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Orange Spiced Mead


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
just plain white table sugar or is there something that might be a little better?

Don Cotyle

Plain white table sugar, brown sugar, etc. basically any type of sugar you like!

You can even use Splenda sugar substitute, but, it will settle out and must be reshaken before being served!

You can check out some of the major wine supplies places and do a search for sweetening wines, they have some other alternatives you can use! I've always used plain white sugar or brown!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
cool. i think im gonna find some fresh juice to top them off if needed, and just let them go from there.... is 3 weeks too early to bottle? its not really fermenting anymore.. dont think its gonna go too much farther.

Don Cotyle

I wouldn't use fresh juice as it will probably contain particals and may cause cloudiness! 3 weeks does sound early even if fermentation has stoped. What you want is a nice clear...crystal clear end product!!! No you don't have to let it all settle out, but if you don't it will settle out after bottled and you'll have sediment, when the bottle is later opened and poured your wine will be cloudy and not very attractive it will also not have the best taste!!! You want to let your wine settle out completley, give it time, when you rack don't get into the seddiment at all, you can allways top off with good water, it won't affect the taste or looks as you'll only be topping off!

My Tropical Rasin Jack has been setting for almost 3 months after fermentation has stoped and now it's finally ready to rack and sweeten...patients is the name of the game when makeing wine. If you want you can go ahead and rack and sweeten and let it sit for a while longer and you'll probably see another 1/4 to 1/2" of sediment!

If you'r in a hurry you can allways add pectin or is it glucerin to your wine and it will remove the sediment from your wine almost overnight...but you'll still have a very young wine that may not reach it's full potential for a year or 2 down the road!
Dandylion wine must sit for 2 years after it's settled out and re-sweetened before it tastes (right) good, some say 3 years is better =P Patients my friend!


Active member
Thank you guys! I have been looking for a simple (ancient style) mead recipe for a lil while. Sorry I only read to about page 3, but has anyone tried adding resin or bud to this recipe?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
thanks don.. when i said fresh juice i meant like clear apple juice. to the ciders, instead though i racked the cider again, and added brown sugar, and put it back into storage, its now turning this rich dark, amber color.
and the mead, i racked again, added 5 crushed camden tabs, and another lb of honey and topped with fresh water, the sweetness is perfect. both of them will sit in the 5 gal for a few more weeks like you suggest, i need to be patient with it. i did however get a line on some super duper fresh pressed cider, that will be turning into a cran-cherry spiced holiday hard cider. thats gonna be a goodie.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
tequila_sunrise said:
Thank you guys! I have been looking for a simple (ancient style) mead recipe for a lil while. Sorry I only read to about page 3, but has anyone tried adding resin or bud to this recipe?
Glad you like the recipe tequila_sunrise! If I were you, I'd be sure to follow the revisions that Don posted up. The original recipe comes out VERY sweet. :yoinks: Sorry, but I've never had enough smoke on hand to mess around w/mixing it w/alcohol. Soon though maybe. Have you ever tried this?

Don Cotyle

MMMmmmm!!! Fresh cider! A friend of mine who lives right off a resivoir gets a 50 gallon barell every fall and keeps it in a heated garage that's attached to his house. A wooden barell he's had for a very very long time. He drilled a hole in the side which is basically the top, he has the barell rested on it's side in a rack he build out of wood. He keeps an s-airlock in the hole he drilled and lets it sit till late spring! The bung is 3" off the bottom(which is the real top, again because it's sitting on it's side) just high enough so it dosen't draw any of the settled residue up! We go over there alot to go fishing and hunting and ya have to have 2 big 16oz tumblers of his HARD Cider!!! It's a little cloudy but it does taste good, kinda tart and natural and ya get a nice little buzz from it! His dad used to do the same thing.

Glad you found a good sorce, should make some nice wine from it!!! So you like my re-sweetening process, glad it worked out OK for ya!!! That's how I do it!

Well my Tropical Rasin Rack STILL hasn't settled out...looks like I'm gonna have to get some glecerin after all!