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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Morning OFs, hope you all have had a lovely night's sleep.

7.40am here and I;m having my only coffee of the day, double espresso with a dash of hot water.
It's chop day for a few plants here, easy peasy for me normally... cut em at the base and hang em for 2 weeks... but it's been warm in the grow room so I need to jiggle plants around and bondage a few up so I can move 1 tent to somewhere cooler in the house for a nice slow drying.

I see tinctures are being discussed, I like using Wray and nephew rum for mine. At 63% alcohol (120something proof) it doesn't burn hard under the tongue like the everclear type of alchohols, but there is still a burn. I've also used 40% rum too, I just need another dropper or two for effects.

As for edibles and RSO... Not for me. They keep me awake all night shaking like a greyhound taking a poop in the Arctic. Maybe I should be sticking them up the prison pocket to avoid the stomach and liver?
One day I may have to stop vaping, my lungs have never been the same since I spent 2 weeks on a drip with pneumonia at 25 years old. But the vaping really does help keep my lungs clear I believe. Better than the asthma inhaler I take daily.

So that leads me to wanting to fill out the forms and see a private clinic here for a canna prescription. Not that I'd be buying much from them as my store cupboard is full of vac sealed dope, but a little slip of paper would be a get out of jail free card if ever the poop hit the fan. :good:

Have a good day all.

The wonky eyed dude abides.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Edge is my browser and set up by Microsoft. Yes, I was referring to bookmarks, on the computer it is listed as favorites. I believe your right that it automatically happens without my doing. In the long run I am glad it happened but it leaves this impression that, "there watching me" like they are watching everyone.
But they are watching you and in so many ways and on more then just your computer. I mean the evidence is too overwhelming. The one that bothered me the most was when my wife passed. I didn't talk about it online nor did I visit any sites offering funeral/burial services. The only thing I did was discuss it on the phone with my Mother-In-Law (my wife opted to spend her last few month's alive with her mother since she was an only child and knew her mother would be devestated when she passed). Yet within 24 hours of that phone call my inbox was flooded with offers for funeral services and end of life insurance. How did they know? The only way I can think of is that someone was listening in on that phone call with my Mother-In-Law. Now to be clear I don't really believe that was it. I mean I don't see them listening into people's phone calls just to know what services to try and sell to them. That would imply wire tapping on a grand scale and for what, to sell people stuff? Also I want to stress I'm not suggesting that there is some wide spread evil conspiracy by the government at work. Most of the things they do to track what people are interested in is part of something with the intent to be helpful by offering things they think we want or need and if more people read the fine print that they check the box on agreeng to and understood what it all meant we would see that we've been active participants in allowing things to get this way. The intent is mostly benign with the goal of trying to match consumers with goods and services they might or do want.

You can be careful about what browser you use, what search engine you use, what settings you leave on or turn off, all that will do though is help prevent you from getting spammed with ads and emails above and beyond the random stuff we get anyway. Think about it though with most cell phones having GPS cababilities, cameras and microphones they have ways of following, listening in on and to some extent seeing what we are doing, whenever they want. I'm not saying that's what they are doing necessarily because the manpower that would be required to actively monitor everyone's cell phone would be mind blowing. What I am trying to point out is that there are lots of obvious ways that they can track almost anyone at anytime. So with all those obvious ways what about all the less obvious ways? I'm betting most of us would be shocked if we knew every way imaginable they track us and our information.


Well-known member

Likewise a good morning! I am actually just up for a glass of water only, but this was rummaging though my near-sleep mind, so I thought I would share it for anyone needing a bit of a wake up call. Grace Slick and Woodstock, a little before my time (not by much). Certainly a heartthrob for many a young lad in the SF area, and elsewhere .. ;)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Nice example 👏 of showing that there is some route to recovery - to make quite a considerable improvement physically - if you can find the discipline to put a good workout routine together - and keep at it religiously - until you can achieve considerable gains -

- Butterbean was almost dead - but thru hard work and concious discipline - he forced himself to get better and improve himself physically and mentally - 👍 - so improving his potential longevity and quality of life -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
That and if I imbibe late in the day I don't go to sleep like most folks do... I lie in bed until I finally pass out at 3am....

Maybe I'm just old...?
Hey there young 'un, if you want to fall asleep within minutes (when you gits old enuf) there is a combination that will do it for you.

You're only be doing half of the combo by imbibing late in the day. 15 minutes before you hit the rack, take a melatonin gummy. Together, you sleep.

Until... as you discover when you DO get old, you gotta get up at 2AM to pee :mad:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I realize you folks are into making things yourself. I'm surprised nobody has come up with this before:

VEVOR Alcohol Still, 3 Gallon, Stainless Steel Alcohol Distiller with Copper Tube & Build-in Thermometer & Water Pump, Double Thumper Keg Home Brewing Kit, for DIY Whiskey Wine Brandy
You can distill raw spirits from vodka, whiskey, tequila, etc using one of these! $80!
I produce my own 190 proof from scratch for extraction:


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Morning OFs, hope you all have had a lovely night's sleep.

7.40am here and I;m having my only coffee of the day, double espresso with a dash of hot water.
It's chop day for a few plants here, easy peasy for me normally... cut em at the base and hang em for 2 weeks... but it's been warm in the grow room so I need to jiggle plants around and bondage a few up so I can move 1 tent to somewhere cooler in the house for a nice slow drying.

I see tinctures are being discussed, I like using Wray and nephew rum for mine. At 63% alcohol (120something proof) it doesn't burn hard under the tongue like the everclear type of alchohols, but there is still a burn. I've also used 40% rum too, I just need another dropper or two for effects.

As for edibles and RSO... Not for me. They keep me awake all night shaking like a greyhound taking a poop in the Arctic. Maybe I should be sticking them up the prison pocket to avoid the stomach and liver?
One day I may have to stop vaping, my lungs have never been the same since I spent 2 weeks on a drip with pneumonia at 25 years old. But the vaping really does help keep my lungs clear I believe. Better than the asthma inhaler I take daily.

So that leads me to wanting to fill out the forms and see a private clinic here for a canna prescription. Not that I'd be buying much from them as my store cupboard is full of vac sealed dope, but a little slip of paper would be a get out of jail free card if ever the poop hit the fan. :good:

Have a good day all.

The wonky eyed dude abides.

View attachment 19003743
@BumSplodgeBrownPants -- You are the polar opposite of me:

You have the stuff and can make it "legal" at the bottom line.

I no have. And there is no way I can have it legally even though I am in a legal state (Floriduh). I sinned by getting a dinged helmet. What a fucked up situation for both of us.
Last edited:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!

A mostly clear day here starting at 47F and predicted to reach 67F.

I found a plumber for my broken kitchen drain line but alas, not until next Tuesday.................

I finally got an appointment to the pain clinic for steroid shots in my lower back at the end of this month. Good thing I'm not dying.


Well-known member
I produce my own 190 proof from scratch for extraction:

Hello @Gray Wolf . These articles are GREAT! Thank you very much for posting them. I have looked through your website and I think it is fantastic. I actually have the book “ Cannabis Alchemy” by Gold. I was in California in 1975. I was a little kid but I remember those days like it was yesterday. You have brought back some very special memories for me. I will be reading your website everyday from now on. Again, thank you. 😁 🌈

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hello @Gray Wolf . These articles are GREAT! Thank you very much for posting them. I have looked through your website and I think it is fantastic. I actually have the book “ Cannabis Alchemy” by Gold. I was in California in 1975. I was a little kid but I remember those days like it was yesterday. You have brought back some very special memories for me. I will be reading your website everyday from now on. Again, thank you. 😁 🌈
Thanks for your good thoughts and appreciation brother! Bon appetite!

David Gold is actually still extant and living in the Land of CA. He recently put out another book that is heavy into nostalgia! I got a limited edition signed copy and it is free on Kindle.



Well-known member
@Gray Wolf
Around '76 a buddy found a recipe for extraction for what we called then "hash oil".
We made it with denatured alcohol out doors over an electric hot plate.
It was a way to use our crappy OD grown herb. We were kids and just learning.
It turned out rather green and was gooey. I'd stick 2 papers together, slather
them up with this green goo, fill it with our sub par home grown and we'd smoke it.
I referred to those doobies as 'tootsie rolls' as they became so gooey a joint
couldn't be burned completely. Those roaches burned up in a pipe/ bong though
so... nothing wasted.
Talk about dangerous things we do as youngin's ;)

I've made many batches of VG tincture with mixed trim/ popcorn.
Each batch turned out a bit different. Friends would donate the materials
and I manufactured :O taking 1/3 of finished goods.

Myself and others liked it as it helped to alleviate nerve pain.
It is sickly sweet and the only way I found to choke it down was to add it into
my coffee that already had hazelnut liquid coffee creamer added haha.
I still have a jar with about the same amount as yours.
It's on reserve I guess for a time I may need... something :)

I was also the person who did all the coconut oil/ cannabis infused capsules.
Always with mixed strains. Each batch again were different slightly in effects.
Really wished I had some of the batch made in 2020 left... that was the best
overall cannabis meds I've had thus far in my experimentation's.
The most recent batch is better for sleep, which is great but it is a little
bit 'drowsy' inducing for daytime. I still use them all day, it just took some
dosing adjustments.

Made a boat load of qwiso also and still have silicone pucks full of it in
the freezer. I've not dabbed in years. Got so I realized I didn't need to be
THAT high haha.


Well-known member
Hey there young 'un, if you want to fall asleep within minutes (when you gits old enuf) there is a combination that will do it for you.

You're only be doing half of the combo by imbibing late in the day. 15 minutes before you hit the rack, take a melatonin gummy. Together, you sleep.

View attachment 19003798 Until... as you discover when you DO get old, you gotta get up at 2AM to pee :mad:
I've not tried the Melatonin for sleep but I did add a Magnesium
supplement and began sleeping much better.

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