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What Plants Hide MJ Best?


Active member
for camouflage, how about small to mid sized Norfolk Island Pine. should go well with sativas, maybe not so much with the dense indica bush trees

for ground level visual screening, possibly grow a crop of hops. Put up a perimeter of 15 to 20 foot hops plants, three to four deep. short of a fly over, nobody is going to see a thing there. even with a fly over, the plants may mix in well especially if spread out in the inner area of the hops field. just have to be careful not to shade them with the hops. apparantly planting and growing hops is a lot of work though. but the craft brewers in your area will love you


Active member
:)yep , any of the above . i plant a nice thick patch of corn with climbing beans sown amongst them , creates a real thick screen ..:biggrin:

St. Phatty

Active member
anything local that ...
* stays green until harvest
* can grow above the cannabis, to create some visual complexity, with a minimum light blockage. blocking vision access from above, without blocking the sun.
I added some 46-0-0 Urea to the surrounding veg sometime early june this year, already noticing the effects. If the vegetation in the area is lacking, this is a very useful thing to apply. It helps with the surrounding area definitely!

This is a very simple solution and yet an excellent idea.. Thank you!


Crotchety Old Crotch
Black-eyed Susan - I had a friend that grew multiple plants in backyard, he had basically a raised mound (semi-circle) with those flowers on top & the weed, inside the circle, kept low by LST & tomato cages was invisible. Same height, but the leaf pattern of the flowers blended the weed leaves beautifully.
I was putting plants out in cleaing in a forest, after putting them I had a hard time finding them among the grass and bushes. Poof gone.. I had to look really hard. To someone who has no idea, they would walk just right on by and never notice .


Active member
1). tall woody stemmed broad leafed weeds:. heard some called horse/pig weed.

2). trees: duh? let me elaborate. when clearing an area if you don't saw thru the entire trunk of a tree when it falls over it does not usually die. it cracks on the cut part but the uncut trunk part stays intact ( vertical to horizontal) and that part supplies enough water and nutrients to keep the tree alive. the branches will all shoot upwards. you can aim the fall in most cases unless the tree is on a slope or leaning in a certain direction by cutting at the opposite side of where you want it to fall. the lower horizontal branches will keep the felled tree up off the ground. the best cover imanginable 'cause you get long horizontal cover up high enough that you can't see over the horizontal tree and the tree is now low enough not to block sunlight. also, you can't get thru the long horizontal tree. it's an effective long ground brricade.

I was just out in one of my areas couple days ago and it is a great way to hide your plants .

3). rephrase your original question: how can I adjust my plants so that the indigenous vegetation hides my plant? Insert two pronged irrigation stakes into the ground and tie your plant down to go horizontal instead of vertical.

you really cannot effectively hide a late flowering bright green plant that's 8'-12' tall after the weeds have died (brown) in middle-late October. this is also now deer hunting season. how'd you like to be brought into town draped over the front hood of some redneck's pickup truck "The Deer Hunter" style? :)

texas bra those puppies; round 'em up and head 'em out ( horizontally).

if you think about it, it's really stupid of us outdoor guerilla growers trying to hide very tall (vertical) bright green plants when most of the surrounding vegetation has gone brown.



Well-known member
I would grow either the tall cosmos plants or even better roses. I think roses would keep people and animals our of your garden because of their thorns. you just plant a circle of thorny roses with ur Mj grown in the middle.
And cosmos grow the same color of green as MJ. Last year my cosmos grew 18-20 feet tall by 4-5 feet wide and you could top them to keep them shorter and bushier. they grow a boatload of flowers too. My opinion.


passing the gas
sunflowers and corn mix for close to the house. see the weed?

look close in the middle. I should't have topped it but I was concerned that the top would give it away.
now it's getting creamed.

see how the bamboo stakes give this Forum cookies away in my swamp guerrilla?

small branches or large dead trees are free and blend in much better.



Well-known member
Schefflera and False Aralia. Though the False Aralia looks a little too much like weed. So much so people mistake it for weed, so it would be a bad choice. Schefflera is very hearty and makes excellent cover.