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Report indicates legalizing marijuana may be profitable for businesses!

I can't help but think that they will do as they did with tobacco and make you get a license to grow amounts larger than a personal supply. Then they could choose to only license big corporations so they can control the market and make it less likely to be traded in illegal states. If that happens then there will be no rags to riches story coming out of this forum.


Active member
It would take a GYNOMOUS leap in policy for this go down on a fed level and we are not that close. If Cali wants to decrim and even legalize small amounts great, but if you think this is happening you are sadly mistaken.

Shit aint movin that fast,


I can't help but think that they will do as they did with tobacco and make you get a license to grow amounts larger than a personal supply. Then they could choose to only license big corporations so they can control the market and make it less likely to be traded in illegal states. If that happens then there will be no rags to riches story coming out of this forum.

word. those in power tend to stay in power. those who decide the rules of the game wont make it a fair fight. i guess i didnt realize before how med legalization has kept such a block on what could be quickly dominated and overran by the big dogs.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I dont feel threatened by these big business. I am confident I could compete on a quality scale if I wanted too.


Active member
Are you saying, Hash Zeppelin that you could pull together 17 million in financing for a project on a similar scale? Don't forget about the other countless millions in lobbying and marketing efforts that buy you the political capital to come to the table. I'm not saying it ain't so... just clearly qualifying your bravado with a simple reality check.

I know that I will do well at what I am doing... I will carve out a niche and survive... and maybe bow out with grace when its no longer fun and the challenges are no longer worth the rewards.

But I also know that I don't have the capital or the nature for that level of play.


Active member
AgraMed is estimating a production of over 21,000 pounds per year. This seems pretty massive as far as lights/electricity. How big will these indoor operations get if we see a legal environment? Its shaping up to be a two prong market. One for indoor, one for outdoor. Will the indoor be dominated by startups like AgraMed? Will the outdoor be dominated by tobacco companies? Seems like there will be quite a few producers in this market after November if this passes.


Seems like there will be quite a few producers in this market after November if this passes.

Which one will you work for??????

if there' s one thing that's blatantly and purposefully misleading about how the consulting firm's projections are reported, it's the part about the "average" salary being a 50k/year union compensation package. first of all, in statistical analysis, the technical word for "average" is the mean, which could be calculated as follows to arrive roughly at their number of "50k" a year average:
369 workers @ 18k a year each
2 workers @ 7 mil a year each
equals an average salary of just over 55K a year
also, what sort of rights will workers have through a union that's being created at the suggestion of the corporation planning to hire future union members? can anyone say conflict of interest???


...and don't be fooled by Agramed's offer of benefits either. almost all corporations offer "benefits," even WalMart, but who can afford to pay 10-30% of their wages for benefits when they're only making $10 dollars/hour?
I'm ashamed of cannagraphers who say they'd accept this sort of situation to work with our sacred plant...Do alcoholics yearn to work menial jobs for liquor stores? hell no, and they love booze more than anything...it's a chemical fact.
I love these corporate euphemisms..."benefits"..."unionization"..."average salary"...so Orwellian. It is so important for cannabis growers to resist this because growing cannabis is one of the only ways in our culture to make a living while actively fighting the rampant corporatization enslaving us all through the backdoor. (pun intended) Most other activists are part-timers, and it's easy to resist an attack waged by people fatigued from 50+ hours a week a slaves for food, rent, and placating gadgets.:rant:


I have heard that the Labor union just got behind the initiative. That is bad news as they are well funded and very powerful. Do you guys realize that these guys already have 1000k indoors in Oakland? This is already going on. 1000k isn't enough for these guys though. They want 10,000k lights.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Report indicates legalizing marijuana may be profitable for businesses!

the title of this thread cracked me up. lol

I have got a few other funny new story headlines.

the onion- "new scientific study shows, babies are stupid"

my fav news story of all time

george carlin- "A 102 year old woman was reported pregnant today; and because of her advanced age she will be giving birth to a grown up"

also this one from carlin- "A man today that was sposed to have heart transplant surgery today changed his mind. I guess you could say he had a change of heart"


Active member
year average:
369 workers @ 18k a year each
2 workers @ 7 mil a year each
equals an average salary of just over 55K a year

most likely. there will be a managerial class too. a small percentage of commissars earning high 5 and 6 figures... spreads it around a little more...but not much.
did he say UNION JOBS???? for $54 K a year to grow weed with health benefits?

Shazaam! Can I live in California on $54K a year or will I be really poor?

i want a union job with the United Brotherhood of Marijuana Growers.... Union YES!

once we get em hooked on that UNION weed, then we can go on strike and get better salaries...

I want a union job growing weed... sign me up please. But don't expect me to pay for weed Agraweed... I am sticking an oz in my pocket every day when I leave work... heehee

LolaGal sings "I got it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime...." ;)

The union jobs they also could be talking about are the union electricians, welder/pipe fitter, etc. who are going to be building the structure. People who work there might make a decent wage but I don't know if that will be the union. At least when I read what was posted it didn't seem to specify...


Well, if people go to work for Agraweed without a union, they are foolish!

nobody said if I could live on $54 K a year in Cali. any ideas?


Active member
$54 k in california is very doable. In the east bay you'd most likely be looking for awhile to find something you could afford however. Just have a look at craigslist rents for a quick idea of what you'd be paying.


Well, if people go to work for Agraweed without a union, they are foolish!

nobody said if I could live on $54 K a year in Cali. any ideas?

you could pay a mortgage on that much, u aint gonna be ballin or anything but definately doable.


Well, I guess I will have to augment my salary with another job as Union President. ;)

IME unions create lazy un motivated workers, fill a union with a bunch of pot smoking stoners.... thats a scary thought
JFYI: California owes $500 Billion Dollars of unfunded public union pensions


government public union workers average $76K versus $49K in the private sector

unions benefit union officials, period

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