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Prices in nordic countries ?!



Hello folks,

Im planning a caravan trip with a few frends to the great scandinavia :D . The trip starts in denmark, then up by the swedish coast and back down by the norwegian coast. We are heading north in the end of june/early july. Im wondering what are the prices per gram up there. Is it worth to risk and bring homegrown stuff ?



Denmark has the cheapest cannabis in Scandinavia. Since it's closer to the mainland of Europe.

What the prices are there I don't know.
Here in Sweden you get hashish from 400-500 kronor for 5g. 80-100 Kr per gram.
For grass the price is between 500-600 kr per 5g.

100g of hashish costs about 4000-6000kr

What country are you planning to bring the weed from? If you travel by plane, don't take it with you.

By car it is almost risk free. Especially if you travel across the borders to Sweden when people are coming home from their jobs in Copenhagen.

By the way, the further north you go the more expensive the cannabis is.
So if you start your journey in Sweden from Malmö, buy it there or in Stockholm or Gothenburg.

I have no clue about the prices in Norway.


i've brought weed from finland to denmark and visa versa with car and in plane. wouldn't necessarily suggest the plane thing but with car there's basically no risk.

i think norway is the most expensive of all scandinavia. i've heard bud can go all the way up to 20e / g. here in finland homegrown buddage is about 10-15g the quality varies alot. hash is crap, 10-12 e /g wouldn't suggest that to anyone, seems all we get is leftovers.


I thought it was more expensive :D. 2 of us are starting from slovenia, 2 from italy. And travell with motorbikes up till north Germany. Here we are going to hire a motorhome or car+caravan. and proceed through denmark ,sweden , norway. Im paying 10€ per gram here when I dont have my own pot. There are no borders between any of the countries we are going through so basicly there is no way cops can find it. Troubles can come up only between denmark and sweden and between sweden and norway.


I hope you will have a lot of fun on your vacation.
Please tell us later about it.
keep in mind you can go to Christiania in Copenhagen and buy out in the open. I was there last summer and things were still open and up for sale. Glad to hear those numbers from Koi... I pay the same, so it's good to know I'm not getting ripped off (more than usual).


Yeah, gotta love Christiania :D . Ive been there last year (university trip) and love the ambient. In slovenia we have a similar self-proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood. Its called Metelkova City (an old austro-hungarian military area). The problem is that we have undercover cops here that act english tourists and try to buy weed from you :YaRight: .


Hey, sure sounds a real good time that trip :)

The prices in Norway is as being said here very high, the standard price for a gram of anything worth smoking (you get crap for less) is 150kr/€17, but if you don't know anyone here that has hookups I think you will have a very hard time of finding any good stuff. If you do happen to find a good hookup Norway has some real good stuff on offer.

My suggestion would be to stock up in christiania, but I would be very cautious bringing it to Norway. Crossing the border isn't quite as easy as it's being made out by some other people here, they have checks 24h and they have a dog. And I would imagine a caravan is a prime suspect for smuggling. There are however MANY very small roads between Norway and Sweden, it might be worth getting a good road map and looking into it, if you are bringing a lot. 15grams smuggled will get you a fine of 10000kr/€1130, anything above 15 grams and you will be prosecuted.

Have a good time, Scandinavia is beautiful!


Active member
Good thing youre skipping Finland because:

Most of the finish people are serious A+ grade wankers, scared of anyone who is a little bit diffrent, if you smile or look someone in the eyes or even say hello people might think that youre schizofrenic weird or something..... Also finnish cant express their feelings when sober and alcohol is worshiped harder here than the muslims worship islam , most of the people consume it so big amounts that they begin to remind of cp retards or worse.Youll know what im talking about once you see the night life, Galigula is softcore compared to finish overdosedrunkenstylemaraton. You can also get away easier from rape if the person wears provoke clothes here, and Finland will always forgive you no matter what you have done as long as you did it drunk. (The law here is just so sick i wanna puke)

Still there is also good people here who can use their own brains and therefore have own opinions and really understand things. My lives biggest sins have been graffiti and using drugs and there are times iwe been threaten worse than a serial killer and sentenced harder than a pedofile by the law and police, humiliated time after time and civil rights broken.

About the cannabis scene, most likely you will get your hands om some soapbar at price 10-12€/g or glass bud at 12-15€/g both sold by somalian or arab "city" hustlers (<- cheaters).

The regular citizen in finland fears DRUGS (dont matter if its canna or heroin its all DRUGS and illegal here)its feared more than gaysex, rapers even brutal violence is more o.k than using DRUGS.
Sweden is great, so is Denmark, never been to Norway but ill tell you a small story about
when the swedish people first sailed with their big ships and came to explore finland they found the finish people sitting up in a tree and pulling their finger out of their arse and wondering what was smelling so bad, so that explains pretty much how much behind things are here. Also a reason to all health care, well being issues, politics pretty much everything a lightyear behind is because finland has been least independent of all scandinavian countries.

I just wanna warn you because i live here and i hate this place so much i have no choice left than start planning moving to Sweden/Portugal/Spain etz.... and i would be really glad if i was planning a vacation somewhere and someone would warn me if my route might include a country similar to this (i dont think such exist but still).

Seriously, this is not a joke and im not making this up, im sure 99% of the icmag finish division will back these things up and even have worse to add, every man or woman here who chooses to enjoy DRUGS and tries to be his/her own master have walked a hard and rocky road 4-sure.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Kiree is 'tight' in finnish, thought u were finnish too. Good luck with the trip dude :smile::abduct:


Thank you all for the advices, I guess someone will have to hike through the forests to cross the border with the stuff :D.

Stombe...man, you really made me laugh with this one :D . Finland must be a funny country :D. How do you aproach girls in finland if people are so "cold" ?

The cops thing happens almost everyday, but the point of this isnt really to bust stoners. Thos cops are new recruits that are just "learning" and they are like "Me Tarzan, Me English, you sell me weed"...sure you are english, now get the fu*k outta here! They dont arrest anybody, cause they dont want riots and stuff like that.

The kiree nick is just a thing with my name :D

Sweet Inc.

Theres some truth in Stombes words. A lot, actually. No real chance of scoring DRUGS here unless u know people.
Hope you have a wicked road trip!


Active member
Like Canada is close to USA and the US again close to Mexico i still think there are big diffrences between these countries, same thing here, smaller perspective.
It's impossible to really understand/experience how something feels, how things are or something works. Example you could read everything (written on paper, internet, pdf files) about LSD or psychedelics (from guides to efects to trip reports videos etz) over and over and over thousands of times studying all the info there is.
But without REAL LIFE experience you can only get like an idea of the big picture or whole function of something.
I always see pretty quick when i meet a new person if he is more what i like to call "bookish/study smart" or "wisdom of life smart", im the definetly more into learning from life itself than reading something written by someone always saying what it says.
Someone (maybe even someones :D ) would think that im crazy complaining about how i think and feel about living in finland when i have electrizity, pure water, free education, snowman in my backyard and pimp my deluxe welfare and the freedom of voting on a finish folk singer with blue ugly glasses to a former rally driver with alcohol problems to a skinhead built by steroids and shooting with a 9mm like its the wild wild west ... oh yes... the right to vote is the privledge im most grateful of.

Cannabis really helps to expand consciousness and puts some things up and others down on the important/unimportant list. It makes it easy to learn how to use youre own brains, for the first time real own opinions. I feel this big need to change my way of living, where im living and be the smart man of my own life not just reading some old book wrote by this and that genious then and then... because its all pre thought, and can really in worse case block your own growth of knowledge and mind from getting closer to ZENMASTER stage. I like drugs i need drugs and drugs have been really important to me in my life so it is obvious that this just cant be the crib of my taste.

I would trade my "HPS hydro sauna" for a hut by the beach and a sativa outdoor field in Bangladesh or Nepal.

Even if someone has read all the cookbooks in the world does not guarantee that he would know how to boil potatoes

Oh... and how cold people meet girl + boy = baby etz.... well simple as hell, alcohol makes you warm and social and brave, with koskenkorva it is also easy to start a fire .... there are a lots of singles here, and well i guess big % of marriages ends with divorce, what else is new. In my opinion the Finish women are much ahead of the men in most issues, cant tell for sure.


Men, I like your mentality...same here...when cops used to come to high school for the drug education stuff, it was like all drugs are bad and they will kill you. When it came to acid/lsd the cop said " this is one of the most dangerous drugs around, there is a high probability of death if you take it and there are many reports of deaths by lsd ". By that time I ve tried lsd 2-3 times (and never later because canna is enough for me :D). And I said " Ive taken LSD and didnt die, so didnt my friends, and there arent many deaths that can be linked drirectly to LSD, I know a guy in my town that died of aspirine and I didnt of LSD, how do you like that ?! " His answer was " Thats the reason why Im a respected police officer and you wont attend anything in your life"

Well...some years have passed and I can clearly say that I have a better life than he has and have more experience with this than him. So I guess I will do a better job with my kids (when I will make them :D) if I will find them smoking or taking other drugs.

Slovenia is the 4th country in the world for deaths by suicide. I dont understand why is this happening, because more or less its a nice coutry to live in (free education, free healthcare, cheap homes for new parents and so on). I hate what happens with the political system (corruption, greed for money...). Just look at the "PATRIA" thing :D . Here people MUST have good cars to show their wealth (thats typical for slovenians). They would live of bread and water only but will drive a cool car
. You can easily see a factory worker that earns almost nothing in a bmw 530...then when he loses his job ---> suicide

aaaahhhh...too much off topic :D


Put up some pictures please. We never see anything at all from Scandinavia.
The mountains, the lakes and rivers. Abba aside i have never seen the beauty and i offer my olive branch of friendship.

Sweet Inc.

Put up some pictures please.

These kinda views should be common in scandinavia... I still wanna get to Norway just for the views of the and salmon, awsum!!

Livin in Finland is, I guess, at best very debateably semi compromisingly good. Yeah, figure that out... No real problems or perks.
Good government support, cases may vary:smile:. I've lived in Europe and Africa, been around some, and I still find myself coming back here.
Stombe's depiction of Finland is pretty accurate, but from (I think, no pun intended here:dueling:) a frustrated view like mine.
Tourism is one of the biggest growing industries, we can't all be assholes can we:D?

Best things in life aren't given to you by governments, obviously.
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
How do you aproach girls in finland if people are so "cold" ?

Ah, u be very, very drunk! And hope the female in question is too. Just to increase the odds.. That's how Stombe met his, too :smile:




These are a few examples of Norways varied nature :)






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