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The pot economy: No one seems to know if it exists


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Local reporter Tiffany Revelle attended the recent forum in Ukiah on "Life After Legalization." This is a gripping concern for the locals here in Northern California as you can well imagine.

From an economy driven by the lumber trade to an economy based on local production of cannabis in just about 30 years, it's an amazing story.

How much of Mendocino County's economy marijuana represents was one of the biggest questions at a Saturday forum on "Life After Legalization" at the Saturday Afternoon Club in Ukiah - and no one has any real answers.

The forum, brought south by Humboldt County's KMUD radio host Anna Hamilton from where it started last month, aimed to answer the myriad questions about what should happen if the voters pass the Tax Cannabis 2010 California ballot initiative.

About 200 people from all angles of the question filled the room to its capacity: growers, workers, property owners, patients, business people, government representatives, media and people who were "just curious."

There were differing views about what legalization would do to the price of marijuana, with some believing it would drive down the price and displace trimmers currently paid between $20 and $40 per hour, and others believing legalization would increase demand.

Either way, it was obvious that the people in the room weren't satisfied with the answers Ukiah Chamber of Commerce CEO Burt Mosier offered about how the initiative, if it passes, will affect the area's economy. He said he has no hard, cold numbers showing where growers shop, and how much local businesses depend on them.

"All the time, I keep hearing from my members that ... the influx of money makes a difference in their survival; I know that," Mosier said. "I have members who tell me it's the only way they can survive. I have members who tell me they're absolutely against it. I have members who don't know what to do."

Asked how many medical marijuana industry representatives were chamber members, Mosier said he doesn't discuss members' information.

Pressed further by another audience member, Mosier said some of his members depend on growers' patronage and others don't believe any cannabis dollars come through their doors.

"I don't know if that's real or not," he said.

Les Tar, a KMFB radio host, said he wouldn't be snowballed, and that "The whole county is lubricated, baby, with marijuana dollars!"

Mosier asked Tarr if he had the numbers to back up his claim, and reiterated that he was only reporting what chamber members had told him.

Another man asked him if chamber members saw tourism from patients coming into Mendocino County to sample its marijuana.

"In economic development in Mendocino County, it is very hard to put your finger on numbers that you can prove," Mosier said. "I know numbers, I can't prove them, I can't disprove them."

He continued, "Until we start having the conversations out in the public, out in the open, and people are willing to share, there's no way that I can say to you that I have numbers that I can present to you and I can verify them."

Another man asked if Mosier knew where local growers spend their money, if not in Mendocino County.

"No, I don't, because you won't tell me," Mosier said.
Read the entire story here.


very interesting, thank you for the post. I am very interested in the fine print of the bill. Any links?, ill do a search!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Same problem in Colorado.
They know it is there, they just don't know how to get the money in THEIR pockets...

Fuck, that is why we don't tell you where we spend it, b/c then you will tax those businesses extra also!


This should separate the men from the boys. Maybe now when you plop down 2-4k for a pound it might be worth it. As long as you can provide high quality herb people will pay the price. The ones that are worried about cannabis becoming legal obviously need to step up their game or step aside.


♥Mo♥;3449570 said:
This should separate the men from the boys. Maybe now when you plop down 2-4k for a pound it might be worth it. As long as you can provide high quality herb people will pay the price. The ones that are worried about cannabis becoming legal obviously need to step up their game or step aside.

Competition is a great thing and i agree that anyone that is growing high quality herb should not be concerned with making money.

I have a concern for the local entrepreneurs that have made a living off the excess black market money that circulates.


Active member
I dont think making lots of money off cannabis is bad at all. I never forced anyone to buy my weed. You really dont see to many kids not eating because of their parents weed habits either. I look at it like a buisness. I buy the lights, fans, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, cloners. All of which have upkeep work and costs. I pay monthly for the grow location, nutes, and power. I put two hours a day in 7 days a week 365 days a year. On top of that when harvest time comes aprox. every 2.5 months its atleast a week of long days. If I cant get 300 to 500 dollars an 0.z. its time to hang it up. I see weed in the local collectives going for 20 dollars a gram that cant touch my stuff.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
^^^ Are you in a med state. We dont have prices like that in Cali anymore. The most expensive meds are 200$ an oz or less.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
????? I dont charge anyone more then 200 an oz and thats my top shelf. I do have some strains that go for 50 an oz. why is that hard to believe????


Active member
You didn't say that was the most you charged. You said that was the most expensive in CA... which is what I find extremely hard to believe.


Active member
He's right the real price in cali is about 200/oz for high quality... If your paying more just look around a little... And no you can't get that price at a big dispensary, but delivery services and smaller collectives are getting more and more competitive offering top quality very cheap. The black market is whole nother story prices have plummeted there. Basically getting 3200 for a p is pretty good even if you got some killer og these days.


He's right the real price in cali is about 200/oz for high quality... If your paying more just look around a little... And no you can't get that price at a big dispensary, but delivery services and smaller collectives are getting more and more competitive offering top quality very cheap. The black market is whole nother story prices have plummeted there. Basically getting 3200 for a p is pretty good even if you got some killer og these days.

Ouch, on the east coast I see people in the city paying $500 a zip for pure shit. There is such a huge difference in price just from one side of the state to the other, but most commonly $400 a z for pretty good to excellent indoor home grown retail, maybe in the $325-360 a z wholesale.

Grass Lands

Here is my perspective...I left cali in 02' and the bud was moderate priced and the quality was always good, there were some growers but not like there is now...i returned a couple years back I've noticed every tom, dick and jane are growing herb and most do a pretty shitty job at it...


Active member
I believe people will always pay a higher price for better produce. Look at local grown organic produce in any market. If its legalized the green triangle counties will form that niche market. Im sure there will be row croppers in the central valley that get licensed and do big time cultivation. But that stuff wont effect those small time growers that can produce a better quality for a higher price. There is always a market for quality anything as long as there's someone that can produce it. Keep the prices high by growing a superior product is all it takes.


New member
haammerhead what clubs u been to lately oz 3 and some change for some good u cant even get outdoor in the club for 200


New member
what u growing the mexican weed i grow for the club and i get 38 a p and thats low and i got the hotest in the bayarea east bay kens gdp


New member
i respect the small time grow because he pay close attention to his babies cause its a relationship to many people growing anything together is to many minds thinking diffrent about what needs to be done i cant work with anybody i like the small grow with top shelf results every time like candy baby


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
haammerhead what clubs u been to lately oz 3 and some change for some good u cant even get outdoor in the club for 200

It's already been mentioned that these prices are not club prices. These are prices from co-ops. If anyone is paying high prices look else where or find a group of growers that sale small amounts. My grows are small maybe 3lbs. 1lb for me the rest goes to others that can not grow. If I knew you. I would let you have an oz of my best for 200.

If you want to see what I offer people look in my album

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