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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What about the millions or more who died from the jab?
I think the count is 14 dead in Australia from the vaccination after about 70 million doses, and nearly all of those were from Astrazeneca prior to it being only recommended for 65+ age group, but go ahead, believe what you will. I doubt that translates to millions worldwide.

Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 29 October 2023, almost 69 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 1,004 reports received and reviewed. There have been no new vaccine-related deaths identified since 2022.
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Well-known member
oooh,i am slain by your rapier wit! i best retreat before i'm hit with an oh yeah or says you
You'll be all right.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you would really think by this point frosty would realize he's wasting his time,and server space, here...surely there's a reddit subforum where there's like minded folks


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Dumbass Ranger Trying To Give Local Man A Parking Fine Doesn’t Realise That The 10th Paragraph Of Magna Carta Literally Says All Traffic Fines Are Legally Invalid​



A local parking ranger has today received quite a shock, after being treated to an informal legal lesson from a vocal citizen.
Tony Pinser, a valued employee of Betoota Shire Municipal Council, was given the lecture a short time ago after trying to hand out a parking fine to a local tradesman.
“Yes, the plumber was very kind and generous with his time, informing me of the overarching legal principles which make my job invalid,” sighed Pinser.

“He said he refused to accept the fine as it was legally invalid according to the Magna Carta – which is not model of Mitsubishi car in case you were wondering.”
For those not across their legal history, the Magna Carta is described as the first document in the world to declare that the king and his government are not above the law.
It is similar to the Constitution and the non-existent bill of rights in Australia in terms of being a thing that people vaguely refer to when it suits them.
Although the Magna Carta was crafted in the 13th century, the local plumber that Tony spoke to says it still has plenty of relevance today.
“Yeah, he reckons that it is a wide reaching legal document that prevents all levels of government from illegally punishing its civilians,” said Tony.
“Including preventing local council employees from fining blokes who parked in a No Stopping Zone for a few minutes while they run in and grab a coffee.”
“So there ya go.”
“Check mate I guess,” sighed Pinser.