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The *Official* OMMP Vendor's Pricing Thread


New member
Unfortunate to hear. But I agree on the fronting for shops part. I understand it's normal in other types of businesses, but given the whole situation there's no reason a shop shouldn't pay out on the spot...test results came back at 22% in case anyone was curious.


Wow! hard to believe these shops need credit. The margin on their product is astronomical. Say for instance they are paying 1800 for top notch indoor selling at $15 a g (standard from the ships I visited out there) that's $6720 per lb or a 373% roi which is absolutely insane. The stock market averages around 9% over the past 100+ yrs. If they are making 364% more than the stock market, why do they need fronts? High overhead and maybe taxes I can undertand but it seems like some hard working growers are being taken advantage of... this is bs. Gray market brokers coming with cash should get the best possible rate. These guys make 25% on a great day. They do not kill it like these legal guys who make 3000+% and the gray Markey guys put their ass on the line.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Wow! hard to believe these shops need credit. The margin on their product is astronomical. Say for instance they are paying 1800 for top notch indoor selling at $15 a g (standard from the ships I visited out there) that's $6720 per lb or a 373% roi which is absolutely insane. The stock market averages around 9% over the past 100+ yrs. If they are making 364% more than the stock market, why do they need fronts? High overhead and maybe taxes I can undertand but it seems like some hard working growers are being taken advantage of... this is bs. Gray market brokers coming with cash should get the best possible rate. These guys make 25% on a great day. They do not kill it like these legal guys who make 3000+% and the gray Markey guys put their ass on the line.

110% is generally considered standard wholesale to retail markup in America. The call it the 2.2 rule, sell whatever you bought for 2.2x what you paid and you'll have money for rent,salaries,utilities,etc with enough left over to pay yourself a living wage. Thats in the normal retail world where you can do things like deduct expenses from your taxes, use banks, don't have to give 20% of revenue to the state government, etc.
And top shelf stuff is getting more than 18 these days, if your flower is top material and you're selling it for that you're getting ripped. All the 30% ultrachronic I've seen offered recently has been 22. That would cut your estimated markup to a pinch under 300%, which is within range of reasonable considered that the shops don't have access to the same tax deductions and government and private services and other conveniences that everyone takes for grated. You know that motherfucker that the front of every dispensary that checks your ID? No other retail shop has to pay for an employee like that, not even the liquor store, but its required at dispensaries because cannabis needs to be treated like it plutonium or some shit even though its legal, commonly consumed for generations and generally regarded as safe. Evil plutonium that needs to be discouraged with a 25% tax.
People have been accusing weed dealers of getting rich on gouging my whole life, why have I met so few wealthy ones? Yes, I know its because a lot of them have drug habits that cost five or six figures annually, but still if there were money to be made marking up cannabis 9% then tell me how and I'll happily buy your $1800 flower for $3000 and sell it by the gram for $3270. In return I promise to tell you how to convert your dank nugs directly into SP500 index fund shares

god damn i wasn't high when i started typing, but the stuff is kicking in. sorry for the wall of text lmao


New member
This is what we are dealing with, meet some guys from New York they had been driving up the whole west cost looking and talking to people. They get up here and we show them some nice fresh, sticky, dank, 24.17% kill shit. Big fat buds. And they just keep saying why is it so fresh and sticky, is this greenhouse or outdoor? I told them this time of year? Ya they say look at this indoor we got from Calif. they pull out that sealed last year out door shit we have all seen. And we bust it open and it bonner dry, not really even good for oil. Yet these guys would have nothing of it that was indoor to them and mine was green house and why was it so sticky…..lol...

Fresh Start

Active member
110% is generally considered standard wholesale to retail markup in America. The call it the 2.2 rule, sell whatever you bought for 2.2x what you paid and you'll have money for rent,salaries,utilities,etc with enough left over to pay yourself a living wage. Thats in the normal retail world where you can do things like deduct expenses from your taxes, use banks, don't have to give 20% of revenue to the state government, etc.
And top shelf stuff is getting more than 18 these days, if your flower is top material and you're selling it for that you're getting ripped. All the 30% ultrachronic I've seen offered recently has been 22. That would cut your estimated markup to a pinch under 300%, which is within range of reasonable considered that the shops don't have access to the same tax deductions and government and private services and other conveniences that everyone takes for grated. You know that motherfucker that the front of every dispensary that checks your ID? No other retail shop has to pay for an employee like that, not even the liquor store, but its required at dispensaries because cannabis needs to be treated like it plutonium or some shit even though its legal, commonly consumed for generations and generally regarded as safe. Evil plutonium that needs to be discouraged with a 25% tax.
People have been accusing weed dealers of getting rich on gouging my whole life, why have I met so few wealthy ones? Yes, I know its because a lot of them have drug habits that cost five or six figures annually, but still if there were money to be made marking up cannabis 9% then tell me how and I'll happily buy your $1800 flower for $3000 and sell it by the gram for $3270. In return I promise to tell you how to convert your dank nugs directly into SP500 index fund shares

god damn i wasn't high when i started typing, but the stuff is kicking in. sorry for the wall of text lmao

Dispensaries definitely don't have the luxury of doing business normally like the other small businesses out there in the world. Just so everyone here is clear on this point: dispensaries have to give upwards of %50 of their gross profits to taxes. If at the end of the day after paying employees and overhead they turn a profit it is not that much- they are not cash cows. The main reason people even open their retail stores is so that they can sell their own products through it or wait for Phillip Morris AKA big corporates to come and buy them out with a million or so.

That being said, when a dispensary buys products from other vendors it counts as a "cost of good" which is tax deductible unlike the majority of their overhead. So don't feel bad asking for the right price for your product. Develop relationships with the people in the industry that will serve in the long term. Spend the least amount of your time with the most resistance.



New member
who told you they give 50% of there gross profits for taxes…that is just wrong…they pay 17% and collect 25% so they make money on the taxes they collect. But any one with flower in Oregon fuck these clubs hold price now oil just got banned in clubs so they are going to need flower to cover that loss…HOLD PRICE GROWERS

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
…when a dispensary buys products from other vendors it counts as a "cost of good" which is tax deductible unlike the majority of their overhead…

I was told a couple month ago that under current law attempting to deduct the cost of cannabis from your federal taxes would qualify as money laundering and the penalties are fairly severe if you're caught in transaction over $10,000. So I guess you could deduct it and then shit bricks for the next five years knowing that you'd have about a 0% shot at a successful legal defense if they ever decided to audit you and be assholes about it or you could just eat it if you're not wanting to be on the hook for like a billion years in the federal pen.


Hope this is not off topic but wasn't there supposed to be a middle man position opening up? Someone that runs around and grabs flower for the processors? That's the person I want to meet. I don't want to run around and haggle with the shops. I know that they will just tell me they want me to eat that 25% their not charging customers. I keep to myself and like it that way. I'd gladly take a price cut to avoid the hustle bs. I'm not soliciting so don't ban me. Just saying I thought there was a position that some were applying for but have heard nothing on it yet.


New member
Been getting around 2000-2200 a lb. in Eugene Springfield area. Nice indoor trimmed real good, testing between 19-24%. Is this about average price right now?

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Been getting around 2000-2200 a lb. in Eugene Springfield area. Nice indoor trimmed real good, testing between 19-24%. Is this about average price right now?

Yeah, that seems pretty good. In the past month it seems that you have to be closer to 30% to get over $2200. Nice handling of the product also seems to be valuable, it seems that your flower would probably be worth about $200 - $300 less a pound autotrimed even with similar lab results.


My workplace sells clones for $20 + tax if recreational. So 25 out the door. We pay 10. Coming from Humboldt where I used to sell trays for 3-5 per clone, this blows me away. People are buying their limit of 4 for $100 every week. Now if I can convince the owner to let me start growing the clones I'll be in business


Yeah, that seems pretty good. In the past month it seems that you have to be closer to 30% to get over $2200. Nice handling of the product also seems to be valuable, it seems that your flower would probably be worth about $200 - $300 less a pound autotrimed even with similar lab results.

I concur. If you're in the upper 20s % and its perfect you may get up to 26 but that's tough


Hope this is not off topic but wasn't there supposed to be a middle man position opening up? Someone that runs around and grabs flower for the processors? That's the person I want to meet. I don't want to run around and haggle with the shops. I know that they will just tell me they want me to eat that 25% their not charging customers. I keep to myself and like it that way. I'd gladly take a price cut to avoid the hustle bs. I'm not soliciting so don't ban me. Just saying I thought there was a position that some were applying for but have heard nothing on it yet.
There are distributors popping up. We work with a couple


New member
who told you they give 50% of there gross profits for taxes…that is just wrong…they pay 17% and collect 25% so they make money on the taxes they collect. But any one with flower in Oregon fuck these clubs hold price now oil just got banned in clubs so they are going to need flower to cover that loss…HOLD PRICE GROWERS[/QUOTE]


New member
who told you they give 50% of there gross profits for taxes…that is just wrong…they pay 17% and collect 25% so they make money on the taxes they collect. But any one with flower in Oregon fuck these clubs hold price now oil just got banned in clubs so they are going to need flower to cover that loss…HOLD PRICE GROWERS


New member
Any idea what prices medical clubs are paying now that there are only a few outlets even available for med?


New member
Eastern Oregon Prices

Eastern Oregon Prices

So around here A pound runs any where from 1400 to 1250. A QP runs 400-350. And oz's are 100-85. It all depends on where you go and what grower you talk to and that's just the medical. Rec is way more expensive.

Right now at our Co-op we have:
Medicine Cookies (GSC x Medicine Woman)
Pinapple Cookies (GSC x Pineapple Express)
Sensei Cookies (GSC x Critical Sensei Star)

All these strains were developed thru the co-op.


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Active member
jfc those are gross and disgusting looking nugs. who the fuck grew that crap? looks like they picked it way way to early...typical of these wannabe new growers flooding the oregon market with crappy weed in the dips and recs.

machine trimmed and worthless. lost all the kif and they look like they were run through a kif barrel.

yes my weed is 100 times better than yours.

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