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The greatest fraud on Earth

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Well-known member
he will smite them all and smite them good

What is the difference between smitten and smote?

The verb smite, meaning to inflict a heavy blow, is traditionally inflected smote (in the past tense) and smitten (in the perfect tense and as a past participle). Some dictionaries list smited as an alternative past-tense form, but it has always been far less common than smote in published writing.

Release the Smiters! May the smitten become a perfect tense.



Well-known member
It's also kind of a dick move that this thread has even remained open, frosty may have some dumb ass ideas, but he should be able to express them without pages of abuse from the "Mean Girls" of this site.

You know the old saying, something about taking candy from a baby???
I am guilty as charged.

A wise person told me once "If it seems like everyone else is the problem, it's probably not everyone else..."


Well-known member
I don't think anyone takes this shit seriously enough to damage themselves though.
This stuff is somewhat personal for me. These dogshit ideas were no small part of the how and why of my mother's brother wrecking his family. I am, unfortunately, very familiar with this stuff because I was close to my uncle (he was a grower too, and was my intro to growing). These ideas hurt and killed people who I care about and love.

I don't think anyone takes this shit seriously enough to damage themselves though. And if that's really your guys concern, why take the piss out of the guy, why not offer some help?

I tried.
Frosty if you want people not to think you might be a Nazi, I'm afraid you'll have to stop saying Nazi things.
One thing Nazis were infamous for is comparing their adversaries to vermin.
We're all friends here, Frosty. We can help you overcome whatever difficulty you're having.
You don't have to be a Nazi.
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Well-known member
I still don't get how the media, TV, Schools, Universities, doctors, science, popular culture, Hollywood, etc... can all be selling you a specific program, yet YouTube, a company owned and run by Google (A California based media company), for profit, contains the ultimate truth. It's almost like people who listen to youtubers have never spent any time in the a fore mentioned industries and don't realize that to be taken seriously, things like fact checking, peer review, and references, are all necessary.
Most of the videos being shared on this thread, the ones promoting these dogshit ideas, are not hosted by youtube. They come from another functionally similar video hosting platform, BitChute, who appears to have a mission to accelerate the pace of civil strife and racial violence.

Here is a comment of mine made in another thread of Frosty's where I had some things to say about the video platform being used to propagate these ideas.
I know that earlier you said you don't care what I might think about your credibility, but obviously you do or you would ignore me and you can not. Shit like this is why no-one ought to take you seriously.

As you declare, "I'm no antisemite!" (paraphrasing) you attempt to bolster your argument by embedding within your post this video from Bitchute (a site widely known for hosting eliminationist propaganda) posted by a user who self-identifies as "AxisOfTruth" [0] whose videos include such titles as "WHITE PILL - MORE & MORE PEOPLE WAKING TO THE JQ," [1] and "Jewish roots of Communism, Zionism, & Socialism," [2] and "The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion," [3] and your video "Anti Semitism is a Trick," as well as my favourite "Alex Jones and the Gay Frog Holocaust Atrazine."

You cannot distance yourself from accusations of antisemitism by doing an antisemitism. What you can do is stop doing antisemitism.

That includes doing things like assuming your counterpart has some loyalty to Israel. As it happens, I do not. I oppose the modern state of Israel not because it is Jewish, but because it is an ethnic- and religious- nationalist state and not a secular state. How about you? Do you reject ethnic nationalism too? Are you even allowed to think such thoughts? I hope that you're like me, just some guy who airs out his dumb opinions on the internet for his own reasons, and that you're not compelled to do these things out of fear for yourself or fear for those you care about.

As for "tricks," I wonder how many readers of this forum realize just how often videos that they see embedded in posts are from Bitchute [4]? There's no indication whatever that they are, no context to the casual reader/viewer, and that is (I think) intentional. The antisemites / authoritarians / propagandists want those who view their material to do so with their guard down, and explicitly labeling those videos with the name Bitchute might give the game away. Maybe on this forum we can change the way Bitchute videos are embedded in posts, so that readers/viewers can better understand the context of what they're seeing.

In summary, @entropical, because you suggest that you're not an antisemite I will take you at your word as I put you on notice. I have spelled out in detail the how and the why of antisemitism in the arguments you have made and the material you have shared. Now you get to choose.

[0] an obvious reference to the historical Axis powers
[1] JQ stands for Jewish Question which is, succinctly, "Shall we murder all of the Jews?"
[2] cf. Judeo Bolshivism, aka Kulturbolschewismus, aka Cultural Marxism
[3] An infamous antisemetic forgery
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitChute


In my empire of dirt
If Frosty wrote as eloquently, he'd say the same about you. I like and respect a lot of what you have to say, more so than what Frosty says, but his and those that believe what he's posting have the same conviction about their beliefs that you do. They too, believe that your viewpoints have the same far reaching consequences. Nobody wins in this situation, one side looks like a dick to the other and vice versa. I'm not offering any solutions, just the viewpoint that it's kinda fucking pointless. Energy could be better spent elsewhere.
frosty has the right as a sovereign citizen to believe in whatever he wants, but if you are going to go posting shit as FACTS, at least have something to back up what you are saying
/the FACT that the rest of the world does not see your right to be a dick head in public is just our problem i guess
but for reals, several of us have tried to engage frosty in honest conversation and learn what this is all about and all we got were stupid videos and simple minded insults
how can we take him seriously if even he dosent know what he is talking about?
but i get it
mean girls=bad
whos left for us to blame?
i like you brother nature and appreciate your take on this thread


Well-known member
frosty has the right as a sovereign citizen to believe in whatever he wants
when you tell someone a lie & they act on that "information", you can be held liable for the damages their actions caused. the old saw about shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater stands out as an age-old example. you can do it and claim "free speech", but if anyone is injured or property damaged, guess who will be on the hook...


Well-known member
-i dont know what the hell law book you are reading! and im not here to create joinder with you
i do what i want !!! its the common lawz!

so who does someone who has no name or citizenship and lives under under common law turn to when someone breaks their "lawz" and they want recourse
/oh you know he went crying to mommy after the big mean man used the electricity box on him
no seriously, i want to know

pop it turns out that even stopped clocks are occasionally right.

(or rather, i cannot fucking believe that a judge was actually held accountable, kinda, not really, what does this mean?)

Former Md. judge sentenced for ordering electrical shock for defendant
March 31, 2016 at 4:33 p.m. EDT

During the sentencing hearing, federal prosecutors played a videotape of the incident and, separately, an audiotape. In the audiotape, King and Nalley briefly talk about what the judge should call the defendant, who considers himself a “sovereign citizen” and not subject to the government’s laws. They agree on a name, and as Nalley talks about the jury selection process, the defendant speaks over him, making what he believes is a legal point.

Nalley, his voice agitated, says, “Stop. Stop.” Then he says: “Mr. Sheriff, do it. Use it.”

King screams three times.

The videotape shows King calmly spread about a dozen stacks of paper on the defense table. Nalley takes the bench. Later, King drops to the ground, falling on his right side.


In my empire of dirt
View attachment 18863699

Release the Smiters! May the smitten become a perfect tense.

View attachment 18863708
i am smitten! and appreciate your contributions buzz

pop it turns out that even stopped clocks are occasionally right.

(or rather, i cannot fucking believe that a judge was actually held accountable, kinda, not really, what does this mean?)

Former Md. judge sentenced for ordering electrical shock for defendant
March 31, 2016 at 4:33 p.m. EDT
ah, the old stopped clock theory! even the blind squirrel finds a nut

LOVE IT @@ :p <-- i was the creepy old man in the background
/isnt that lindsy "fire crotch" lohan?
who do i need to hit up to get a cut of this fire crotch strain!
so totes!
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