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Shantibaba Free By End Of September!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes......Fantastic news!!....

....Here is a communicae that I just recieved from Scott Blakey's (Shantibaba's) Father:....

Hi My Dear Friends,

The Appeal decision is in – Sentence reduced to 2 years.

This means that he has to serve 16 months - he is out at the end of September

Since he has served half of the sentence he is being moved today to a half way accommodation and by the end of this month will be able to work at a job during the day and return to sleep at the government accommodation, providing he can get a job. I believe this is possible and I am leaving a little earlier and will be with Scott probably by the middle of the month.

At last the nightmare is almost over and again my love and thanks for your support – maybe a last surge of mail will give Scott a huge lift.

All my love and best wishes


Click for Larger Image

*pic is of one of Shantibaba's clone Mother glasshouses.....3 years ago in Switzerland...


GOD, this is SUPER news Gypsy. Thanks for posting it and if you get a chance to talk to scott. Tell him we are praying for him and can't wait for him to finish up his sentence and get out of there. This is really great news about Scott. His family must be super happy his sentence was reduced and his time was served while in jail. He doesn't have much time left. Keep the faith Scott and you'll be home before you know it.
Great New and God bless you.


I remember when i first started out at OG. He was so nice, and helped me out a few times. Told me what i could do to correct a few mistakes and what strains to grow, that were easy to grow. The man is super nice and the BEST Breeder in my book. Can't wait to see him back on the boards telling everyone that he is home and safe.
Best wishes


he should'nt have been there in the first place

he should'nt have been there in the first place

but it's good to hear that he'll have his freedom again



I agree with you Oldpink, but what are you going to do. Glad things turned out better then they were looking. I'm sure his family is very happy. He'll be home for the holidays with his family.


Active member
Nice to hear!!!

Congrats!! on getting your sentence reducded Scott...
& good luck in any new ventures!!;)



Bubblegum Specialist
A Prince of a Man!

A Prince of a Man!

I was at his greenhouses 2 1/2 yrs back and I saw those greenhouses. My photographs were shown online in several threads by myself and others I gave some pics also. :)

Scott treated me with respect and kindness and I have told people many times that I was quite impressed. Not just by the huge greenhouses full of beautiful plants but by the man himself.

He was very gracious and showed something rarely found in a stoner world. Class.

Nothing could have made me happier today than your post here Gypsy so thanks for keeping up on this case. You know I want to have another session with Scott. I admire him even more now that he has been put through this trial and persecution.

Isn't this something we all share in common? Who isn't fearful of our repressive govt's? Do you remember why the Pilgrims sought a new land where they could be free to live as they pleased? Free from the tyranny of Europe. Today America is the least free of the developed countries except China possibly.

We need to change the world and people like Scott can do it with our help. Let's do something with Scott when we can Gypsy. It's good to have friends in the industry because we have too many enemies. Isn't it sad to think that we even have enemies who are in the pot industry? It's bad enough that we all have LEO to worry about. Highway robbers! :mad:

So can't we at least all realize our common enemies and unite in our struggle for freedom? Scott paid the price for his courage and I will do the same if necessary but I will never stop and neither will Gypsy or Scott. Maybe I can meet Mr. Nice next time too. :) BOG


Bakin in da Sun
Great news.

Line from UGk "One Day":

My brother's been in the Pen for damn near Ten,
Shit he be coming out, I'd be going In


Good News

Good News

Glad too hear Shanti will be out soon, and I hope he will find a new place too continue his amazing work:)



Very good news indeed...must have been the most aweful time of his life going through all this:( But soon it will be over and he can get back to doing what he does so well...hopefully somewhere in peace and quiet.

Wow. I thought it was 5 years and a 10 year expulsion. Great news. Shanti will be able to pull that bit standing on his head. I'll be anxiously waiting to hear of his release. Thanks for keeping us informed Gypsy.


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Very Cool

Very Cool

What a good man in a bad place but that is good to hear. Helped me a few times on OG and was down to earth. Great news to hear he will be home soon


Thats awesome news. Thanks for informing us. I hate to bring down the thread, GN. But, did you really have to release Shanitbaba's real name to everyone just because he was incarcerated? I dont see how that is necessary. Why does everyone need to know his real name?

At last the nightmare is almost over and again my love and thanks for your support – maybe a last surge of mail will give Scott a huge lift.
Since you already gave out his name... Do you mind PM'ing me with his address so i can write him. I know i hated sitting in jail w/ no mail and shanit has certainly helped me out throughout the years. Whether it be Shark Shock, GWS, Critical Mass, SSH, etc. I'd like to write him a letter of support, if you or anyone else can help me out with that. Thanks.



Scott's name is no secret....not anymore....the Swiss, Italian and Spanish newspapers have been full of his name before, during and after the trial, with many articles written about him.

Thanks, dg

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