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What's Your Death Row Meal?

Green Squall

Well-known member
The title says it all. Your on death row and you get to have one last meal of your choosing.

For me it would have to be my Italian grandmothers pasta and fish balls. Total comfort food.

Her tomato sauce was amazing. I remember it being extremely light and flavorful from hand grinding the tomatoes. It was a very basic sauce. The fish balls were made of hake and the secret ingredient was a little bit of fennel that really brought out the flavor.

So what would your meal be?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Poontang pie, if possible :tiphat:

Hopefully will stay outta death row tho hehe, can't be that hard? Especially in a country with no death penalty :)

Green Squall

Well-known member
Poontang pie, if possible :tiphat:

Hopefully will stay outta death row tho hehe, can't be that hard? Especially in a country with no death penalty :)

lol. It was on a cooking show. A bunch of chefs were taking turns going around the table, explaining what their last meal would be.


Active member
The Judges daughter. :woohoo:

If your gonna go out you may as well get your money's worth. :laughing:

They would probably try to resuscitate me and then kill me again for that.:moon:

Baron Greenback

I'd want pterodactyl drumsticks, a fat brontosaurus steak, rare Pre-Cambrian foliage and a carton of Um Bongo.
You can execute me after I've eaten all that you cakey ****s :)


Well-known member
A large pot of refried pinto beans with extra habaneros and bacon lard with chunks of hot chorizo sausage, and then let the fight start. If they want to gas me, i'll gas them first.
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Well-known member
I wonder how many have been executed for weed? Mine would be that huge ass fudruckers burger with a huge plate of salty fries with ketchup.


Active member
Didn't they discontinue the whole last meal practice because of that one dude who ordered up this insane 10.000 calorie menu of all kinds of stuff and then didn't eat a bite?

At least that was the last I heard. Maybe just in this or that state though.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The last public execution in U.S. 1936 KY. He had porkchops, taters & apple pie. :chin:



Well Ain't going to get caught for one thing :) And personally never would be a last meal,, They would never take me alive, Some people say if you cant spend the time don't do the crime
If i was going to do something that would put me on death row ???
I would be prepared to pull the trigger on my self

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Well Ain't going to get caught for one thing :) And personally never would be a last meal,, They would never take me alive, Some people say if you cant spend the time don't do the crime
If i was going to do something that would put me on death row ???
I would be prepared to pull the trigger on my self

So your last meal would be bullets.


Well-known member
Well I guess lobster, filet mignon. miso soup.and some really good sashimi.but if I'm on death row I doubt I could even eat.oh yeah some pizza, caviar and champagne


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
If my last order from Dominos was anything to go by, Death Row prisoners can gain themselves days extra of life by simply ordering a delivery pizza with a couple of extra toppings


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Poontang pie, if possible :tiphat:

Hopefully will stay outta death row tho hehe, can't be that hard? Especially in a country with no death penalty :)

you say that now though, perhaps whilst visiting some of the members here stateside, you could find yourself in a dicey situation. Take it from me, it's much better to shoot your way out of trouble. When it gets serious we give one of these to everybody.

you're a shrewd dude though BadTicket, you'd probably bargain your way out of the lethal injection and into a reduced sentence of life w/o parole :p

BT bro, If you were riding with me specifically, buckle up and have the safety engaged on your sidearm, you'll be carrying this.......


BT bro, you need to rent a movie if you haven't already seen it: Stir Crazy Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder 1980, wildly funny, a true classic stoner flick as it involves a successful prison break.......
