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A figment of your imagination
Spreading Seed said:
Beer! Years back I bought my brother a brewing kit for his birthday. All went well until one day the bottles started exploding. We were dodging and ducked....running for our lives...lol. I think beer brewing should be left to the pro's. I'm glad weed doesn't explode.


Generally exploding bottles are for two reasons.
1. A lack of sanitation when bottled.
2. Using too much sugar when priming the beer at bottling time.

In 18 years, I have only had one batch explode and that was due to lack of sanitation at bottling time.
If you get a gooy yeast ring at the top of the bottle, then you have a bacterial infection in your beer.... Unless of course your making a Lambic then it would be unexceptable.
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A figment of your imagination
Hey Jay, What's up.... Been a while.....
I was laid up for the last 5 weeks due to my back going out....


oh hey dank, your really the driving force behind this forum, good to see you back. I'm also a realbeer regular, though mostly just the midatlantic forum and not really the brewing threads.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Well the porter has turned out very basic and not anything to write home about, I'll probably up the malt and thusly the body and the booze (which it lacks). But that got me fired up about a good stout. It's bubbling away in the blowoff bucket as I type this. This is planned to be an imperial stout with heavy body and subtle hop undertone, with an emphasis on light spicy hop flavor but just enough to tone down the sweetness. Here's the recipe:

7 lbs. Dark DME
3 lbs. Extra Dark DME
1 lb. Chocolate Malt
1 lb. Crystal 60
1 lb. Crystal 80

2 oz. Nugget 60 min
1 oz. Willamette 45 min
1 oz. Willamette 15 min

5 grams Champagne yeast


Active member
^^ Since your interested in trying different things, maybe try different hops. Especially those with little bitter and alot of flavor/aroma. I think I used to use Kent golding quite often. :confused:


Active member
I've been making my own rum for a few years now, and I've been debating picking up brewing...it sounds a lot more personal, plus exploding bottles kinda puts an interesting note in the experience. From the little I know these look to be some recipes I'll make sure to try once I get set up.


Active member
^^ Bottles exploding are rare. Just leave an inch or so at the top of the bottle for gases to go.


A figment of your imagination
There are 3 causes of exploding bottles

1. too much priming sugar (remember no more than 3/4 cup corn sugar or 1/2 cup dry malt extract)
2. not enough or too much head space in the bottle (1 inch from the top, that's 2.5 centimeters for those on the metric system)
3. Bacterial infection in the beer. (If Proper sanitation should be used at all times, you should never have this problem)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't.... Dankdude wins the recipe battle....

I just thought I'd share some that I've made myself, come up with myself, and have brewed/am brewing. I know you have plenty Dankdude. Maybe someday I'll be that versed in hundreds of recipes. But I'll have to try it before I post it.


I had one bottle explode yesterday night. Just an experiment, to see if a cognac bottle with a screwcap would hold whats inside. One out of three went bang and glass and beer all around. I was reluctant to go near them and pu tht e other two quickly into the freezer and drank them off :friends:


A figment of your imagination
I will state this again:

There are 3 causes of exploding bottles

1. too much priming sugar (remember no more than 3/4 cup corn sugar or 1/2 cup dry malt extract)
2. not enough or too much head space in the bottle (1 inch from the top, that's 2.5 centimeters for those on the metric system)
3. Bacterial infection in the beer. (If Proper sanitation should be used at all times, you should never have this problem)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Alright... here's my reboot attempt at making my last porter recipe a little better. I found that the original recipe, while perfectly portraying the typical porter style, was far too typical :D

4 lbs. light DME
3 lbs. amber DME
2 lbs. Crystal 60
1 lbs. Chocolate
.25 lb. Black Patent

1 oz. galena 60 13.1% 60 min
1 oz. willamette 45 4.1% 45 min
1 oz. willamette whole leaf 4.4% 15 min

British ale yeast (white labs)