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The last frontier online bonfire


moose eater

Nice bud shot, FF.

A quick 'conclusion' for my searches as of this morning can be found at this link, post #1401 here at ICMag.


Thanks for the tip.

Spinosad has some fairly limited question marks around its history, but overall fairly safe. Concentration is key.

Nuke 'Em is touted by some of the organic Guru folk.

Mosquito dunks have the same live organism as Gnatrol; sub-species B.t.i. (Cool!!)

And all was well with the world once again... ;^>)


New member
Here is a pic of the last purple kush I ran. Cut came from a friend. One of his purple kushes got pissed off, her hermied, and seeded out. I was given a cut of the one that didn't hermie. No issues with her. The picture is of the second time I ran her. Grown in hydro, with no issues. After the second run I let her go and didn't clone her. The seeds are a gamble... should be fun! Anyhow my opinion is the purple kush is a dead ringer for pck from the pictures I've found. It's some seriously purple bud.
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I mean its impossible to say from just a pic but the lighter purple coloring with no leaves turning purple is certainly consistent with PCK i've seen.
I found the other picture of that plant! While taking lots of pictures can be helpful, it's a pain in the ass finding specific ones sometimes. That cut was the best bed time cut I have grown. All you wanna do after smoking it is go to sleep. Much more effective than any sleep meds I've seen. This plant was grown during my second grow with dwc. Poor plant had to suffer through my learning stages of hydro.
So it looks like all the purple kush will be rather colorful! All of them are showing purple at the end of week 2 of bloom. I got a couple short bushy phenos and one taller pheno. I'm getting excited to see how they do.
Well today was fun. I met up with a buddy I haven't seen in a while. He got to try the hulk smash #10. It always puts a smile on my face when I get asked what the hell I'm feeding them to make them so strong! If any of yall get a chance, you might want to give dark horse genetics a try.


New member
Hi FrozenFire! Pleased to meet you. I was so hoping to start up a grow chat with a guy in Alaska! Or maybe you’re a Gal...don’t matter, I get along with both “races”!!!lol

I’m NOT a fellow Alaskan though, just to warn you, but I’m pretty dang close: I’m prit-near right below you, neighbours across zee border in BC Canada!

And since our sucky Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised legalization July 1 which is today, I thought I’d celebrate my beloved country’s birthday by slamming the little bitch Justin for lying (again!) We’re still not “legal” but that don’t matter to me one BIT! Cause I’m an Underground Black Market grower! Always was, always will be!

We got a big honk’n operation nestled in a valley on the west side of the Rocky Mountains. Even though we’re a little inland, from the Pacific ocean, its a hell of a lot warmer then the part of BC that’s on the east side of the Rockies. And we can still quad out on an old logging road in the summer right to zee ocean to go Skinny Dipping and ride the Killer Whales! But that’s a whole other exciting story!

I started out just like you as a hobby grower, so I wanna congratulate you on your latest Bud Lab Test for your c99#3! Good Job! We grow different strains down here for my business, but my personal favourite is OG-Kush which came in from my latest lab test at 33% THC. My customers don’t have to lab test my Bud cause they get blown away with the miraculous highs I give’em!

If you like chatting with me, I can show you how to get even better results from your c99. I haven’t looked into that strain yet—what’s its potential THC percentage? If its max is around 19%, double congratulations!!!As a commercial grower, we strive to maximize on all the potential THC percentages of the strains we grow. At zee end of the day though, THC % doesn’t really matter cause it’s how the strain you grow makes you feel. I’m assuming that 19% makes you feel just fine!

We live like Red Neck High-tech Hillbillies out here cause our whole operation is powered off-grid by Solar, Wood and Wind Power! We’re WAY north and west of Tumbler Ridge just to give you a rough idea. We’ve got 30 greenhouses for Spring, Summer, Fall multi-harvest Light Dep grows and an old abandoned gold mine that was drilled right into the side of the west range mountain we live under for multi-harvest grows all through winter! Every harvest we’re processing thousands of plants!

We’ve even got our own Extraction Lab that we just learned how to set up and operate last year, cause we’re fixin to be a big player in the CBD industry—which we think is the new frontier of Cannabis growing on account of “Legalization” which has dropped prices of the Bud we used to sell.

Have you ever vaped pure 90/10 % THC/CBD oil before? Probably not. As far as we know we’re the only gang of literally “underground” organic growers who make it! Lets just say zee high you get is SUPERNATURAL...just like our Province! And because its part CBD its also good for you like a great Acid high without any bad trips, rough come-downs or weird side-effects.

Of course we’re producing “traditional” CBD oils for every medicinal ailment under zee sun too, but that’s whole other story and chat for later, yah?

I love my country but hate my government, cause they’re all a bunch of lying, tax grubbing pigs and Trudeau, even though he’s an admitted buyer and smoker of weed in his college days now wants to bump up the jail time from an automatic 10 to 15 year sentence for buying and selling without a license—which we’ve been doing anyway for zee last 20 years! That ain’t legalization! If weed was truly legal, we could grow it, sell it and buy it as easy as carrots! So fuck zee government! And fuck Justin! Actually, he and his wife are kinda cute and I wouldn’t mind fucking zee pair of ‘em!

But enough of this political nonsense! I’m here to talk about growing and harvesting, and since you’re a hobby grower into “growing in water” we’ll have lots to chat about in zee future! I’m a “Dirt Girl” myself and have been growing in soil ever since I can remember. But I have in my “hobby” days tried all kinds of hydroponic/Aeroponics systems when I was just a young chick. I still look and act like I’m in my 20’s though and I chalk that up to healthy living and now my new CBD creations!

Did you say you have an Under Current system? I’ve thinking of experimenting with that on a large scale cause our winter mine shaft has a 100% pure spring water “leak”—we’ve had that tested too. So I’d be interested in hearing about your small-scale experiences with the Under Current.

Gotta go, but I’ll get back to you soon FrozenFire, but one quick question to leave you with before I do:
Are we allowed to talk about what we think about brand names of all the cool junk you can get nowadays for growing and processing?

You mentioned your Current Culture system so I’m hoping its OK to talk about the commercial things we like and don’t like. But a friend of mine from our operation went on this forum a couple of months ago and mentioned an auto-trimmer he really liked and got BANNED FOR LIFE from this here forum for “spamming”. I haven’t read their bullshit rules here but I’m hoping you have and can fill me in on them cause I got lots of stuff I’ve bought for my Cannabis operation and want to talk about all of them by Brand Names. Can we?

Maybe that auto-trimmer he really liked works so good, this forum is run by a competing company that makes those shitty bladed trimmers and didn’t like zee competition!;)

Anyway, it was GREAT finding you up growing in Alaska and we’ll talk soon!



New member
Stoked I found this thread, new to Alaska three weeks here in Matsu Valley. California born lived in far Nor Cal most of my life. Been growing and toking for years. Moved here to get out of rat race California and wife has work here. Hope this thread continues to have action. I'm a little disappointed with the cannabis scene here seems super commercial scale. Hope there is still old school mom and pop style growers here. Guess I will find out in time? Happy growing to all.
Welcome aboard slipperyslut! I'm not running a cc undercurrent system, it's a diy hybrid setup. I'm running a 4 site diy undercurrent setup and a 4x4 flood and drain table that's rigged as a recirculating aeroponics system. Both systems are running off of a shared reservoir.

Strain wise I grow all sorts of plants. C99 is a keeper as she is a fast finishing sativa that is rather energetic and makes bomb shatter. I'm actually working on making my own crosses. Nothing too wild, just some pollen chucking with what I've got growing. The goal is high yeilds with lots of frost, and lots of Terps. So far my hulk smash × blue dream aka hulks dream has shown serious potential. 2 seeds grown from that and both are solid. Hulks dream is a little fluffy but has crazy resin output. Definitely making shatter out of her!

Terptaster, welcome to AK! You picked the best time to move here. Summers up here are awesome!!! Good luck finding the quality you seek in dispensaries. Prices seem to be high and quality isnt quite there in most places. My suggestion is to keep growing your own if possible. If you like to fish, the salmon are running. I suggest a 9 weight flyrod and a decent reel. And lots of bug dope! Ben's 100% deet is the shit....

Gardening activities for today included cutting down the 4×4 table crop. Not a record crop, but should be somewhere around a pound or so. None of the purple kushes put out like the first one I grew. That made me kinda sad. The rest of the tent did reasonably well. C99 was super frosty, the hulks dreams did well, copper chem #4 turned into a chunky beast, the hulk smash×hulk smash that didn't hermie did alright, and last but not least tangerine kush made some sticky orange smelling buds that colored nicely as well. Oh and I ran 9.1oz of bud and am making winterized concentrates with it.


New member
Thanks for the welcome FrozenFire. Yea I will stick to growing my own. Just waiting for my lights to get here I left in California, going to have to replace my grow tents and some other equipment, not the first time I've had to start fresh. My seeds made it here with me had to leave all my cuts behind. Yes I love to fish and look forward to all the outdoor opportunities Alaska has to offer. Thanks for the advice on bug dope and fishing gear. My dad grew purple kush crossed with a skunk plant when I was a kid and boy was it fire. C99 is a good strain to have in your quiver. That Hulks Dream sounds interesting. Happy growing.


New member
Hello fellow Alaskans had a question. I moved here a few months ago and have got my grow started. Still dialing things in, it's a rough road starting over after leaving California. So my question was concerning fungus gnats do you get them a lot here? Does anybody grow hydro and if so are fungus gnats less of a problem with hydro? I grow in soil using Subcool's super soil method. I've battled these boogers before, they are so persistent. Using yellow sticky traps and treating soil with hydrogen peroxide. Making sure media is not over watered and drying up between waterings. Thinking of going to hydro and getting away from soil. Any comments would be appreciated. Happy growing to all.

moose eater

I've found that any time I use store-acquired organic amendments (EWCs especially, but others, too), I'm typically importing fungus gnats, and often thrips, too. Complete annihilation is difficult. Suppression to the point of near-annihilation is much more achievable.

I used Gnatrol years ago to some degree of success (typically found back then in HUGE 2.5-gallon jugs), coupled with the yellow sticky traps, etc. You can also cover with diatomaceous earth as a barrier.

When I went looking to procure another quantity of liquid Gnatrol, I discovered the stuff hadn't been marketed that way in years & was no longer available in liquid suspension solution (Bti), BUT Gnatrol WDG (Bti) -IS- available in powdered form, and available in smaller amounts through a number of outlets that buy the expensive 5-gallon buckets, then sell by the lb. I've been using it with some degree of success, both as a prophylactic for gnat larvae in new mixes, as well as treating existing populations. I mix it a bit strong; maybe .13 oz. or more to a gallon of H2O.

Another member here in Hawaii reports they have effectively used unscented dryer sheets as a barrier, laying them across the tops of pots, per their report to me, but I suspect you'd need to move a lot of dryer sheets come tending time?

For the thrips, having abandoned Azamax, etc., and harsh aerosol sprays, I went to Spinosad/Spinosaids at the advice of numerous others, and that's been about as effective as the Gnatrol WDG has been with the gnats.

HOWEVER, in my research re. Spinosad, there were peripheral/very limited reports of toxicity (to humans? animals? plants?) at higher doses or more frequent applications.

Most of the commercially available Spinosad products come in at a concentration of .05% (+/-) from what I've read. There was a stout product with STRONG concentration listed some place in the forums here a little bit ago, though considering the reading I found re. toxicity, I'd tend to stick with the lesser concentrations.

That's what I have either found from reading, or from experience.

Good luck. If all else fails, there's always anti-aircraft batteries. ;^>)
The little assholes show up from time to time here. I'd get them at the old house occasionally. No pest strips work great for trapping them. Depending on hydro setup they will get into the root zone and nibble on roots. I tried mosquito bits in the reservoir and that seemed to help fix that. If that don't work, try surface to air missiles!


New member
Thanks FrozenFire, I'm just going to stay as persistent as they are I'm stubborn so I will get a handle on them soon. Hydro may still be in my future though, I figure cutting out the moist soil which is what they thrive in is a step towards the right direction. Still researching what type of hydro setup I would run, most likely design and build my own. Again thanks for the info guys. Happy growing.
Happy belated tukeyday to all the Alaskans among us, and everyone else too! As winter settles in, what are yall growing indoors?
Its awful quiet around these parts. I've been plugging away in my tents all winter. I've been having fun doing some pollen chucking with my copper chems. Current grow in the aerotable is a run of copper chem f2s I made. Several ladies of the f2s and a couple others got hit with copper chem f2 male pollen. I am about to have more seeds than I know what to do with :biggrin:. The ccf2 stud reeks of skunks ass and limes, and has resin on him to boot! Here's some pics of my work with copper chem this winter.

Ccf2 banana smelling pheno

Ccf2 male

Copper chem #4- the mother of ccf2 generation. This is only one branch from when I scrogged her. She is a beast!

moose eater

Nice cola, FF.

I'm barely keeping my mothers alive at this time. Seems to be a bit of kryptonite at my shop door, keeping me from getting with it, re. mixing up the next batch of test soilless mix. Too many years, and getting grumpy and intolerant of any stressors in my age. Life changes, doors narrow, and maybe it'll all come around full circle.. maybe not.

Still the same old stand-by mommas as before; Bodhi's Goji OG #2, Goji OG #8, an ancient 20-year old (21?) momma of Dronker's Sensi Seeds California Indica, Ghost Train Haze #1, Widow Bomb #3, and perhaps one other I can't remember right now.

Just got back from testing my spirit of youth; flew down to Arizona and drove back a used clean car with low miles and no rust for my wife. Been on the northern route of the Alcan many, many times in the last quarter-century, but it had been 24 years since I did the Alcan on the lower end (which I'd also done dozens of times, as well as the Stewart-Cassiar). Left Southern Arizona on Feb. 4, and made my way quickly through Shelby Montana (-29 f. in Shelby; coldest spot on the trip).

Met up with a generous and hospitable forum member in Calgary. Smiling faces are welcome on long trips.

Left out of Ft. Nelson, B.C., I think on the 7th of Feb., in the dark hours of evening, a few days after leaving Tucson, with excessively tinted glass, and the Yin & Yang reality made itself apparent.

Couldn't see the cliffs up and over Steamboat and Stone Mountain, but couldn't see a lot of other shit either. ;^>) Sometimes it's good not to see some things. ;^>)

Still recovering from making my aged body act like a 25-year-old's flesh and bones again. No doubt it'll pay me back heavily one day.

Haven't posted but once in the last few months here. Angry at narrow-mindedness and hate, but my own hasn't gotten a lot better, sitting in the shadows.

Time for a spliff of some 'Critical Mass' that was gifted to me by another, then a rest, and up for more work.

Take care.


Just this guy, ya know?
I'm not from Alaska but holy crap man, way to go, this is incredible.:yoinks: :woohoo::plant grow:
Also do all the copper chems have a banana phenotype? Are those custom made? I love banana smell, would be interested in seeing that in marijuana.
