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Wappas wont flower


Hi guys, I do have some questions concerning my order I recently received from Seedsman.

Actually I wanted 5 fem Wappas and 3 Super Skunk#1.

I got 5 SS#1 and 3 Wappas but they are autos. I am pretty sure I have ordered fem ones.

Something went wrong because in the order list were 2 other freebies but the ones they offered me with the order.

So anyway, the SS#1 doing pretty good.

The Wappas, I dont know. They look fantastic but they dont start to bloom.

I had them in vegg for 5 weeks and then had to switch to 12/12.

As much as I know from autos, they still should bloom under 12/12 right?

Next monday they are in the 2nd week of flowering.

While the SS#1 are showing lots of bud develope already very good the Wappas just look good but thats it:biggrin:

Is there anything I can do to get them to flower?

They are under 600 W light and I feed them biobizz.

Help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Just give you an update on the Wappas and Super Skunk#1.

SS#1 doing fantastic. The buds gonna be big on SS#1.

As the Wappas turn out to be autos, they just now start to bloom.
Next week they are on 12/12 for 60 days.

Wappas got very high at least 1,20m. I never had Wappas that high.
Probably because the hours for it were not long enough.
They have nice leaf and look super healthy.

The SS#1 look like they will be finished shortly.