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San Diego Appoints Medical Marijuana Task Force


Active member
The San Diego City Council has appointed 11 people to serve on a Medical Marijuana Task Force. The panel consists of a wide range of personnel including a lawyer, a doctor, a mmj patient, a retired LEO, a dispensary owner and other interested parties, with no one group dominant.

This looks like a reasonable model for dealing with the issues surround medical marijuana. Perhaps other counties and cities should put together a group of interested parties to come up with the medical marijuana regulations for their districts.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Seems. Quite reasonable. Depending on where the LEO and doctor fall in the discussion it looks like our interests are very well represented if not almost dominant. Logically, it should present all sides and work effectively. We'll have to wait and see for that part.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
This was last week, I wish someone who is part of that task force would speak up and give us some info on what 's next. ANyone know anything?
seems to me, a neophyte in this arena, that if all CA mmj dispensaries can't agree on a group of state favorable rules, to stringently abide by, marijuana legalization just won't happen, and eventually the state will clamp down very tightly on everyone. The mmj community can't afford bad press; it always makes big news. the only thing you want to see in the paper is the record amount of taxes the state is collecting from your operations;

please educate me (newcomer) on this topic..thanks


Well-known member
I agree that the state should have their own panel to help legislate for all of CA but seeing San diego even try to accompish any dialogue between all facets of MMJ is a great start. Stay classy San diego!


We need exactly this in Colorado desperately. I never though I would say this but we could benefit from some regulation.
I agree that the state should have their own panel to help legislate for all of CA but seeing San diego even try to accompish any dialogue between all facets of MMJ is a great start. Stay classy San diego!
how much better it would be if all the dispensaries took it upon themselves to set a tight group of their own state favorable rules to abide by, to demonstrate an open willingness to abide by rules and regulations. police themselves if you would


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
how much better it would be if all the dispensaries took it upon themselves to set a tight group of their own state favorable rules to abide by, to demonstrate an open willingness to abide by rules and regulations. police themselves if you would

How great would it be if it started raining $100 bills, oh shit this is the real world. Sorry if I came off like an ass and I applaud your optimism, but umm in the real world most people don't police themselves or give a shit about what consequences their actions bring. They want $$$$$$$$$$. The unfortunate truth.


Well-known member
Spastic gramps has a very valid point. MOST dispensaries... Not ALL but most are glorified drug dealers with compassion for nothing but their bottom line. Hence L.A is fuuuuucked! If EVERY grower, patient, dispensary, LE, state attorney etc policed themselves and understood exactly what goes into MMJ production, distribution, and all the risks accociated, life would be great! Unfortnately there are WAAAY to many opportunists here. It started with the gold rush, then Hollywood, now MMJ... This state was founded by opportunists! So good luck, remain optimistic and do whatever you can to contribute to our well being. Be part of the solution, not the problem.


I am sorry but I have never in my entire life seen a "committee" accomplish anything worth while...period. Didn't Nixon commission a study, then chunk it the fuck out and go ahead and declare war on his own citizens??? I see nothing good coming of this for San Diego.

Being from CO I do not see more regulation being a good thing. Yes, it is a little wild and wooly right now but it is also being left alone in the absence of tougher legislation...I see that as a good thing and yes I intend to unapologetically profit from that as much and as quick as I possibly can. And what is wrong with earning by exploiting grey areas...this country was built on that.


Well-known member
I love grey areas, particularly the darker side.. as I mentioned before in another thread, '96-'07 was a great ride. Wait until CO is saturated by greed. CO is reminding me a lot of the "wild west" after prop 215 passed. now look...
Spastic gramps has a very valid point. MOST dispensaries... Not ALL but most are glorified drug dealers with compassion for nothing but their bottom line. Hence L.A is fuuuuucked! If EVERY grower, patient, dispensary, LE, state attorney etc policed themselves and understood exactly what goes into MMJ production, distribution, and all the risks accociated, life would be great! Unfortnately there are WAAAY to many opportunists here. It started with the gold rush, then Hollywood, now MMJ... This state was founded by opportunists! So good luck, remain optimistic and do whatever you can to contribute to our well being. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
What Spastic gramps said is all too true. The root of all evil, money, drives most of L.A. L.A. is in a world all to itself, and needs to be left to its own demise.

re: whatever you can to contribute to our well being. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

that's what I do best, I promise I'll do everything I can to make our world a better place

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