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Ricky Hatton v Floyd Mayweather



is ther any boxing fans in this thread.is ther any one on this thread going to watch the Ricky Hatton v Floyd Mayweather on ppv tv on the sat nov 8th? i will be pulling for Ricky Hatton . i like to watch this guy fight.


Active member
lol i beleive its dec 8th. ? lol but yeah im def pulling for hatton..aint no way im paying that much to watch on tv..so ill be finding someone with a freebie link..


yea dec 8th.some times my computer guy brother can find free links to watch ppv fights on the net.but if we cant find them i will lay the cash out to se floyd get knocked the f**** out.


Active member
dan woody said:
yea dec 8th.some times my computer guy brother can find free links to watch ppv fights on the net.but if we cant find them i will lay the cash out to se floyd get knocked the f**** out.
lol yeah i hear that!! i might get some freinds to pitch in a lil..and just make a party of it..


yea that sounds like a plan .and to make things more fun i just harvested some kalimist that is in the drying stage. i hope i can do a sample bud just to get things going.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Floyd Mayweather will win in a long boring as fight just like his last one. Dont watch boxing to much but thats my guess. What you guys think?


you might be right all Floyd Mayweather does is run around the ring frome the other fighters.i think this guy ricky might be the one that has his number.ther is always some one to come along and gets the job done.like every one could not beat mike tyson till buster d .rocked his ass one fight over seas in asia .nobody watched the fight lucky i got my brother to tape it for me.it was fought in the early morning and not many watched it .it was so nice when some one comes along and has ther number.


Ricky Fatton should kick Floyd's ass.....anybody watch HBO's 24/7???.....Hatton looks ready to brawl


Med grower
ICMag Donor
The whole of england are backing Ricky, should be a good fight I reckon. :Wave:


Why pay to watch two men punch each other when you can go to any pub in the UK on a friday night and watch loads of blokes punching each other over a nice pint for free? I prefer my fighting unsanitized and unpaid for.

It's like paying for oxygen, pointless.

Mr. Nevermind

dan woody said:
you might be right all Floyd Mayweather does is run around the ring frome the other fighters.i think this guy ricky might be the one that has his number.ther is always some one to come along and gets the job done.like every one could not beat mike tyson till buster d .rocked his ass one fight over seas in asia .nobody watched the fight lucky i got my brother to tape it for me.it was fought in the early morning and not many watched it .it was so nice when some one comes along and has ther number.

Big difference between Mayweather and Tyson. Tyson's early fights ( first 15-20) were handpicked bums to get Ko'd by tyson. Tyson really never had much competition and wehn faced with some real comp he showed what he was made of. Tyson never faught a big name in their prime and won. Only big name he rreally beat was larry Holmes and holmes got off the lazy boy for that fight. Tyson never beat anyone of caliber. Mayweather has faught anyone that came his way and made em look bad.

Floyd is a very smart boxer and will not get suckered into a slugfest unless he knows he willget the better of it. Not only has floyd beat all comers but he has made it look easy. Not with a quick Ko but with superior boxing skill. My money is on Floyd


yts farmer

Well-known member
only a few days left for hatton v mayweather and im i will be cheering for hatton although in my heart i dont think he can do it.

heard mayweather may be carrying a hand injury which if true is a shame,if hatton is to beat mayweather i would prefer 2 fully fit fighters so theres no excuses.

btw, anyone know if they will be showing the kahn fight to our brothers across the pond.
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Well-known member



MAYWEATHER 0 111/2-260
HATTON U 111/2+200




Hey Nevermind, Floyd is definitely good but you are a little off when you say he took on all comers and "made it look easy". I agree with that except in the case of Jose Luis Castillo who definitely beat PBF in their fight but somehow lost the decision. I don't know if you have seen that fight but when the decision was read I was totally floored should have been a UD for Castillo.

Mr. Nevermind

Aestivus said:
Hey Nevermind, Floyd is definitely good but you are a little off when you say he took on all comers and "made it look easy". I agree with that except in the case of Jose Luis Castillo who definitely beat PBF in their fight but somehow lost the decision. I don't know if you have seen that fight but when the decision was read I was totally floored should have been a UD for Castillo.

What about the rematch? sure the first fight was close, but the second was no contest. So again i will say he took on all comers and made it look easy. 6 judges say that as well. And the second fight was only 8 months from the first, showing that floyd is the superior boxer and dont duck noone.

I tell you what, watching that Gatti fight with PBF i was ready to call the poice for assault and battery. That was a whoopin, one of them down south ass whoopins

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Well-known member
Aestivus said:
Hey Nevermind, Floyd is definitely good but you are a little off when you say he took on all comers and "made it look easy". I agree with that except in the case of Jose Luis Castillo who definitely beat PBF in their fight but somehow lost the decision. I don't know if you have seen that fight but when the decision was read I was totally floored should have been a UD for Castillo.

In the second fight Castillo was trying to grab his trainers cell phone in between rounds to call 911.

Castillo even said after the second fight he never wanted to fight Mayweather again!

Mayweather gave him that rematch only a few month after the first fight just to show he isnt avoiding anyone. He has taken on anyone & everyone and I dont think you could ask any more from a fighter then that. He's done more then his share to save boxing.


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