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Ohio is gonna be the SHIT next year when medical is passed...


Active member
Ohio has the worst med law in the nation. No home growing and no smoking the herb. Anyone with a record cannot partake in med cultivation. I'm sure the permits are expensive as well.

We have almost a dozen acres growing hay. Love to grow some herb. I'm a felon so that's a no go.

With the Republicans in control if the City, County, State and Nation. I could see the few med grows allowed and few shops that are going to open, being harassed/busted. It's about an hour to 2 different FBI offices.

Ohio sucks!


Active member
Just seen on the news, only 24 grow permits. 12 large and 12 small, for a state with a population of 12 million people.

Like being given the option form a last meal, shit stew or shit sand-which.


large = 1.5 million in escrow to apply
small= 150k in escrow to apply

I don't think that includes the 200k and 20k app/permit fee for each diff size. Really sucks the life out of a smaller company looking to grow slowly. Shoot you need to bring in corporate backing just to apply. Going to dictate company culture as a greed machine, and stress out the whole op. Those investors looking for immediate returns means the patient loses. Really sad about this. Its where I am from, but man am I glad I moved west long ago!

Easy7 go online and you can sign up for the newsletter. most of that info has been out for weeks to months.


Well-known member
For something they didn’t seem to want to something that somebody looks to cash in on. 200 large just for a permit?? 200k X 12 = almost 2.5 mil in fees (just in the ante).


Active member
Can't find the news letter.

What's the count or limitations for small and large grows?

Still can't do it as having a record. Strange, as I can grow tobacco and brew beer or distill alcohol federally bonded. Just for some reason they think felon and weed equals something evil.

They can still suck a dick for all I care.


Active member
Quick glance online and it looks like federal distilling bonds are 25k. It would cost more than that for facility and gear.

I'd rather if I could grow recreational federally bonded. Might not happen in this life time. Would be a lot of competition out there as well. They haven't even began to dig that well.

I don't think it would be all big biz either. Not everyone would be able to do it. Not everyone would want to do it. It wouldn't be all norcal or huge farms in Kansas. I'd be happy with 1-5 mil a year. Have 300 amps in a nice basement on a farm growing hay. Just itching to make some bucks that don't eat hay!


the app and permit structure is broken down as: 20k for the app and 180k in permit fee if granted, for level 1, plus the 1.5 in escrow.
Op sizes were : level 1 25000 sqft and level 2 3000 sqft


I encourage you to stay up to date with email updates as all rules are in flux. Also public comment plays a very large role in the development of the regs. I saw it first hand here in Sonoma Co. The public shut down rural residential, which are minimum 1 acre plots, and rural Ag where you can have any other Ag enterprise except cannabis.
They are not going to come after you for stating your opinion, I urge all in the community to be active. The so called "experts" whose word they are relying on have their own interests in mind!


Active member
What's some figures for how large plants could get in Ohio with indoor veg time?

Never could grow full day all day sun spots. Never could bring huge plants outdoors.

It will be interesting to see what Ohio soil & sun can do.


Invertebrata Inebriata
The good news is these stupid laws will probably keep the whole thing underground where the real money is. AND- The reason so much good weed has come out of the Ohio River Valley all these years, is that you could make some real money growing it, and that encouraged research and competition.

But politicians in the Midwest don't get that, are you kidding? They are about 50-100 years behind in their thinking, so putting your faith in those assholes is a big waste of time.


Invertebrata Inebriata
What's some figures for how large plants could get in Ohio with indoor veg time?

Never could grow full day all day sun spots. Never could bring huge plants outdoors.

It will be interesting to see what Ohio soil & sun can do.

Lots of people been growing outdoors in the Midwest for decades!

All that FFA knowledge applied to our plant starting back in the 70's.


Active member
Mmm no

Huge difference between growing in all day sun feeding and watering as many plants as possible as much as possible, than hiding every aspect of growing.

Same lat as Humboldt with very different weather.

100 plants grown to monsters would be caught for sure the way it's been. Ohio never had easy restrictions and the med law is nothing like out west.

Just curious on tactics if things turn recreational.


Well-known member
Just curious on tactics if things turn recreational.
That will never happen unless by the vote of the people and then it will be regulated to hell. Or it’s de-scheduled federally but that will also come with restrictions.

You can easily grow multi-pounders outdoors.


Active member
Yes but planning on popping seeds mid may and in the ground late may after frost is different strategy than huge indoor veg plants going out. 4 pound 65 gallon pots verses 300 gallon 10 or 15 pounders.

No one knows what Ohio can do best. The few med growers may or may not share much.

I could never risk that sunny of a spot for huge plants. Also I say rec will be federally legal in 20 years. Let's try to make it as soon and best as we can.


Well-known member
It’s amazing the diversity of climate in OH. Down in the river valley it’s a much longer season plus by taking advantage of microclimes can even be longer. As mentioned, the legal/political climate is a hindrance. A little different than Cali whose had medical in place since the 90’s.

I believe all the current proposed medical in OH is under roof.


New member
Looking for like minded people in MY area

Looking for like minded people in MY area

Hello Group,

I am new to the area and looking to get with like-minded people. Anyone in the Dayton area? I am an advocate for Cannabis and have a lot of book knowledge but no practical experience :-( I have NEVER chatted online before in this manner, so I am not really sure what to expect. I'm sending positive energies that this will be a great avenue to meet people who have first-hand experience.


ICMag Donor
Hello Group,

I am new to the area and looking to get with like-minded people. Anyone in the Dayton area? I am an advocate for Cannabis and have a lot of book knowledge but no practical experience :-( I have NEVER chatted online before in this manner, so I am not really sure what to expect. I'm sending positive energies that this will be a great avenue to meet people who have first-hand experience.

Do hope the cann measure passes.

And you'll find some Buckeyes on here. Enjoy learning and hopefully growing soon!


Indicas make dreams happen
So what's the deal with Ohio's current medical laws? You can have non-smokeable forms, but is there a single medical patient in the state?


Active member
It's a farce.

Ohio is run by republicans. It's like a thousand trumps all running around butt ramming eachother and everyone else.

Republicans ride on the back of Christain churches. Made people believe it's the righteous party. No dope, no gays, no abortions, lot's of guns is their motto.