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Pure Blend Pro Info



One Part, Stand Alone Hydro-organic Plant Food

PURE BLEND ™ Pro is a hydro-organic vegetative and fruit and flower formula. A specialty custom blend of organic and natural sources of the essential major, secondary, and trace minerals in 100% soluble form from the land and sea. PURE BLEND ™ Pro produces vigorous lush green vegetation and superior fruits, flowers, and vegetables. When compared to conventional chemical fertilizers, PURE BLEND ™ Pro will provide increased nutritional values and is a healthy, environmentally friendly alternative.

Here are only a few benefits of PURE BLEND ™ Pro. The user will undoubtedly
discover many more benefits in addition to the following:
• Essential elements are not derived from harmful chemicals such as a urea and high concentrates of ammonia nitrate.
• Eliminates the danger of exposing plants (and ultimately the consumer) to toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, selenium, etc. which often occur as contaminates in conventional chemical fertilizers.
• The organic components of PURE BLEND ™ Pro enhance uptake and utilization of plant nutrients.
• Plants acquire increased pathogen resistance and hardiness.
• Metabolic rate and capacity is greatly amplified enabling the grower to produce fruits and vegetables that contain greater amounts of minerals and vitamins that are crucial
for human nutrition.
• The budding, flowering, fruiting capacity of plants is greatly increased.

Derived From:
Fish meal, composted sea bird guano, sea kelp, spirulina, soybean protein extract, rock phosphate, potassium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, humic acid*, fulvic acid*, citric acid*, raw sugar cane*, Agrimineral 72 (silica clay extract)*, ami no acids*, B-complex vitamins*, and select botanical plant extracts*.
*Non plant food ingredients

PURE BLEND PRO ™ Soil Formula
Hydro-organic Fruit and Flower Soil Formula

American Agritech has specially formulated this organic bloom nutrient formula for plants cultivated in soil and for the final ripening of fruit in the last stage of hydro-organic gardening.

Cultivating fruiting and flowering plants in hydroponics requires less phosphorous levels than potassium and even nitrogen. In hydroponics, phosphorous levels that are too high tend to lock out calcium, magnesium and trace minerals. On the other hand, plants grown in soil need higher phosphorous levels due to clay colloidal particles that bind up phosphorous. Microbes in the soil also compete for the phosphorous.When cultivating fruiting and flowering plants in soil, growers usually need to double or triple phosphorous levels, unlike hydroponics, thus making the 1.5-4-5 formula ideal for soil applications.


Interesting info pirated

Interesting info pirated

Seeing as all of yah are very into believing that your nutrients are organic , and for the purpose of debate i have a question.
if PBP is actually organic, then how do you explain the ability to precicely measure your nute strength? how does your hoaglin salt meter (aka your "ppm, tds, ec pen or wand) acurately read a nutrient which supposedly has no salts in it?
fact:1 organics do not register on a tds/ec meter.
fact:2 the only organic solution by pb is the original, and their sea blast.
fact:3 neither of these(orginalpb/seablast) works on their own or combined for hydro.

ive kinda dropped out of the thread for a while, but after a new string of pms arguing to the contrary i kinda brushed up on the thread.bottom line is that if your pen reads a specific ppm that resembles a salt formula(chem) IE...300-500-1500ppm or tds, then there is a salt formula in your bottle.it is not the silica that makes it non certifiable its the hydro/salt/chem nutes.
dont believe everything you read.the correct name for the ingredients is a guaranteed minimum analysis. it suposedly guarantees you a minimum of at least said ammount of these specific ingredients. it is not a guarantee of all ingredients in solution. if it was organic your meter would actually need a new tip, cause it would be broken. for you to have similar ec strengths to a chem nutes then there is chem nutes in it.
i challenge anyone in here to get to 1350 ppm with two to three tbsp per gallon using guanos spirulina bone meal blood meal fish meal rock phos and so on , it wont happen. second try to run said tea into your hydro set up and watch in horror as you experience total nutrient lockout.
second of all go to the next national hydro convention(they are free to the public) and ask dr. Tule he will be there and he will tell you, cause he made it.
you dont have to like me , or the truth, but science and fact outweighs rumor and untruth everytime.hoaglin salt meters register salt formulas (metal salts)

do you need to flush your organics? yes!
organic or not metals dont burn.potassium/magnesium will not burn(your bowl wont clear) if they are in too high a concentration. nitrogen is also very harsh on the throat and lungs, all herb organic or inorganic should be properly flushed.
you guys who dont change your res will see an imediate increase in vigor and yield if you start to do so. every two weeks at the least. every week is better. a plant is the only orginism that eats and shits through the same orofice(roots) letting them sit in their own sewage for two months might not actually be ideal, but thats up to you to decide.
all in all this is a great thread,
have paid the price for the pbp and ran it, folks think that because i have a dissenting opinion i havent obviously tried their perfect solution. when in fact i used to sell the stuff for botanicaire.
for the better part of three years i had enough samples and freebies to do everything i wanted with the stuff. again im not claiming your stuff isnt the goods, doesnt taste great or have an organic feel to it.im not claiming that you all dont have great smoke, im sure you do. but if you all are running ppms over 400 which some of the folks in this thread are running 1350+ ,there is no way that fish meal and guanos +spirulina can do this. there is salt based nutrients in it. thats what chem nutes are. metal salts.
any use of a ppm or tds/ec meter with true organics is a vague educated guess at best. do you think that botanicaire doesnt want this product to be labeled certified organic? of course they would like it cause thats the in sales thing right now.
again you dont have to believe me, but try some fish/guano tea
in a bucket. let it ferment and bubble some air in it. mix it according to the instructions, in fact double or triple it. now with fish bieng from the ocean(salty) your gonna be in for a surprise. stick your meter into it. it wont register 2-300ppm more than your water out the tap. why is this? organics arent that salty.period...
metanaturals and earth juice(plus foxfarm bigbloom) are the only
truly organic nutes available. and neither works that well as a stand alone hydro nute. pbp is a blend of two botanicaire products.
one bieng the original totally organic pb. the other bieng the one part hydro product called power plant/flower. power flower/plant is a chem nute pb the organic and there you have it pbp.
they have done this with other products as well. liquid karma is a blend of the product blast off, and a few extra natural ingredients.
ive used all of their products and again dont believe all you hear.
buy this product because its available and it works, dont buy it to try to uphold your totally organic hydro reputation that has been established with your custies.
and by the way i dont agree. it cost to much for too little. ive achieved better yields and quality with salts in hydro, and better yields and quality with fish kelp and guanos totally organic in soil.
at the price they charge at the local retail per gallon you could seriously afford to try and experiment.
i get my information from treg. he is the president of botanicaire and has been with the company for over 15 yrs, i also have spoken with the creator himsself dr. tule and this is what they told me. if your local hydro guy tells you otherwise i would no longer take advice on these products from him.call the 1-800 number and ask why your ppm meter reads so acurately. they are not shy they are not trying to fool anyone the product is clearly labeled Hydro/Organic ,but you read it and are interpreting the definition differently thats on you. its a blend and they are not required by law to list all the ingredients.
in fact im all for it. i sold more of this stuff than practilly any other nutrient in my three years in front of the register.it works great and is user friendly, for both newbie or pro. if you want to get into the 2+ per light club this isnt the road folks. use it cause it works and the product it produces is quality not because your a stickler for hydro organics....

Take this for what it's worth but I read it and was alot more informed because of it.

Pirated from Rasta/JD on OG

Last edited:


Post a pick over in the grow equip. forum.

Start a new thread there



Interesting read Tex and it does make since. Still seems strange though that American Agritech would put in there own 2004 Urban Garden Source Book page 66 in the FAQs.
Question: Which American Agritech products are completely organic?

Answer: Liquid Karma, Pureblend, Pureblend Pro, Clearex, and Activit are each completely organic.

Question: What should my ppm read during each phase of growth?

Answer: It is hard to get true reading when using organic nutrients.

Confucious says WTF.


I do know there is a difference in some organic certifications and being able to state 100% Organic.

I don't track the salt arguement and ppm determining organic content.

Now what will say though is I have got killer results using only trace amonts of nutes(300-500). Not a real significant increase as I've raised the nute levels.

It is also talking about using it as a stand alone nute.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Originally posted by Texas Kid

Now what will say though is I have got killer results using only trace amonts of nutes(300-500). Not a real significant increase as I've raised the nute levels.


Are these your words Tex? You said that your girls were at 1300-1400 out of veg and then dropped to 1100 for first week of flower with a half and half mix of pbp veg and flower. So therefore the 300-500 you talk about was either in early veg or late flower correct?



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Keep It Simple Stupid K.I.S.S.

Keep It Simple Stupid K.I.S.S.

I still cannot get over the fact that after all these weeks of postings and readings and even a new organic forum page I'm right back where we started, At least I have come full circle to what Tex was saying in the beginning, Watch your girls,hell they'll tell ya what they want I don't really go by ppm per say I just do what they tell me and use the bottle as a baseline. This is what you told me Tex, And once again I thank You for teaching me something in a few weeks that has taken you a few years learn. There weeds for christ sake they grow wild you said. I'll get some new pics up tomorrow Tex a little short but just starting to bulk up. Have'nt had to slap'em any more since I quit trying to split atoms and let these damn weeds do what they have been doing for millions of years. Tuff Love I guess you can say. There freakin weeds, dammit that some funny shit.


Okie grown

Active member
pbp is mostly organic

pbp is mostly organic

PB reg. is totatly organic.But pbp cannot be omri cetified because there something in it that omri dont concider 100% organic (or some crap).But Texas kid can vouch for this pbp with cal-mag and liquid k is organic enouf.Throw in bio bizz top max for a top booster.And i dont think that combo can be beat.


It's much more effective to just watch them bitches. Problem here , add this and that.

I have tried so many variations wth the mix of PBP and as a stand alone nute without the LK, CalMag, Silica, Seaweed Blast, and bud booster it doesn't matter if you use a little or alot of the PBP, it's the ammendments that kick it up


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Texas Kid said:
I have tried so many variations wth the mix of PBP and as a stand alone nute without the LK, CalMag, Silica, Seaweed Blast, and bud booster it doesn't matter if you use a little or alot of the PBP, it's the ammendments that kick it up

I've been thinking of trying PBP some time coming up, so this is great advice for me. DOing a great job Modding TK.

GreatLakes THC


very interesting and at the same time, "do not take what your read for the truth"
Do your research and decide what the fact's tell you.

I am not sure about the TDS reading of what you consider organic, as I take it that mean's what come's from mother earth, or from other animal's; texas kid?
Just asking.

I am not educated enough in organic's to argue, but how long does a organic reservoir take to stew before organic benefit's take place?

I am just wanting to further educate myself and understand thing's, weather I use them or not.

I am switching strain's each run, so I can not do a comparison from one grow to the next, but I have down two basically the same way wit PBP and result's have been okay, but I had mite problem's each time.

Just goe's to prove never thing they are gone even when they are, as they do return.
The borg live's on and on.

I ran 60 day's with out a change to the reservoir with a drip system, 20 gal res topped off with 200 plus gallon's of RO water in that time.

I basically started out at 1/4th strenth mix and worked up to full strength and then there was the scheduled additive's. Top of water was with 15ml of bloom mix up to day 40 for floral cycle. I am not saying this is right, it is just what I did.
TDS level's at a point was higher than what my meter read's, but the plant's seemed to love it and grow for me. The other reason I pushed it so high is because I was dealing with spider mite's and felt the needed all the help possible.

I see I found a site that offer's me a chance to learn more and grow better.

grow safe.


Pure Blend Pro is not 100% certified organic because of the addition of some of the components in Power flower and one other one that I have to look up that are not 100% organic sources. The readings on the PBP are much higher than the same mix of the original Pure Blend which is 100% organic. The higher concentrations of nutrients do not show on the meter the same way as with the PBP does.

I have reverted back to the original Pure Blend hydro formulas and the ammendments Cal-Mag, Liquid Karma, and Top Max as a bloom booster. I will also continue to use a little Silica Blast early to mid veg as well.

But my TDS/EC meter reads much much lower than the PBP equivilant mix.

I am also looking at doing a Metanatruals organic grow also in the next little bit. The best I can tell there are only two or three companies that have 100% certified organic regimes. Pure Blend(original formula), Metanatruals, and Fox farm all have a nute regime combination that can stay all 100% organic.

Still reading and learning myself so I will keep looking for the advantage over these bitches and pass it on.



Bio Bizz is great but I have been gettin wierd feedback from people using their whole line as well as from Bio Bizz distributors.

They have had a bad batch or something and have recalled certain batch numbers of their product. It seems that the smell of rancid or ritten meat has been a common problem lately for alot of Bio Bizz users(not just BG). Several claim the smell has caused undo attention being brought just from the smell and try to dispose of the reservior mixes.

I only use the Topmax and not the whole line so I personally have not experienced the smell. I tseems to be the combination of the nutes that cause the smell and not the individual additives.

Age Old Organics is on my list for research as well as Metanatruals



TK: How often I find the info you post useful. Been getting ready to do the switch to hydro/organic (been growing in soil), so I've been reading up a bit on everything I should probably know. I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to use a tds tester (effectivly) in a hydro-organic setup, but I was on the edge of buying one... should I not? I will have access to regular PB for veg (if I like), but I was planning on using GH Flora Nova Bloom for flowering... I'm guessing that's a chemical organic mix (like the PBP, as you mentioned); will I still be able to put a tds tester to proper use? And will the part organic affect the readings? If so, what PPM would you rec. with the Flora Nova Bloom? Almost PMed this question to ya, but figured your answer may provide help for others, as well. Thanks!


Think I found the answers out for myself; sorry for intruding on this thread. Feel free to still answer if you like Tex, but after searching the treads I know I'll still need that tds tester, and that the flora nova is indeed not all organic... which I should have already known since I found a previous thread of my own where that was already mentioned LOL Gotta love a stoner :) Actually, I still do have a question... however it is probably a very very newbie(ish) question: How exactly do you flush a hydroponics system? Do you just add a product like clearex and wait so long before you change the reservoir? If so, how long do you wait after you add it? I may be way of track, but I'm hoping you (or anyone else) can put me on track. Thanks!... again!


Flushing is done many way's and I am sure some will say that is wrong and this is right.

I am not sure which is the best way or the right way.

Some like to start a flush cycle of water a few week's before harvest. They just drain out nutrient's and refill with ph corrected water and let the plant's feed on this. The first few hour's of it being used it will increase in TDS. Some will run the first batch of water 24 hour's, drain it out, refill with fresh water and start feeding again.

A healthy plant can survive a few week's on water alone with the stored nutrient's that are in the plant.

I tired the clearex product, not impressed with it, it might be good on the removal of nutrient's from medium, but I do not think it flushed the plant's all that good, but then maybe I did not wait long enough for them to plant's to use up stored nutrient's.

The idea of the flush is to have the plant use it's stored nutrient's up before harvest occur's so that they are not smoked.

I do not like a two week flush as I feel I am takeing the food away to soon. I like to push them as long as I can then I pour a gallon of water down each planter, drain the reservoir, refill with plain water, and run the system like usual. I watch the TDS to peak, then I drain and refill with fresh water again. It take's a few time's of doing this before TDS level's in the water get to a low and stay there.

Some day a grower will get the meter's to measure NPK value's and take them before the flush and then again after to find exactly how long one need's to do it before the plant is clean. I just feel it is only a matter of day's in good condition's and not week's.

I am sure the brand of nutrient's is a biggy in this one as I am sure some leave more behind than other's.

I am sure there are alot of grower's that do not flush, but I have tried non flush and flushed bud with PBP nute's and personally I feel the flushed smoke's better and is much smoother. Taste and aroma seem's to be stronger in the flushed bud also.
Just my observation on it.

grow safe.
