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Tissue Culture : Micropropagation


Active member
I am going to be in Spannabis this Week, for Spannabis, and will be working with a company specializing in Tissue Culture. We will be presenting for companies that are both large scale growers, or holding unique genetic library's.


Tissue culture (“TC”) is a process that involves exposing plant tissue to a specific regimen of nutrients, hormones, and lights under sterile, in vitro conditions to produce many new plants, each a clone of the original mother plant, over a very short period of time. The technique has been commercialized for more than four decades and is being used for the vegetative propagation of millions of superior plants annually in horticulture and forestry for the last several decades. During this time period, plant tissue culture has effectively moved from the confines of small laboratories and has taken its place among some of the more mainstream, broad-scale techniques employed by the agriculture industry. It is estimated that the current global market of tissue cultured products is several billion plants annually and the demand is increasing steadily. Research and advancement in plant tissue culture techniques have become especially important in the agricultural community over the past ten years.

Tissue culture technique can allow propagators to select desirable variants and generate new, viable cultivars more quickly and easily. It also speeds the introduction of hybrid cultivars; through tissue culture, new cultivars reach sufficient numbers to become commercially available in two to three years, whereas cultivars produced with traditional propagation methods require six to seven years. Tissue culture technique helps eliminate systemic diseases in starting materials, dramatically reduces greenhouse space required for maintaining stock plants, and provides growers with healthy and uniform plants year-round.

If you or your company is interested in a short presentation to how Tissue culture can help you, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our main contact at [email protected] and let us set up a time. If your not going to be at Spannabis, we are happy to do online Skype Presentations.

Segra is based out of Both Vancouver BC, Canada, as well as California. Hope to see you all there :)


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Do they have kits on the market looking at the ones from monster garden seems to be completely over priced. Found a website that I can put the same kit together for less than half the price.


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NO they are a large scale company that will offer it as a service.. Maybe one day they will sell Kits, but at this point the majority of their IP is being used in their own TC lab.



Well-known member
Tissue culture technique can allow propagators to select desirable variants and generate new, viable cultivars more quickly and easily. It also speeds the introduction of hybrid cultivars

Hi. Personally I am not very interested in more new hybrids.

Anyway, your job seems very interesting.

Do you know if there is any company or lab working with protoplast fusion in order to create hybrids among Cannabis and other species. Legalization has not yet reached all countries, as many people believe. And I think my country will be the last one.

Somatic cell fusion appears to be the only means through which two different parental genomes can be recombined among plants that cannot reproduce sexually (asexual or sterile)




Chasing The Present
Do they have kits on the market looking at the ones from monster garden seems to be completely over priced. Found a website that I can put the same kit together for less than half the price.

everything, and I mean everything that is marketed and focused on the Cannabis space can be bought elsewhere for half or even less most the time. Buying products marketed into this space is akin to throwing your money away, at least for the time being, sadly. It will change but for now, spend a little extra time looking around for a lot of savings.... Better quality product(s) normally too...

Tissue culture and propagation has been going on for decades, no reason to spend twice or more than necessary for products marketed into this space.... no offense I hope...


Well-known member
There are kits available.

I did this in the 90s. I bought my kit from Worms Way.

EVERYTHING has to be sterile. BEst not to have any carpeting, windows, curtains. No kinds of cloth ect that dust can hold onto.

Its a constant sterilization event for each step.

You gotta clean the room like your preparing for a head transplant.

I also used Saran Wrap on all skin parts. Took off all clothes. Yep. Wrapped all hair ect, in Saran Wrap Shaved eyebrows, and any exposed hair that couldn't be covered.

Lysoled down the Saran Wrap. Gotta make your own little box ect. I used an Aquarium, Plexiglass, cut holes.

You have to NEVER let the Tissue be EVEN FLASHED FOR 1,000,000TH OF A SECOND TO ANY uva/uvb OR THEY ARE INSTANTLY DEAD.
They are propogated under Cool White Fluoro, and then transitioned over to a Mix of Coll/Warm.

The Kit I used came with Agar as the base.

But the main things are, it has to be sterile, and Never Ever ANY UV xposure.

If dust gets into the equation, the bacteria ect, is a more simple life form, and will grow first, and kill the weed tissue.

I used 1 Sq/Cm of Leaf Tissue per propogation tube/jar. Tissue also has to be sterilized ect.

Its a long slow process, BUT is Doable, and IMHO, worth it if you have the space, and determination, but you have to adhere 100000% to the procedure.


Chasing The Present
There are kits available.

I did this in the 90s. I bought my kit from Worms Way.

EVERYTHING has to be sterile. BEst not to have any carpeting, windows, curtains. No kinds of cloth ect that dust can hold onto.

Its a constant sterilization event for each step.

You gotta clean the room like your preparing for a head transplant.

I also used Saran Wrap on all skin parts. Took off all clothes. Yep. Wrapped all hair ect, in Saran Wrap Shaved eyebrows, and any exposed hair that couldn't be covered.

Lysoled down the Saran Wrap. Gotta make your own little box ect. I used an Aquarium, Plexiglass, cut holes.

You have to NEVER let the Tissue be EVEN FLASHED FOR 1,000,000TH OF A SECOND TO ANY uva/uvb OR THEY ARE INSTANTLY DEAD.
They are propogated under Cool White Fluoro, and then transitioned over to a Mix of Coll/Warm.

The Kit I used came with Agar as the base.

But the main things are, it has to be sterile, and Never Ever ANY UV xposure.

If dust gets into the equation, the bacteria ect, is a more simple life form, and will grow first, and kill the weed tissue.

I used 1 Sq/Cm of Leaf Tissue per propogation tube/jar. Tissue also has to be sterilized ect.

Its a long slow process, BUT is Doable, and IMHO, worth it if you have the space, and determination, but you have to adhere 100000% to the procedure.

for all that work you should have just built a laminar flow hood my man :) !


Chasing The Present
I had what I had. This was in 1995.

It worked though.

I think the Tech came along in the 50 or 60's but not exactly widely known without the Net like these days...

Either way, I bet your friends and family, shit even me, would have paid to see you in your get-up, all saran wrapped up, no eyebrows, clothes in the lab...... :tiphat:

very cool you were doing that back then
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Well-known member
I'm pretty sure this is how the Dutch do their Tulips ect, and why they are so uniform. I believe they've been dong this for decades.

There is also No Genetic Drift in TC vs clones.
TC takes the plant back to the embryonic stage. At least that was the info way back then. I don't claim to know a lot technically about it, just that its been done a long time, and kits have been available since at least the 90s.


Active member
There is also No Genetic Drift in TC vs clones.
TC takes the plant back to the embryonic stage. At least that was the info way back then. I don't claim to know a lot technically about it, just that its been done a long time, and kits have been available since at least the 90s.

There is no 'genetic drift' in clones, either. 'Genetic drift' is entirely made up.


I agree there is no drift, there are mutations that seldom happen, and clones can pick up viruses that can effect performance like yield and vigor.


Active member
@Sam_Skunkman any kits on the market that you would vouch for.

Gonna use a empty 5x5 grow tent as my base of operation.


No suggestions, I built a TC lab in an extra room in my lab several decades ago that I used for Cannabis, it was not as hard as I thought it would be, I did have all the infrastructure like a Laminar Flow Hood to work under, and a refrigerator with grow TL's to keep my plants in tubes alive and veg.
My goal was simple, I wanted to be able to freeze meristems, callus and be able to thaw it out later and regrow. My goal was to have a library of 1000 plants in a small freezer as a back up, in several different countries. I was unsuccessful, a bit before it could be done, today it can be done.
When I did it the meristems after freezing turned into black slime, no luck with callus either, but others have done it today.
I predict soon like grape vines for wine, and strawberries, all Cannabis plants for growers will be produced by TC by companies like SEGRA and guaranteed to be virus free and vigorous clones.
Sounds good to me.


Chasing The Present
all Cannabis plants for growers will be produced by TC by companies like SEGRA and guaranteed to be virus free and vigorous clones.
Sounds good to me.

gosh I hope not, not ALL at least.... Seeds and the unknown have their places


gosh I hope not, not ALL at least.... Seeds and the unknown have their places

And in the wine industry why do you think all growers use virus free certified grape vines? No one grows wine from seed plants. Same with strawberries and other crops.
I agree that seeds are handy for breeding and finding new elite clones to mass produce. But in the future most Cannabis in the West may well be TC.

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