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Well-known member
Those are huge sunflowers man! Way to grow! Is that a fig tree in your closet? 👍
Yeah Olympian fig gonna put it out in a little bit in a 5 gal bucket. I might possibly be able to keep it outdoors in the ground with protection here but It might need to be a bit older.
I did nothing to these sunflowers honestly. If you grow them outside I'm sure youll see the same/similar results. Plus last year was super stingy on sun.
When I decided to grow the Mammoth, which I did mostly for the huge size of them,
Yeah that was the appeal. I'm sure theyre tastier seeds out there and the birds didnt get too interested. But theyre still tastier than a lot of the bagged sunflowers in stores. This year I got something called American giant that goes to 15-16ft and I'm gonna try to do a living fence row cuz they dont need any support. Gotta keep away prying eyes and I dont like not having a fence between my spot and the road for my dogs.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I had a hernia surgery last Friday, it took 2 years for surgery and the repair was extensive.
Today I feel better than I have, no more pain medication, other than what I take regularly because of chronic pain. I did some chores today, things are looking up.
You are not alone with hernia surgeries man! Worst thing that could happen. Horrible. My doctor wouldn't fix mine until I lost weight. One morning I vomited green stuff and was in severe pain. Went to hospital, ran me through the equipment and said I had a strangulated hernia. They got me into surgery. It was horrible pain. I woke up with my underwear around my ankles and the doctor said she didn't give me a mesh but really really stitched me up. Been 3 years now no problem. @oldmaninbc hang in there. No coughing. Careful pooping. Careful putting on shoes. Careful getting out of bed. Hernia survivors unite!!!!


Well-known member
Yeah Olympian fig gonna put it out in a little bit in a 5 gal bucket. I might possibly be able to keep it outdoors in the ground with protection here but It might need to be a bit older.
I did nothing to these sunflowers honestly. If you grow them outside I'm sure youll see the same/similar results. Plus last year was super stingy on sun.

Yeah that was the appeal. I'm sure theyre tastier seeds out there and the birds didnt get too interested. But theyre still tastier than a lot of the bagged sunflowers in stores. This year I got something called American giant that goes to 15-16ft and I'm gonna try to do a living fence row cuz they dont need any support. Gotta keep away prying eyes and I dont like not having a fence between my spot and the road for my dogs.
The seed company I buy my seeds from suggest giving the 12" sunflower seedlings some borax to increase flower and seed size. I think I will try that this season.

WOW, that is a big plant 15-16'.
I grow them for personal satisfaction and to feed the small birds that are here fall and spring, they really like the Peredovik sunflower. They have a black oil rich seed, a heirloom variety.

Those big plants should give you quite the fence replacement. I hope you post some photos.


Well-known member
You are not alone with hernia surgeries man! Worst thing that could happen. Horrible. My doctor wouldn't fix mine until I lost weight. One morning I vomited green stuff and was in severe pain. Went to hospital, ran me through the equipment and said I had a strangulated hernia. They got me into surgery. It was horrible pain. I woke up with my underwear around my ankles and the doctor said she didn't give me a mesh but really really stitched me up. Been 3 years now no problem. @oldmaninbc hang in there. No coughing. Careful pooping. Careful putting on shoes. Careful getting out of bed. Hernia survivors unite!!!!
Today is the first day I have been able to move about more freely. My spouses friend had her intestine come out through her abdomen wall like you. She was a big women and could not get her intestine back and became strangulated like you mentioned. She spent over 6 hours in emergency and her intestine from lack of blood flow had to be operated on and removed at 5 in the morning. Because of her large size they would never be able to repair her hernia. She would have to wear a wrap around her abdominal area forever and never be able to have her hernia repaired. Unfortunately she has passed away since.

I had 2 hernias for 2 years and they just kept getting worse and worse. I am very glad it's been repaired. I was afraid to go out because when the intestine would come out, I could only get it back in by laying down and working it back in.

They can come back but here is hoping they don't:)


ICMag Donor
Reminding me of how horrible it was yuck … I literally could not walk without real problems by the time surgery came around for me. Do you know I have a long list you there was that hernia,then hep c , then there was a hip repair and replacement. Then I had a paralyzing shoulder dislocation & nerve thing resulted in loss of my left limb and side for three solid months, it’s still pretty disabled. What else am I forgetting? Oh yeah, two other fucking diseases. .. we’re not even talking about mental … there’s gotta be more, but I’m too hungry to think straight right now


Well-known member
12" sunflower seedlings some borax to increase flower and seed size. I think I will try that this season.
Good idea, I might give it a shot too, soil test shows pretty low boron. I remember chunkypigs telling me to use borax in my soil amending a few years ago
WOW, that is a big plant 15-16'.
Those big plants should give you quite the fence replacement. I hope you post some photos.
Yeah these plants are purely intended for utilitarian purposes. Ill grow some pretty flowers in my actual veg garden like poppies, marigolds, cosmos, borage, purple coneflowers etc...

Ill for sure post some pictures in a few months if all works out. If I dont it was a failure lol. But if my calculations are accurate It will cost me like 7-8$ for one year to put up a 300-350' visual barrier fence using sunflowers. That would be killer


Well-known member
Reminding me of how horrible it was yuck … I literally could not walk without real problems by the time surgery came around for me. Do you know I have a long list you there was that hernia,then hep c , then there was a hip repair and replacement. Then I had a paralyzing shoulder dislocation & nerve thing resulted in loss of my left limb and side for three solid months, it’s still pretty disabled. What else am I forgetting? Oh yeah, two other fucking diseases. .. we’re not even talking about mental … there’s gotta be more, but I’m too hungry to think straight right now
Yeah, that's the other difficult part, the mental burden that comes from all these damn medical issues. I practice relaxation exercises and do mediation to help with pain control, it also helps to minimize my mental fatigue. Cannabis is like an adhesive that keeps me all together.

The different drugs I have to take to keep me physically functioning, moderate to severe issues with my spine. degenerating bone disease across my shoulders The drugs cause problems on their own. I have a physical dependency from morphine. Another medication gives me this, "I don't care about anything attitude" not good for my relationship. I do my best to try and care and accept I can't change any of it.
But I am still alive and have beat the doctor's prognosis over the asbestosis.

Sorry to hear about all your health problems, it sucks and I can relate to your issues on some level.
It's always better to try and accept what is and get some happiness out of life.:)