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Whats situation in south of Holland


I read in a Belgian newspaper they have bought ground outside the city near the Belgian border to make a "weedsupermarket" with 3 coffeeshops...

Just me

New member
Officially people don't need a weed-pass any more, they've changed that since nobody visited the coffee-shop any more, everyone started buying on the black market :). The weed-pass was invented to prevent drug tourism and you now 'officially' have to prove you're an inhabitant of the Netherlands to be able to buy 5 grams max in a coffeeshop.

Maybe... you'll be able to score your 5 grams in a more progressive area as 'foreigner', but coffeeshops are closed rather quickly when one makes a mistake/doesn't follow the rules. In the more conservative south-west, where I live, coffee-shops will ask for proof, small mistakes has already resulted in immediate closure for a lot of coffeeshops.

Loads of native customers don't mind a free joint though and although not legal, may... be able to help you, by buying the stuff for you. To get larger quantities the black market is still the place to be. That market has grown a lot in the past year and most native users will there for know someone selling on the black market...

Wherever you buy though, growing more as 5 plants is illegal, up to 5 semi-legal and knowing what you've bought(/how it's grown) always remains a question.

Loads of initiatives are indeed presented, for example weed-supermarkets outside towns and towns growing their own weed instead of having a 'criminal' circuit delivering to coffeeshops, but unfortunately those are still just initiatives presented, not reality...

Lots of people in the news/media are debating the issues over here, some regions/cities are also quite progressive in that respect, but... can't do much without nationwide support/rules.


New member
Almost 2017 , and still nothing changed in Maastricht..
Only the shitty shops in Kerkrade and Heerlen are still open for Tourists, but i cant recommend these