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Strange discoloration on leaves


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Hi folks. My prize plant, Trainwreck X Colombian Gold, recently got a bit root-bound while I have been too sick to tend to it. That part has been fixed and it seems to be recovering nicely, but it's now displaying a weird blackened area on one a couple of fan leaves. It was doing it on two tips on one fan leaf, but I trimmed that off. Now it's just on one of the other fans and trimming it out would be trickier. I have no idea what causes this, but it's at least the second time a plant in my closet has had this. The other times it was on my Purple Haze I think, but I can't remember, and I know it just went away on it's own.

Anyway here is a picture of it:

Should I be worried?


ICMag Donor
I'm sorry, I've honestly never seen that before. Hopefully someone else will know what it is cause I don't have a clue......Did the plant see some really cold temps at one point?


Next Stop: Outer Space!
They have seen some cold temps in the past, but during the period in which it happened this time, it was definitely on the warm side in there. Last time it happened I think it was cold though. It hasn't spread any at least. The leaves are limp where the dark areas are, but they seem to be alive. Very strange stuff....


ICMag Donor
Really odd.....possibly temp damage but I'm certainly not sure. You said it was one other part of your plant, you cut that part off and THEN it showed up like this?
Have you been dealing with any mold and/or fungus issues?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
It looks like the leaf discoloration is also on the main and some side branching as well correct or is that just my eyes?

Is the leaf hard or burnt where the color change is or does it feel just the same whether you touch the discoloration or a non discoloration leaf?

Is that leaf touching a wall or some other object? Maybe a chemical on whatever it might be touching?

Can you do a larger pic of the whole plant so we can see what it looks like as well?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
your ph is off.

What makes you think that? Have you seen this before in plants? Happy to hear more so if I see it I will know what to do to change it.

Why would only one leaf or a couple do it?

Also if the damage was in the middle, top, bottom would that matter with the possible ph problem as well?


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I will try to make sure the pH is good in all the pots. Seemed fine last I checked. It could be a pocket of bad pH in the soil somewhere? It hasn't spread at least though. It's not on the stem though, this plant just shows a lot of purple in the stems and the shadows are making it look darker. I'll post a better pic in a bit, but I have to get off the computer now or my girlfriend will kill me....


ICMag Donor
I don't think it's ph. Although the ph could be off.....I seriously doubt that's whats causing the problem.

I don't like the look of it regardless. I don't like the way the black part seems ingrained into the leaf itself. I'd be ok with this and call it some sort of trauma except that the rest of the leaf goes back to normal after being black so that just doesn't make any sense.

I hate to say the dreaded word virus because I honestly know NOTHING about plant viruses. Hopefully I'm completely full of shit. You need someone with a good biology background to take a look at that imo.

Good luck


Whatever it is it definatly has something to do with your water cuz dem things look soooogy. I would not water until they perk up. One of the biggest problems with plants is over watering. Good way to go about this is to let your plants droop a lil then water them, this way your not overwatering them and they build a stronger root system when they half to dig for water. whatever it is i hope the best for you.