soon as i suggested it she broke down in tears as the big C has been running in her family lately..i hate to say it but im worried a bit too...
...I keep telling her to think positive but i dont think im being much help.....


Leeroy, I'm sorry to hear the both of you are so anguished. Those lumps you feel are the lymphatic glands which everybody has, and normally they don't swell so you can feel them. When they do its because there is some kind of infection usually, such as flu, viruses, bugs in general. If she's had a sore throat lately, been through the flu, head colds, etc. should be nothing to worry about, but please take her to the doctor so the both of you can have some peace of mind. Its not a gender thing, both men and women have these glands and they swell for the same reasons.

Its totally useless getting into a fluster over something which could very well be nothing. It won't do you good, and it won't do her good. I understand the worries, but don't let them get out of hand. Feet on the ground sweetie, and no flights of imagination until you see the doctor. Big hugs to her, tell her I'm thinking about her and let me know, OK? :smile:


**Its totally useless getting into a fluster over something which could very well be nothingIts **

Thats what i told her honey, i couldnt agree more...i think she just got freaked out a bit, i dont blame her...
Thanks Blue --.--.--@


Allergies during allergy season usually make mine swell up...

I hope she is alright... and, you know Blue is right... No need to worry and stress until you know....


I don't blame her either, sweeite, I know calmness is easier said than done in some situations. Nevertheless....don't worry too much :smile:


Blue you were right, the doctor said it was a swollen gland!
Thanks for your supportive words my friend, i am pleased to report all is well!


Oh I'm so happy! :smile:

Its really quite common that those particular glands swell, you know. Being so close to the respiratory tract and all even a small infection of the throat, tonsils, sinuses, etc. can cause them to swell. She should do regular check-ups and screenings to be on the safe side if she has cancer issues in the family. Nowadays most forms of cancer are entirely curable if caught in time. In any case sweetie, I'm very happy it was nothing to worry about, please give her a big hug from me and tell her to take care of herself :smile:


Dr. D

Active member
glad to hear that leeroy, lumps can always be scary , alot of the time peeps think the worst and make themselves paranoid about it i kno iv done it :biglaugh:


Yes, Leeroy very happy to know it is nothing serious.. :smile:

The other day My Mom went and had her first mamogram ever and they found two lumps. They skipped any regular testing and sent her straight to a cancer doctor in the big city around here. The results are, they are doing a biopsy (spelling?) next Thursday and we should know something two days after that. This has really come so freakin' sudden! and Cancer doesn't really run in our family. It's the Heart disease thing. She had kinda felt the first lump, and that is what prompted her to get a mamogram, but the lump they are most concerned about is the one she couldn't feel and didn't even know was there... This is really scary folks.
Ladies, please get a MAMOGRAM early, I know I am scheduling one asap...


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
MsG our prayers go out to your family
Nam myoho renge kyo
much love from the babba's


Active member
Wow,,, sry to hear that Ms>G!! :frown: my sis just went through a scare liike that,,I'll be thinkin and prayin for your mom & you too! Think positive, they could just be cystic growths... Keep us informed hun!



Active member
Leeroy, glad to hear your wife's lumps are normal...

MsG. best wishes to your mom...i'm sure she's one heck of a lady!

on a side note...if any ladies out there need your lumps checked, please stop by. no co-pays, no waiting!! :eek: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: ...and lots of good herb and food, too!hehe


Sleepy you cheeky dawg :biglaugh: :whip:

On a more serious note, thankyou for your good words everyone, and a special thanks to Blue, she knows why

Mrs G, im very sorry to hear about your mum, im sending good vibes for healthy results. :friends:


ICMag Donor
mrs g i hope your mom is ok, ill be praying for her and your family, keep thinkin good thoughts
leeroy, glad your wife is ok too, thats great news :)


I can't say Thank You enough for the kind words. :redface: I have all these emotions, just no where to direct them, yet. Some of you know that my Mother and I have not always gotten along, and that we have had a difficult relationship, up until these past 5 years. I have lost everyone of my Grandparents and My Dad is pretty much non exsistant in my life. She didn't always know the right thing to do and maybe she wasn't just the best mother there ever was, but she's Mine, And I am worried ...
I just don't know how to feel about all this.

Wikid, I am hoping so much that is all this ends up being cystic growths, nothing too serious. We should know something after this core biopsy next week.

Sleepy, Leeroy... Thank You for the kind words, its means a lot.

The Babbas' :friends: I appreciate everything you guys said, I really really do, More than I think most of you will ever know.

Last edited:


Mother's Day here is tomorrow. Ms. G, I wish all the best for your mom, hopefully this will be nothing and she can get on with getting on. My own mother managed to completely destroy our relationship, and though we have friendly conversations on the phone, she's 6,000 miles away, and that's where she needs to stay. I don't have any sentiments towards my mother any more. Don't worry about how you're supposed to feel, just feel as you do. Big hugs Ms. G. and if you need a friend you know where to find me :smile: Happy Mother's Day, sis!


Hello Titty im sorry to hear about your results, im sending you strong vibes :friends:

Mrs G, my mother didnt rsaise me either.
She has serious helth problems also...

Again, Blue is the woman of wisdom...you feel just how you want to, and dont feel bad about that, you deserve to just express what you need to.


Well-known member
very glad for you and your wife leeroy :smile: . it can be a bit nerve racking at times :eek: but im glad it worked out .and the shit with yer mom, my old man ,he split when i was 6 seen him 2 times in 39 yrs before the asshole :moon: kicked and i didnt feel anything at all actually just my 2 cent even if ya didnt ask for it :biglaugh: :rolleyes: :friends:

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