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Red Eye Barleywine



Classification: barleywine, extract

12 Lbs 12 ounces, lite Liquid malt extract
3 pounds, crystal malt
1-1/2 pounds, wheat malt
1 teaspoon, gypsum
1 teaspoon, Irish moss
2 ounces Hallertauer Hops (boiling)
1 ounce Hallertauer Hops (finish)
2 packages of Champagne yeast
¼ pound - 1 pound of trim and bottom buds (little popcorn buds work well for this).

Put your crystal malt and wheat malt into a grain bag and put it in to a pot with 2 gallons of cold water and bring it to boil. Once boiling commences take out the bag of grain, and add the malt extract, then add 2 ounces of Hallertauer hops and boil for 60 minutes, add the gypsum during the last 10 minutes of the boil and the Irish moss during the last 5 minutes of the boil at that time add the Last ounce of the hallertauer hops and cool as quick as possible and add to 3 gallons of cold water to make 5 ½ gallons of wort.

Pitch the champagne yeast and let ferment for 10 days to 2 weeks at 70 degrees F.
Once the bubbling stops siphon it off into a secondary fermenter and add your Cannabis (put it in a nylon dry hopping sack) and let ferment until clear.
Siphon beer off into a sanitized 5 gallon bucket
Add ¾ cup of corn sugar to 1 cup of hot water and bring to boil, add it to your beer then siphon into bottles and cap and let set for 2 weeks. Beer should be carbonated in two weeks. Flavor gets better with age.

Brewer’s note:
Used 1 ½ ounces of Sweettooth x Peak Flo trim and 3 ounces of White Widow trim in Secondary fermentation.
Beer was in primary fermentation for 10 days, then siphoned off into glass carboy for 2 weeks beer was clear and had a nice copper color and was more malty in flavor Hops were not pronounced, but were there in the background like an English version of barley wine. (flavor reminded me of “Old Nick Barley Wine” from England)
The cannabis in this beer creeps up on you over about 40 minutes and then it hits you full force. Nice buzz to it.
Alcohol percentage is around 10% by volume.
Made 60 12-ounce bottles.

My conclusion, It is possible to put Cannabis in beer the THC is Alcohol soluble, to do this, You need a high alcohol beer so that you have more efficient break down of the THC.


Other Side note.... Upon reflection, The beer did have a bit of a green flavor to it.
To remedy this I would suggest that before using the Cannabis in beer, it should be water cured...
To do this and not lose any of the trichomes place the cannabis in a tight silk screen bag.
That way you can take the cannabis strait from the water cure right into secondary fermentation.
Once in secondary, the trichomes will melt and become part of the beer because THC is Alcohol soluble.

The Bastard Brewer

Bastard Brewer
Hi Dankdude and fellow brewers ,it warms my heart to see this sight. I have been brewing and growing for quite a few years myself and have come up with some nice recipes myself. I'll put them on line when I have more time. I am looking forward to trying out some of your delicious and potent sounding recipes.
BruceLeeroy I think bubble hash would be perfect and you could drop it straight in (crunch it up first) but after the initial fermentation,(any earlier there is not enough alcohol content and you are just adding to the risk of infection) any residue will be filtered out during clearing and bottling. But as this is Dankdudes recipe his advice would be the best .
This forum is an insipation keep up the good work ,any plans for anybody having an Amsterdam visit and bringing a few bottles?


yep thats The "Bastard Brewer" gypsy spoke of
I've known him for over 15 years now and I love when he brings a new brew
in for us to try, I'll post some pic's of his produce when I dig them out

sorry for the focus, I'd had a glass or two :yummy:

The Bastard Brewer

Bastard Brewer
LOL thanks for the great picture Oldpink (I'm holding a bottle of "Bastard Brew"meade). BTW I was not full of hate :-( I was full of my brew :) which usually puts a smile on your face or completely melts your face. yes I'm the bastard Brewer gypsy was talking about ,and I mean bastard as in raw or unrefined and not illegitimate or obnoxious. I like back to basic, hands on brewing. I am experimenting at this momment with distilling and I am trying to produce BUDKA marijuana vodka (the revolutionary spirit of marijuana) .But every day I look through this forum I find great new ideas and inspiration and I can't wait to start trying out new recipes. I will post a basic list of my recipes when I have more time,I have some great and simple recipes for marijuana wine and cider .
Oh and TAG-monk ,honestly I'm a nice guy.


holy shit bruce (i think it was ) the wines strong enough ,,,the vodkas gonna blow ya mind ,,,put me down 4 a bottle or 2


lol TBB its was just a joke, iam sure your nice no doubt about it! But i must admit i find funny when i see someone looking bake making a finger to the camera lol
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The Bastard Brewer

Bastard Brewer
Here's a verbal ramble with some simple recipes and helpful hints that I have discovered in my years of marijuana brewing.(first made CycoCyder in 1995).
For beginners I would recommend wine or cider brewing.This is both very simple and provides the stronger alcohol volumes ,which disolve THC and lessen the chance of infection.
Always make sure you use clean equipement.
THC will only disolve in alcohol (at a reasonable rate for brewing purposes) in +/-10 vol alcohol (this is european standard NOT the US standard vol alc)
There is nowhere better than a grow room (check optimum yeast temperatures first) to store your fermenting bins while they are brewing. They will be PUMPING OUT CO2 and your plants will thank you for it.(if I am growing and don't have a brew on the go ,I will just fill a bucket with sugar water and strong wine yeast and this will pump out CO2 for weeks)
How to add the marijuana? I basically have just stuck the weed in a brewing bag (very similar to a bubble bag) and stuck it in a bucket of water and add ice and mash it around(Sound familiar?) With the solution you have left after you remove the brewing bag and contents you add this to the brew at secondry fermintation.NEVER just throw in weed ,this will encourage infections and effect the flavour very badly,usually its tastes like rotting vegitation ,also this lets the cannaboids seep into your brew and will make the effect of the brew very downer,stoney,red eyed ,only useful if you suffer from insomnia :)

Wine and Cider Making
This is really the easiest and most potential for variety when it comes to brewing. (i know this will sound bad ,but,for beer brewing I would recommend get a kit the first time .This will teach you how to use the equipement ,ingredients and procedures and then start from basics)
With wine making (cider is basically the same except use apples instead of grapes) is basically grape juice,water,sugar and yeast. (grapes are traditional for wine only because the yeast would grow on the skins of the grapes and when you crushed the grapes the yeast mixed with the fructose(fruit sugars) within the grape and fermanted naturally) Today with dried yeasts available any fruit will do (even water ,sugar and yeast will work)so imagination is the only limit!

CycoCyder (first made 1995)
10 litres pure apple juice (If you have a fruit press and access to bucket loads of apples this is best otherwise 100% PURE apple juice best from a health food shop ,but any 100% pure juice with NO ADDITIVES OR SUGARS ETC. will do)
15 litres water
6kgs sugar (4kgs sugar /2kgs glucose)
Wine yeast(strong white wine/Champagne) and Cider yeast (this is optional as this is more for flavour)

First mix apple juice and 12ltrs water( add some boiled water to bring the temperature to about 20-24C) and add 4kgs of sugar and mix well
Place yeast in a pint glass with sugar and warm water.Leave for 10mins and check you can see froth forming.(this means the yeast has kicked in)
Add this frothing yeast to the bucket and mix well.
Leave for about 3/4 weeks or until frothing has died down.Keep in a covered fermanting bin DO NOT SEAL THE CONTAINER(The time really depends on the yeast you are using so check on the packet)
Now filter the solution into another bucket,the solution should not be sweet(do not be too fussy about the filtering) add the marijuana solution approx 3ltrs.(see process above) and add the last 2kgs sugar or if you want smaller finer bubbles add glucose( you may need to add a bit extra for glucose,if you have been really enthusiastic about filtering you may need to add more yeast as well,if the solution is still really sweet add less sugar)
Leave for about 2weeks and then filter into another bin and leave to settle for a week and then bottle.
If you want sparkling wine or cider it is best to add a 1/2 cup of glucose into another bin and filter the cycocyder into this bin and then bottle.You should have sparkling wine or cider within 2 weeks.

Hope you budding brewers (pun intended) find this useful . I will post up recipes for Bloody Brew (fruit red wine),Strawberry Scorpion(strawberry rose wine) and Bastard Brew (spicy meade) when I have more time.
Can't wait to try someone else's brew for a change.
I would really appreciaite any helpful hints or recipes from anybody that has been distilling or making moonshine ,before I do something stupid and blow myself up.
Keep on growing your own and keep on brewing your own.
All the best
Hope you are all happy healthy and having fun
The Bastard Brewer


in regards to what the bastard brewer has been talking about, do you think vapourized alchohol would extract the THC out of buds? If so i think a gin diffuser would be a good way of making budka. Except for gin, most herbal liquors are made by just soaking the herbs in neutral spirits. Gin is normally made with an attachment to the cooling tower of the still so that the evaporated alchohol actually rises up through the herbs. building one could be a bit of a challenge but i think it would be a great way of making budka.


@ BB nice to see you again and yes i can confirm him as well. Keep some aging for next 420.


Traktor driver
I wasn't brave enough to try his brew at Hunters bar after seeing what it did to people, but it sure looked fun :biglaugh: