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Sign "the oregon cannabis tax act" petition by july second 2010.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

Every one is so focused on the vote going on in California that they are forgetting about the petition in Oregon to legalize and tax. If they get enough signatures they get to vote in november as well. LETS GET THIS DONE!!!! It will be a great preamble to the 4th of july. They have just over 82,000 votes right now and they need 125,000 total. That is 2 more months to get the rest. EVERYBODY IN OREGON SPEAK UP!! tell every one you know to sign it and vote yes in november. Even if they get enough signatures dont quit!!!. It is always good to have extra.

Also can I getta sticky for this please?:jump:

Edit: they updated the page. now I am confused. It says they have collected 4,014 petitions, but how may signatures are on them?
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Yes Please Sign!

Yes Please Sign!

My wife and I have both signed the petition and are circulating petitions for others to sign as well. If you want to benefit from legal herb for recreation and hemp for agriculture please stand up and be heard!

Together we can do this!



Are there only 2 of us interested in this topic? I fear that apathy is going to cause this initiative to fail. I sure hope I am wrong but I do fear the worst.

If you're an Oregonian please help....it's a true opportunity for our commerce starved state!



There are many of us that are trying to get this on the ballot. I wish that they would update the count on the website cause of May 5th there were only 4,014 signatures collected. I would think that someone could collect triple that amount in one weekend just sitting outside the Eugene Saturday market. Hopefully they are too busy collecting signatures to update the site.

I have a contact number that I will try to call and see if I can get an updated count.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
cool thanks. I have been wondering myself. It would be so nice to see oregon and cali legalize at the same time. the west coast would be the coolest scene in the world.


I signed. [anyone think about the hemp pollen problem? I have a friend in the mid-west that can't use seed from out door plants because of the wild hemp pollen.]


So I hate being the one that prints this bad news. The follwing is from the Portland Newspaper Willamette Week Vol 36/31, dtd 6/9/2010. From Paul Stanford (everyone involved the MMJ community in Oregon probably know's who he is). The article can be found here:

■Marijuana advocate Paul Stanford now says the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act has a “snowball’s chance in hell” to get on the November ballot. Initiative 73 needs 82,769 valid signatures from Oregon voters by July 2, but Stanford says the pot legalization initiative so far has gathered only 6,000. “Unless some army of people come out of the woodwork and start working full time, it’s not going to happen,” he says. Stanford says several supporters have not come through with their pledges and that he’s now focused on bringing the idea back in 2012.

Around 6000? I do not want to sound harsh but it does not seem to me that it was very organized. I think a couple of tables set up at the Eugene Saturday Market could have gathered that in a weekend or two. I know that many of us sent in a sheet full of signatures. Hell I would have volunteered to set up there in Eugene but it is an impossibility for me right now.

Well I guess everyone needs to get their shit together for 2012.



Gene Mangler
lol you're surprised? I-73 sucked balls anyhow. :D

Good news is... I-28 is down to the wire & needs everyone's help this last few weeks.
Sounds like they're barely gonna make it & need some extras for insurance.

I'm going out & fill a few...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I-28 would be a nice start, but it isnt enough. they should go for the gold after this passes.


Gene Mangler
Absolutely! ;)

I-73 handed those phascist phuks a monopolized company store on a silver platter!
It ain't happenin' not without one helluva fight at least.

I-28 simply preserves & expands the current laws, to include dispensary & producer licenses/rights for a man to make a honest days wages farming Cannabis...@ 2k a pop!

Big farmco? Bring it! we will CRUSH you on top shelf :D just like the craft brewers have done.

:tiphat: to my OR brothers (& sisters) in arms, it's now or never bitches! Both fail & we're phuk'd!

Woot! goosebumps time for another Local Handcrafted Hefeweizen...

joe fresh

Active member
im in canada...but in my opinion and view....ppl from california should be helping you guys spread the word as well....numbers is power....if cali and oregon were to tax and legalize....that would be 2 states showing example, the whole nation would have a hard time to ignore that....then hopefully canada will open its eyes