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Season 2018


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​Hey all, trying to give this sub-form a kick!
This wont be the prettiest grow, but it'll be good to get my feet wet with regards outdoors and test the local soil
and better get to grips with it. Maybe some pollen chucking too. Train wreck inbound - should be fun.
This will be a bog grow! The spot is pretty dire, shallow turf - real muddy stuff. The plot will be growing three sections, one with a raised bed and mixed soil, and two with simple holes and some lighter dirt then the peat.

All thats been growing on this plot is gorse (ulex, for any visitors), brambles and blueberries. I started digging when it was pretty dry, and once the rain came it was obvious that the roots were the only thing holding it together...
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I'll be amending with some sand, kelp meal, bone meal, lime and compost.

Hoping the line up shows the range of what works and what doesn't in this climate:
- Bangi haze (dont expect it to fully finish, but a gentle October like 2017 should help)

- Kumonai from RSC, if they manage to sprout. (not looking like they will, sadly)

- West cork wonder - Should be the star.

- Malawi x NL auto from ACE. The only auto, wanted stuff from LaBuena Hierba, but they seem absent lately.

- Swiss Cheese from nirvanna - maybe open pollinate and get a seed run to try find something funky smelling.

Anyway, feel free to hijack the thread what are ye all growing this year?
Stay safe and happy growing.


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Well-known member
if there was blueberries growing there i am guessing the ground is quite acidic?
Maybe leave some gorse here and there as well, its a member of the pea family and can be of benefit as a nitrogen fixer.

Looks a nice plot you have swiss cheese is a good plant for outdoors what is west cork wonder are you in langer land lol?, hopefully the hard work will pay of and we get a half decent summer this year, fingers crossed for you. I will drop in from time to time if you do not mind.

Take care and all the best.


Active member
Suprex, thanks for popping by.
Yeah, i haven't tested it, but its more or less guaranteed to be acidic.
Didnt know it was a member of the pea family! But had to clear most to have any space at all.

haha, no not down that way, but its supposedly acclimatised and bred over there. There are a couple threads about it here. Want to see if its any good.

Happy growing, Cheers!


Well-known member
Are you sure they are not Bilberries ?

Personally speaking, i have never encountered wild blueberries in Ireland.


Active member
When reading up on gorse I came across that name. I thought they were just interchangeable names. Seems not!

So blueberries are from America? Did some reading there and I guessing that it’s Vaccinium mrytillus that’s around then. Id always been calling them blueberries. :tiphat: The more you know, thanks!


Well-known member
Nice spot Nup. I would not use bone meal or blood meal outside in a guerrilla patch. Every critter including dogs and cats will be digging around. All your work can be ruined overnight. The soil must have a nice amount of nutrients in it if berry bushes grow there every year.

Is that a stick fence or a stick raised bed? If you were walking around and saw that stick fence you would know something is going on and chances are you would notice it right away. A fence is important though. It protects your work from rabbits and other plant munchers.

All you need is 2 foot tall chicken wire. Cut a 3 foot section and it makes a 1 foot diameter chicken wire tube when connected end to end. Put one of them around each plant and secure with sticks. The plants will be protected until they are over 2 feet tall. By this time a healthy pot plant can outgrow the occasional nibble. It is the erly eating or damage to the base and lower stalk that does them in.

In for a penny in for a pound. You built a fence now make it better. Chicken wire will be harder to see also. Especially old chicken wire.

I love your spot and your stick fence though. If you keep it I will send positive vibes your way. This grow is going to be cool.


Active member
Hey iTarzan, thanks for the words.

Good to know for the blood meal tip! could have been unfortunate. The spots with berries are varied, they mostly grow near the trees.

Its just a raised bed, figured i'd make use of the trees that fell with the snow and the gorse that were cut to make space... I'm looking to make a more "normal" soil to compare how the plants like being in the more boggy soil.

Great advice for the chicken wire. I think in for a penny in for pound is the way to go ;) [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT]Saw some deer tracks too, so i think it'll really be necessary. Cheers for the vibes !


Active member
Happy April all,

Figured i'd post the germination rates and whats been popped so far.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]RSC's [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kumona: 0/3 pretty sad about that(three weeks in the dirt with aloe treatment and all. Two cracked and one that cracked rotted)

West Cork Wonder: 9/10 with two slower plants.

Banghi Haze: 2/3

Swiss Cheese: looking like 5/6

A buddy gave me a couple individual seeds, Pineapple express auto, La Blanca auto, NL auto and Purple power photo. They all seem to have popped.

That's it then, I'll post again when they're in the dirt. We'll see who survives the deer hah.

Take care!



In for the show!Especially interested in the malawi x NL auto,but also because I love outdoor grows! :tiphat:


Active member
Cheers Syd!
I hope it’ll do ok outdoors. Only have the one Malawi NL individual, also caught my attention when ace introduced it.


Active member
Hey all, hope that the yous got the most out of the heatwave! Plants were certainly loving it. Any of you have any guerrilla plants popping?

A little update: The WCW and one Bangi have been out two weeks now, the WCW are really coping well. Though two runts left inside for an extra week caught up to the outdoor ones. Interesting to see how much easier it is indoors by the window.

Of the Autos, NL and pineapple have popped their heads and in pots outside. La Blanca died and Purple power didn't live.

There are four swiss cheese seedlings looking good, may put them under some lights for a couple weeks, along with another bangi haze.

Theres also a bout of cold forecast (3-7°C), and we tend to get the low end of that where the grow spot is situated. Though last time there were drops WCW really took it well. Bangi was stunned and didnt like it much at all.
I also put the bangi plant in the soil. I dont know why, i think i just wanted an excuse to mess with them :p

Also added a small beer snail trap as well as the can around the Bangi.

Anyway, some pictures.


WCWs. Biggest i̶s̶ was the runt. The one with the can around it is the bangi haze in the soil.


Bangi Haze




More WCW


Plot space.

Thats about all, the others are too small to be worth showing - for now!

Much love guys & good growing.


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Active member
Nudger36 - thanks!! I hope the deer don’t take a liking to them once they’re too big. :p

A little update.

The autos are slow, but getting there. Trying to keep their soil as dry as possible. I hope their growth isn’t stunned. Maybe now with more leaves they’ll take off



Iv had second Bangi haze and Swiss cheese indoors. Mad to see how fast they grow indoors. It’s a harsh world out there...
the Swiss cheese have those lovely broad leaves. Beautiful little plants, love this stage of growth.


Outdoors things are good too. Minimal snail damage, and the beer can seems to work.
Bangi haze has took once now that it’s in soil, delighted to see that.
The WCW are starting to lack some nutrients, getting that nitrogen shade of yellow going...really have to transplant them.
Better to plant them all in the bed and cull some, or spread them around the area without knowing which are female? Gimme yo thoughts.



Peace and happy growing


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Active member
Mary Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?

Been a month, here's a few pics.

Swiss Cheese, nice fat leaves


WCW is looking real branchy, compared to others


The sideways pictures a bit annoying.
The autos are really picking up.

I should have transplanted earlier, the bangi that went in early is bigger never said this'd be perfect hah.



Active member
Photo limit giving some problems.
Here are the autos




I'm impatient to have them get to a decent size! A couple have the mature staggered branching.

Happy growing all [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Well-known member
The regular stuff all looks great. I can't say about the autos because I don't know how big they should be at a moth or more old. I would have thought they would be taller. They look healthy though. You get guerrilla grow bonus points for having a zippo style lighter.


Active member
Thanks iTarzan! Yeah, the autos are hard to judge, never grown any either. But they´re not dead yet hah. I think i´ll pollen chuck them with some Zamaldelica.
lol, zippos certainly help with the wind ;)


Active member
The plants are starting to show their sex!

The big Bangi Haze plant is female - hooray! Delighted at that.

The bangis smells real fruity and a bit of incense.

Transplanting a week earlier to soil really made a huge difference, a lesson for next time.

WCW have a good few different looks to them too, 5/8 have shown sex (3F & 2M). A couple have really strong branching. With a very Christmas tree shape. The others have a more lollipop shape, with top heavy growth and no branching at all, despite having the same height and amount of nodes. Maybe its a maturity thing.

The males that have shown have already quite a few sacks showing, I knew males flower faster, but im surprised by how much! Any indication as to when they'll release pollen? Presumably a good bit later?

The Swiss are slower and havent shown sex. They're all fairly stocky tho, nice thick stems on them. They all still smell nice and strong of burned rubber.

Its only been a week, but growth's been good. I'll throw up a few pics tomorrow. Peace.


Active member
WCW with a handy red shirt background


Most of the bigger plants were well knocked down, but they really quickly seemed to point back up. That veg vigor keeping them strong. Maybe the auto will be stunned. Have them mostly staked up and supported with some twine.

Happy growing lads.

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