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Racial violence



timtim said:
... I've got no problem with a multi-culture society, as long as they keep thier ideas and beliefs to themselves, and not push them on me. Which is seldom the case. I have quite a bit to do with people of all origins, as I work in the tourism industry. And I hear the crap all day long.

Maybe I was a bit rash at first, but the above statement explains my feelings on the situation exactly. And no you didn't "hit a nerve" I just don't see why I should explain myself to the likes of you.

...but please do not advertise the sad fact that racism is as Australian as gum trees.

I don't think my view is racist, but the above quote just shows that you know the majority of Aussies agree with my way of thinking.

timtim said:
I don't think my view is racist, but the above quote just shows that you know the majority of Aussies agree with my way of thinking.


I understand so much more about you now timtim. Those we hold up as role models reveal mountains about us.

John Laws is the singularly most corrupt individual in Australia. Remember the "opinions for sale" scandle he was involved in, where he had his loyal sheep follow his opinion that, Telstra had just become a wonderful company over-night, no longer the scourge of communication for rural and city dwellers alike in Australia. Remind me again how much that change of opinion cost us, the Australian tax-payers, because it was still a government owned institution when they bought JOHN LAWS' favourable opinion.

He did the same thing when paid by one particular bank, JOHN LAWS, opinions for sale. Overnight opinion reversal.

Maybe we should start a collection to buy his favourable opinion on cannabis?

How can you you not see judging somebody by race as racist?

timtim said:
I've got no problem with a multi-culture society, as long as they keep thier ideas and beliefs to themselves, and not push them on me.

I've got no problem with a multi-cultural society as long as everybody I see is white, speaks perfect english and has exactly the same needs, wants and desires as I do.

Some vision of multi-culturalism you have there Adolph, err, timtim

Why, oh why don't they just try to be typical Australians?

Get a pie in one hand, a beer in the other, paint their necks red and piss off to the football like all good multicultural Australians should...

That'd make you feel less threatened no doubt timtim, probably also bring them down to your level.

If there are more of you than there are non-racists in Australia, why isn't Pauline Hanson representing us as Prime minister after her redneck parliamentary speech?

She got locked up and disowned instead because she's a simpleton, much like all racists.

You should get out of the tourist industry, or do they give you neck make-up to hide the red from our over seas visitors?
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As far as Pauline Hanson goes she could have very well made it alot further than she did, but lil' Johnny got scared and got her locked up. That simple.
And I didn't like Pauline Hanson FYI, she was just a puppet.

And as far as John Laws and his opinions for sale. That wasn't the case at all. People were jelous of his sponsorsips, its that simple. He still says what he likes, he just has to mention if whoever he is talking about is a sponsor or not. If you ever actually listened to him instead of talking from your arse, you would see if there is a problem with someone or something, he will endevour to fix it. And I agree with him 100% on his thoughts on immigration.

Oh yeah, no I don't expect everyone to speak perfect english, but some would be nice- at least in public. They can do whatever they like in their own home.
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generic_hippie said:
I've got no problem with a multi-cultural society as long as everybody I see is white, speaks perfect english and has exactly the same needs, wants and desires as I do

When did I say that?

generic_hippie said:
Get a pie in one hand, a beer in the other, paint their necks red and piss off to the football like all good multicultural Australians should...

At least your starting to get the idea...hehe


He ain't heavy........he's my brother.................................

*love* *acceptance* * compassion* *understanding* *freedom*

just throwing a few words out there.............................




Sounds like compulsory addition of MDMA to the water supply is called for,It was certainly a factor in reducing violence on the football terraces of England.
people who raved together couldnt see the need to beat crap out of others just to inflate their egos.
Maybe time to watch the TSUNAMI footage again ,It always brings ME back to reality.
timtim said:
I'm done, I got nothing to else to say to that "hippy".

So, you are not only a redneck bigot with limited intelligence, you are also completely full of shit.

timtim said:

As far as Pauline Hanson goes she could have very well made it alot further than she did, but lil' Johnny got scared and got her locked up. That simple.
And I didn't like Pauline Hanson FYI, she was just a puppet.

And as far as John Laws and his opinions for sale. That wasn't the case at all. People were jelous of his sponsorsips, its that simple. He still says what he likes, he just has to mention if whoever he is talking about is a sponsor or not. If you ever actually listened to him instead of talking from your arse, you would see if there is a problem with someone or something, he will endevour to fix it. And I agree with him 100% on his thoughts on immigration.

Oh yeah, no I don't expect everyone to speak perfect english, but some would be nice- at least in public. They can do whatever they like in their own home.

Nice non-working link brainiac.

If Pauline was a puppet, who was "pulling her strings" and why did they choose a moron as their spokes-person?

The answer to the second bit is obvious, they chose a moron because they could not find an intelligent racist.

Okay, so John Laws didn't pre-advertise the sale of his opinions. But just for the record timtim, I stopped listening to John Laws specifically because he sold his opinions on Telstra and the Banks, then refused point blank to enter into negotiations over his opinion on the cannabis issue.

The only reason he ever actually confesses to being "sponsored" or having his opinions owned and paid for is because of the ACCC and their prosecution of him.

And, heres a link that works to back up what I'm saying.


Its a link to our national broadcaster, they followed Professor Alan Fels as he kicked John Laws corrupt arse, first over the telstra crapulence, then the banks. I'm sure with a bit of reading and effort you could realign your views with the truth on this matter.

I feel for you timtim, pity mainly, but there are feelings present.

I pity you, and I pity Australia for having such unevolved citizens with such intolerant bigoted views.


I was done with this but now I can't help myself, its soo amusing.

What I think is funny is that hippies claim to be all that peace and love BS, but is that only as long as everyone agrees with you?

So please call me what you like cos its just water off a duck's back to me.
The reality is my way of thinking is the majority, so why would I be upset.
Your in the minority and I guess because of this you feel you need to try and push your beliefs on others.

Oh yeah that link works fine for me, its probably your stone-age CPU.


Active member
Well that 2 page fight has brought an abrupt end to this thread. Pointless and a waste of time. Next time on-topic boiz.



Sorry B,
My intention was not to kill this thread :hijacked: , but merely to give a point of view which I thought was relevant to the topic being discussed.
Having said that I believe it is my right to have an opinion on a subject, whether it be wrong or right, and until I start to bahave like the "animals" rioting across Oz not to be verbally attaked for having this point of view. :fight:
I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'm fine with a multi-cultural society :pimp3: :rasta: :bandit: :smoker: , its when minorities start pushing their beliefs on the majority that I have a problem.
Now I'll elaborate on this so what I say isn't taken out of context. When muslim men treat/call Aussie women sl#ts/Wh#res I have a problem When muslim women are allowed to wear berkas(sp?) into banks I have a problem. When immigrant seem to make no attempt to learn the language I have a problem. But let Ahmed open a kebab shop, or Lee a Chinese takeaway and lead prosperous lives.
Good luck to them I hope they enjoy it cos I enjoy their food. Even if the contents are a bit suspect sometimes..lol
So I hope you can understand where I'm coming from because I don't consider myself a racist or a redneck or a borg and I hope noone else does either.Once again SORRY B, and lets get this thread back on track!

Now for the back on track bit...hehe....
I was talking to my dad tonght, who lives in Bateman's Bay on the South Coast.
And he was saying the Police down there have enforced a 10pm lockdown for all shops, pubs, clubs and sevos.
Apparently the local Aboriginal community and the Rebel Motorcycle gang are fueding.
Two Rebels were stabbed! Not like thats anything new for them.
But the riots seem to be spreading. :fsu:

Oh well what to do but smoke a cone and hope it calms down soon. :smoweed:
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We have alot of English speaking people here in Holland who after many years cannot or will not speak Dutch!Australians included. Not all but some. I agree with most people here. Both sides. But what pisses me off about immigration countries like Australia is this. Everybody who's ass is not aboriginal is either an immigrant or there ancestors were (whites as well) I say if you have a problem with the society (multi-cultural or not) take the boat you Brit/Dutch/German and the list goes on ancestors took and ship your ass back to Europe. Alot of Europeans left their old lives behind and travelled in crappy conditions to Oz. Why??? Not for the kick or because it makes them horny or whatever but because they had no choice. No jobs, no money,famine,religion reasons or whatever. So history repeats itselfs people coming in Oz with the same reason white people came to Australia..to make something better of themselves because there wasn't any life to make in their own trusted enviroment. So I suggest this: foreigners coming to live in Oz adapt yourself with losing yourself. Learn the ways , the language and intergrate. "Native" Australians (only an idiot calls himselves that if he's not aboriginal) learn your freaking history!! I bet you'll find alot in common and maybe some understanding for eachother's situation!!


Thats an interesting point of view you have Brad, and I agree with some of what you say. If I were to move to another country i would definatly make an effort to learn the language.
Did you know that Aboriginals migrated from south-east asia? I guess that mkes them immigrants too. But they were definatly here first. There is no denying that. And I feel ashamed for what my ancestors did to them. Who know what might have become of their race had they been allowed to live life the way they wanted.
It all comes down to this though, English is now Australia's official language and anybody coming here should at least attempt to learn some of it. It would make life much easier for all.
I think racial tensions are sometimes brought about by the language barrier.

Bradpid said:
"Native Australians(only an idiot calls himself that if he's not aboriginal) learn your freaking history!!

Not sure if your refering to me, but I've never once called myself a "Native" Aussie. IMO there is no such thing.
Your just Aussie or your not. And to be Aussie you need to accept others beliefs. And not try and push your own onto them. This is just one of the many qualities that I believe it takes to make a person Aussie. Other things include trustworthiness, willingness to help a mate in trouble, and to always have a go, no matter the circumstances or chances of success....but that's another thread... :off2:.....Now will you all rise for the Nation Anthem.......


Did i ever said I meant you?? Did I write hey TimTim said and TimTim did! No!
Like I said TimTim I agree with both sides. And do think eventhough put extreme that you have a point. Because I believe that most Aussies would like to communicate with those people but aren't able because of language issues or whatever, also I feel that immigrants segregate or isolate themselves alot. Forming groups with people that only look like them. It pisses me off too. If I hear a person come to this country (Netherlands) from like Turkey 30 years ago and still don't speak the language. And yet receive the benefits. But that's just an idividual and I won't use that to generalise a whole population because I also know Turks I went to college with that are lawyers or working in other high-end position and working damn hard. And still those people (immigrants or assylum seekers) who do everything right,still are treated like crap. And other end I see every church here turning into a Mosk. It's hard not to get emotional or have some frustrated thoughts about it. And alot of people find it harder to balance that.Tell me Timtim is this tension only based against people from the Middle-east or also other races or cultures. Just out of curiousity with attacking anyone?
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Hey Brad,
Just to clear something up, I didn't say you were refering to me. I wasn't sure. Don't get me wrong, I don't want this thread to flare up again.
You might be surprised though how similar our views are judging by you last statement.

BrattPid said:
...Tell me Timtim is this tension only based against people from the Middle-east or also other races or cultures. Just out of curiousity with attacking anyone?

I really don't have a problem with any races, not generally,anyway. I take people at face-value. If they treat me right the can expect the same. And the only reason I mention people from the Middle-east is because they seem to be the ones that can't accept the way Australia is, and its not all of them, the majority are decent people.

I hope you mean "withOUT attacking anybody" ...lol

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Yes, we know your opinion, Generic Hippie.
Now can we get on with the topic?
Rather than continue this same shit.
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New member
A lil input from a East Tennessee country boy

A lil input from a East Tennessee country boy

Well friends if there is anyone in here that knows bout homegrown rednecks I feel pretty sure im close to top of the list.Im from the inner city of town bout 500,000 and going thru school which was 60% white 40% black was very interesting.When we go to the bath room we go in pairs or more to keep from getting tag-team by our 40% others.But I was still open-minded and was raised to treat people as I would like to be treated. Well I off and go join the US Coast Guard after hi-school and ended up on the Big Island Of Hawaii at 18yrold in a very small town.Well for ya'll that don't know,They don't care much Whites over there.When I say that Im refering to people that was my age and few yrs older.So I got to see a young age what it felt like to be treated like on other side of the plate.It open my eyes a whole lot and help me to be the 1st to stick my hand out to a newbie from another country,no matter what color,faith,sexual prefernse they might be. Lets all just sit dn and roll a big Fatty and get along LIL HIP


Non Conformist


Very well put LiLHIP !!! and btw I'm not a racist I FUCKIN HATE EVERYBODY ! lol... naaaa jus kidin that would be a true redneck wouldn't it... lol... take care yourselfs and each other goddamn it, life is TOO SHORT !....BC

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